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Look, let me say this once and for all - what you think MY SITE should be like doesn't matter one iota.  I didn't create it to make money; it'll be here whether 100,00 people visit it a month or only 10.  If you can't comprehend why I should choose to let others (and myself) discuss things other than Stooges in what is the least important part of the entire site, then you are free to take your dumb ass elsewhere.  If you can't be mature enough to ignore things that you don't like then go make your own site dedicated to the Stooges and do with it as you please, but don't try to tell me what "belongs" on my own fucking web site.

Is THAT clear enough?   ::)

Wow, what a LITTLE man you really are, resorting to namecalling and me, myself and I demeener.  I came to you with respect to try to inlighten you on my views, never once calling you names although I did bring up Ron Paul so maybe that is why you are so bitter.  Hey, I'm a dumb redneck who sits on the porch at night with an ice tea and staring at the stars ( so maybe I am a DUMBASS) who respects other people without belittling.  If we would like to get personal I think you have lied, have been hypocritical, and quite frankly ARROGANT.  I've been a part of this site for 2 years and have greatly enjoyed many aspects of the site especially from BEASTOOGE, nonetheless this will be my last post as I will now be a guest.

Offline JazzBill

Come on..... What's going on here? This is really getting ridiculous.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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LOL! All this attack at Rob over some Police video?? Now that's funny! You know, you guys can post political threads as well. Everyone is free to post non-stooge threads. It was never a rule that all threads had to be stooge-related. Heck! There's even Baseball threads that are even posted here and I could care less about them since I don't watch baseball. So, I ignore them. That's why I never post in them.

Offline Curly4444

LOL! All this attack at Rob over some Police video?? Now that's funny! You know, you guys can post political threads as well. Everyone is free to post non-stooge threads. It was never a rule that all threads had to be stooge-related. Heck! There's even Baseball threads that are even posted here and I could care less about them since I don't watch baseball. So, I ignore them. That's why I never post in them.

What you don't like baseball. Are you sure your a guy??  ;D [pie]

Offline Dunrobin

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What cheesed me off, Chad, is your continuing insistence that we shouldn't discuss other things in a message board on a site that is otherwise dedicated to the Stooges.  I think that's a nonsensical demand, and frankly it's not your call.  I don't take kindly to people trying to boss me around on my own property, as you can probably tell.  Whether you continue to participate on this site is up to you.


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What you don't like baseball. Are you sure your a guy??  ;D [pie]

I don't have time to watch sports. I like watching movies better.

Let's Go Mets! Oh wait! Are you a Yankee fan? You're probably not even from NY, are you? :-[

Offline Curly4444

No, the Mets are pond scum, and the Yankees are evil.  >:D

Cardinals forever!!

Offline metaldams

No, the Mets are pond scum, and the Yankees are evil.  >:D

Cardinals forever!!

I just crushed my roomate in MLB THE SHOW 10 12 - 0.  I was St. Louis, he was Pittsburgh.  2 home runs for Pujols, and Chris Carpenter throws a 5 hit shut out.  I love that game because you actually need to have knowledge about baseball to be good at it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

I just wanna say these past couple of days have been a tad crazy on this board.  Should we unleash Slipp from his kennel just to get the full effect?   >:D
- Doug Sarnecky


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I must admit, I went to far, I did this with my boss when Obama was running and honestly thought he was going to fire me.  I don't know its kinda fun to screw with people , who knows metaldams, you might be next with your damn cardinals.

Offline Dunrobin

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I must admit, I went to far, I did this with my boss when Obama was running and honestly thought he was going to fire me.  I don't know its kinda fun to screw with people , who knows metaldams, you might be next with your damn cardinals.

I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but since you admit that much I'm giving you one more chance to act like an adult.


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I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but since you admit that much I'm giving you one more chance to act like an adult.

Hey, you deleted my theme song thread to you.   Why act like an adult, why not a fucking dumbass.
 Since you insist - you're banned.

Offline Dunrobin

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I just wanna say these past couple of days have been a tad crazy on this board.  Should we unleash Slipp from his kennel just to get the full effect?   >:D

I blame science and modern medicine.  Far too many stupid people are now able to survive long enough to both breed and vote.   ::)


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I just wanna say these past couple of days have been a tad crazy on this board. 

You have to admit though, things haven't gone crazy in this site for quite a while. So, it was bound to happen at some point. Every year, there's always one or two nutjobs that like to stop by here.

Offline Curly4444

Wow, getting banned from a three stooges site. What an idiot. Good riddance!!

Offline Dunrobin

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You have to admit though, things haven't gone crazy in this site for quite a while. So, it was bound to happen at some point. Every year, there's always one or two nutjobs that like to stop by here.

LOL!  True; it's been pretty quiet for a while, so I suppose we were due for another outbreak.    ;D

Offline Dunrobin

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Wow, getting banned from a three stooges site. What an idiot. Good riddance!!

You might be surprised at the size of the ban log here.  It's amazing how many goofs like Chad that we've attracted over the years.  The earliest one that I remember is a goof who would write something like "Clowns are gonna get me!!!" on multiple lines (two or three dozen times at least in each post), and then post it over and over again.  That was probably back in 2001.

When I first started having a forum on, we were only one of several.  Comedy III (the .com site) probably had the biggest, most active board back then, if I remember correctly.  One by one they pretty much all shut down over the years, mainly because the webmasters got sick of dealing with the idiots.  If you ever curious to learn about the KING of bizarre Stooges board behavior, peruse the Islipp Classics board.  The man was such a certifiable nutjob that we created a board just to preserve his insanity.   ;D

Offline Curly4444

You might be surprised at the size of the ban log here.  It's amazing how many goofs like Chad that we've attracted over the years.  The earliest one that I remember is a goof who would write something like "Clowns are gonna get me!!!" on multiple lines (two or three dozen times at least in each post), and then post it over and over again.  That was probably back in 2001.

When I first started having a forum on, we were only one of several.  Comedy III (the .com site) probably had the biggest, most active board back then, if I remember correctly.  One by one they pretty much all shut down over the years, mainly because the webmasters got sick of dealing with the idiots.  If you ever curious to learn about the KING of bizarre Stooges board behavior, peruse the Islipp Classics board.  The man was such a certifiable nutjob that we created a board just to preserve his insanity.   ;D
Yeah, i know the internet is full of crazies. I was a head moderator at a anime site, and man we got the loonys. Make sure you banned that chad's name and IP addresses. They can find lots of ways to come back & start shit. We had a few that even hacked the site, and had to consult the company that hosted our site for advice.

Offline Seamus

If you ever curious to learn about the KING of bizarre Stooges board behavior, peruse the Islipp Classics board.  The man was such a certifiable nutjob that we created a board just to preserve his insanity.   ;D

Islipp was before my time, but I had a browse through the Islipp archives a while back and got a taste.

Don't know if anyone's mentioned it here yet, but check out the "discussions" tab on the new Facebook page Ben Stooge created a couple weeks ago.  Mr. Slipp left a magnum opus on there a few days ago.  Rich, crazy stuff.  Basically an attempt to clear his name that only succeeds in putting the stamp on his weirdness.

"Yeah, I faked my own death twice, but c'mon, what would YOU have done?"

Offline Dunrobin

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LOL!  Well, Eric rounds out the week quite nicely.  His timing couldn't have been better!   ;)

I've started a new thread on the ISLIPP classics board to preserve his latest rant, and so everyone could enjoy it even if they don't have Facebook.  Thanks for the tip, Seamus!   ;D