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Dunrobin · 45 · 11301

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Offline Dunrobin

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A few years ago I promised myself that I'd stop posting politically oriented articles, etc., on this forum, since most members didn't seem interested and I thought that it might be a good thing to have a place online to hang out where the depressing news could be forgotten for a while.  I don't know that I can continue to keep that promise anymore, though; things are getting far worse much faster than I expected.  The video below is a strong case in point.  Listen carefully to the entire thing:


Years ago I used to live in Buffalo, New York, and I used to go into Canada with my friends on a fairly regular basis.  (I even saw the first Star Wars movie in Canada, before it made it to the theaters in Buffalo.)  It was never a big deal - at most we'd get asked a polite question or two and be on our way.  These days crossing the border is much more like crossing into Nazi Germany, and that is not just hyperbole.

How much longer are we going to put up with this kind of outrageous arrogant behavior from our so-called "public servants?"  >:(

Offline Blystone

Some former members got so disgusted with your politicizing an entertainment/comedy-oriented site that they quit. Even some who had supported it financially and otherwise.

In all the the years since, Dunrobin, you've learned... not a damned thing. Too bad.

Offline Dunrobin

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Some former members got so disgusted with your politicizing an entertainment/comedy-oriented site that they quit. Even some who had supported it financially and otherwise.

I know of only one person who has supported this site "financially and otherwise" that quit, and it wasn't over politics.  It was because he was an overly sensitive crybaby who got his panties in a bunch over a stupid joke and then wouldn't except an apology, public or otherwise (thereby inadvertently proving the point of the joke that started the whole thing.)  Is that who you are taking about?   ;)

In all the the years since, Dunrobin, you've learned... not a damned thing. Too bad.

Since this is my site, I feel free to do with it as I choose.  I don't accept dictates from smarmy types who think they can tell me what I can and cannot do with my own property.  Those who don't like it are free to go elsewhere.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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I, for one, have never been offended by any political topics you have posted, Mr. Rob. In fact, the one you posted about income tax not being truly endorsed by congress was an eye-opener. At the very least, (in defense of the poster who thinks your political posts are worthless) they have sometimes been "slow" (aka - not engaging) and that is ALL. I have posted alot of topics in the past that had NOTHING to do with The Three Stooges, and they were either taken up and responded to, or ignored. How appropriate.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Curly4444

I run into these types before. This cop is just an hothead  asshole. I would have got a good lawyer and sued him. Their un-happy with their job or life and take it out on people. The more the Canadian guy got upset, the more it fueled this pompas ass's ego. I would have just told him what he wanted to hear from the start.

Offline Blystone

Quite a few people have gone elsewhere, but maybe you're not keeping track of that, Dunrobin. It wouldn't do your bloated ego any good, now would it?

Offline JazzBill

Blystone.... I'm not claiming to speak for Rob. But, I don't believe anybody is forcing you to watch everything that Dunrobin posts. There are a lot of posts on this site that I don't agree with. So what ? I take what I can use and leave the rest. (By the way, I was sorry to see Pilsner leave, but I got over it).
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Blystone

JazzBill, I'll admit that I'm a personal friend of Pilsner, and I don't think that Rob treated him fairly when he was a moderator. I'm not the only one who thought so. I haven't seen Pils in quite a while, but I know that he now has his own web page, and it's fairly popular. He sticks to old classic music and some short comedy films, and there's no discussion board or anything else that has even a possibility of becoming a source of arguments.

Now I can't remember the web address, but it's on I'm sure you can find it with a Google search.


Offline Dunrobin

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Quite a few people have gone elsewhere, but maybe you're not keeping track of that, Dunrobin. It wouldn't do your bloated ego any good, now would it?

LOL!  My "bloated ego"?  (I gather that is because I insist on my property rights, and that is something collectivists can not stand.)   ::)

No, I don't bother to keep track of who comes and goes; I'm not the government and don't spy on people.  I pay attention to what gets posted, but that's about it. 

Most people do not come to the site for the forum (73% never post at all,) as it is the Filmography part of the site that is important.  The forum is basically just a place for people to chat and share what interests them, and I have never made it a rule that it can only be about the Stooges or comedy, etc.  What is it about your own "bloated ego" that makes people like you think that you have a right to demand otherwise?

Offline Blystone

Well, that's the first time in my life that I've ever been called a "collectivist." I still don't know what motivates anyone to draw people into a site that's supposed to be about the Stooges and other classic slapstick comedy, and then tries to divert them into a cesspool of political crap that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

The trouble with Dunrobin's post in this thread is that he said, basically, "I'm not going to bring up politics," but then he did it anyway. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y, boys and girls?

And I'm not mounting a defense of Pilsner Panther here, although we're friends and have been co-workers in the past. I don't know where he is, he goes away for months at a time, then he shows up again and it's like he never left. Last I heard of him, he was working on some public relations project in Newfoundland.

His website remains active, though, and he updates it once a month even if he's in Tierra Del Fuego or God knows where. I took the trouble to look it up, here it is:

On Pilsner's behalf (without authorization), I'll wish everyone a happy Mother's Day.


Offline Dunrobin

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Well, that's the first time in my life that I've ever been called a "collectivist."

I'm not surprised.  People usually don't like admitting truly disgusting, anti-social habits like that, and you live in the heart of collectivism.  Perhaps you'd prefer the term "elitist?"  Either way, you arrogantly presume to dictate what other people do with their own property.

I still don't know what motivates anyone to draw people into a site that's supposed to be about the Stooges and other classic slapstick comedy, and then tries to divert them into a cesspool of political crap that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

One fucking video is a cesspool?  (Well, there are a few others, but still, a cesspool?)  Are you really so asinine that you believe I created a massive database about the Stooges just to suck them in and force them to watch political videos and expose them to ideas?  What is it with San Franciscans that you get your panties in a bunch whenever someone says anything that you don't like? 

Should we assume from your comment that you approve of the arrogant, abusive behavior of the government thugs in the video?  Or is it just that you hate being reminded of what you support?

The trouble with Dunrobin's post in this thread is that he said, basically, "I'm not going to bring up politics," but then he did it anyway. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y, boys and girls?

How is publicly admitting to changing one's mind over a private promise made to oneself equal to hypocrisy?  Get a life (and a dictionary.)

And I'm not mounting a defense of Pilsner Panther here, although we're friends and have been co-workers in the past.

Horseshit.  Your only posts on this site have been made because you think I was mean to him over something that happened years ago.  Was that your only purpose in signing up for the forum?

I don't know where he is, he goes away for months at a time, then he shows up again and it's like he never left. Last I heard of him, he was working on some public relations project in Newfoundland.

His website remains active, though, and he updates it once a month even if he's in Tierra Del Fuego or God knows where. I took the trouble to look it up, here it is:

I am glad to know that Tom is doing well and that he's found a way to continue sharing his collection. I have never had any animosity towards him, although I was certainly irritated at his childish behavior at the end of our friendship.  I still wish him well. 

Offline Dunrobin

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I, for one, have never been offended by any political topics you have posted, Mr. Rob. In fact, the one you posted about income tax not being truly endorsed by congress was an eye-opener. At the very least, (in defense of the poster who thinks your political posts are worthless) they have sometimes been "slow" (aka - not engaging) and that is ALL. I have posted alot of topics in the past that had NOTHING to do with The Three Stooges, and they were either taken up and responded to, or ignored. How appropriate.

Thank you, Fred.  As always, you are a fount of common sense.   ;D

Offline Dunrobin

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I run into these types before. This cop is just an hothead  asshole. I would have got a good lawyer and sued him. Their un-happy with their job or life and take it out on people. The more the Canadian guy got upset, the more it fueled this pompas ass's ego. I would have just told him what he wanted to hear from the start.

Thank you for actually commenting on the video.  I almost overlooked your post among all that petulant crap from Blystone.  ;)   

Yes, most people would probably just comply with that asshole cop, although I don't see how anything the Canadian driver said could possibly justify the cop's behavior.  It' isn't easy to stand up for yourself when your one-on-one with an armed thug.  Unfortunately, giving in just makes them even more arrogant and abusive in the long run.

Most people have no idea of how the police forces even got started (they are a fairly modern invention,) or that there are any limits to their authority.  Cops today certainly don't seem to believe that there are any limits.  People need to wake up to what is going on around them and educate themselves if they hope to ever be free to live their own lives without some arrogant nanny's permission. 

I can provide some links if you are interested.

Offline Blystone

Okay, this is my last post here and I'm not going to continue to defend Pils. All I know is that whenever he earns some money, he either uses it to employ people, or he gives it away. He only keeps enough of it for his own (very modest) needs. I'm his secretary (my real name is Sybil), and most of what I know about writing coherent English prose, I learned from him.

In that department, you could do much better.

All of this nonsense about "collectivism" and so on sounds like all the garbage I hear on the radio from the right-wing crazies who dominate it. Dunrobin, you're one of them. Why not just stay with comedy? When you don't, you're operating under false pretenses.

Standing up for the boss might seem kind of ridiculous, but I've had worse bosses! Believe it.



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I thought this was a site dedicated to The Three Stooges.    Dunrobin, IMO, I am thrilled that you created this beautiful site and love learning more about the boys but I honestly don't give a DARN (no cursewords now) about your political views if I did I would listen to the garbage Ron Paul spits out  (no offense intended).  Blystone, you obviously have something against  Rob, but honestly I don't give CRAP about your motivations.  That being said can we discuss The Three Stooges.


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I don't think there are anymore hard feelings between Pilsner and the admins here. I remember when an impostor came over at the Stoogeworld board, Pilsner came over to clear up the whole thing and he was friendly to everyone there. It seems to me that Pilsner is just too busy and can't moderate anymore. I was very sorry to see him go, but unlike Jazzbill, I'm not over it. I'm just moving on.

And Blystone, would you really want to see Pilsner back? I do remember that Pils and Jim made one heck of a great moderating team. People wouldn't dare get away with posts like yours if Pils was around. He was considered a good cop because he didn't whip people as hard as Jim did, but he was always on the lookout and was ready to kick people out if trouble ever arose.

As for this little war over politics, it doesn't surprise me. Politics has always been a very controversial thing. I remember my dad got into a big argument with someone at my cousin's birthday party because they were discussing politics. It's always trouble. I usually agree with the political stuff Rob posts, but I'm sure many disagree and that's why many can get hotheaded over it. My dad is a great example and that's why he got into that argument. You say one little political thing he disagrees with and he loses it. Good thing he doesn't visit this site. But then again, he's not into the stooges nor does he ever look at or posts on message boards. So, the chances of him seeing this thread is extremely slim. ;D

Offline Curly4444

It' isn't easy to stand up for yourself when your one-on-one with an armed thug.  Unfortunately, giving in just makes them even more arrogant and abusive in the long run.

When your dealing with a guy with a chip on his shoulder(like that cop), no matter what way you handled it, he would still be an ass to you. With these small minded types sticking up for yourself, or getting pissed, will only fuel this asshole. The best way is to go along with him, and if he still gives you shit, report his ass. If i was this Canadian guy i would have got a good lawyer, and had his ass fired. That would be way more satisfying then telling him off.  

Offline Dunrobin

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I thought this was a site dedicated to The Three Stooges.

The site is dedicated to the Stooges; this forum is much more open.  Probably the bulk of the discussions here are about the Stooges, or other classic comedy teams, but everyone is allowed to discuss whatever interests them.  Why do some people seem to have a problem with that?

As I, and plenty of others, have said repeatedly, no one is being forced to read any threads that they don't like or aren't interested in.  Simply ignore them, and participate in the ones that you are interested in.  Is that really so difficult?

Dunrobin, IMO, I am thrilled that you created this beautiful site and love learning more about the boys but I honestly don't give a DARN (no cursewords now) about your political views if I did I would listen to the garbage Ron Paul spits out  (no offense intended).  Blystone, you obviously have something against  Rob, but honestly I don't give CRAP about your motivations.  That being said can we discuss The Three Stooges.

The fact that you derisively dismiss Ron Paul as "garbage" tells me that you probably haven't bothered to actually read any of his books or speeches.  If you did, and gave them thoughtful consideration (especially in light of current events, since Dr. Paul has been saying the same things for 30 years,) I don't think you'd be quite so contemptuous.  I think it's a mistake to remain uninformed, but each person must choose for himself.

This isn't a "Ron Paul" video, but rather a recording of an interchange between a Canadian citizen coming over to shop at an outlet mall in Niagara Falls with his wife and a U.S. border cop.  I'm curious; did you watch the video, and if so what did you think about what happens in it?

Offline Dunrobin

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When your dealing with a guy with a chip on his shoulder(like that cop), no matter what way you handled it, he would still be an ass to you. With these small minded types sticking up for yourself, or getting pissed, will only fuel this asshole. The best way is to go along with him, and if he still gives you shit, report his ass. If i was this Canadian guy i would have got a good lawyer, and had his ass fired. That would be way more satisfying then telling him off.  

I agree, you definitely have to be cautious how you deal with these goons; the majority seem to be dangerously out of control and they can usually get away with damn near anything.  This particular victim of State violence might eventually get some sort of settlement,* but I seriously doubt that anything will ever happen to the abusive thug.

*If he doesn't get threatened with jail time and a huge fine.  It happens - just ask Canadian author Peter Watts


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As I, and plenty of others, have said repeatedly, no one is being forced to read any threads that they don't like or aren't interested in.  Simply ignore them, and participate in the ones that you are interested in.  Is that really so difficult?

 Yea, Yea, easy to say just ignore them but it is part of the site and I obviously don't participate in the ones I'm not interested in.  So no it is not difficult, although what is difficult is to overlook something not at all stooge related on a site dedicated the The Three Stooges.

I'm curious; did you watch the video, and if so what did you think about what happens in it?

Yes Sir, I did watch the video, and yes the first cop was absolutely out of line the second cop stayed professional.  Yes they were cops so they should be held to a higher standing.  I see it everyday, who cares, it will make it on youtube anyway.  I guess what I am saying is I hold you Sir to a higher standing as to state over and over again that this site is dedicated to The Three Stooges and obviously not. 

Offline Dunrobin

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Look, let me say this once and for all - what you think MY SITE should be like doesn't matter one iota.  I didn't create it to make money; it'll be here whether 100,00 people visit it a month or only 10.  If you can't comprehend why I should choose to let others (and myself) discuss things other than Stooges in what is the least important part of the entire site, then you are free to take your dumb ass elsewhere.  If you can't be mature enough to ignore things that you don't like then go make your own site dedicated to the Stooges and do with it as you please, but don't try to tell me what "belongs" on my own fucking web site.

Is THAT clear enough?   ::)

Offline Blystone

This is me, the real Pilsner. I'm back home from eastern Canada, and I didn't know that Sybil had opened an account here and was posting things under the name of "Blystone." She's kind of my protege and she's a good lady, but all she's supposed to do is stop by my place once or twice a week when I'm away to check the mail and look in to see that there's nothing wrong in the old trap.

What I'll say in her favor is that she's a cute blonde who drives a Corvette... what's not to like?

I've told her about my past difficulties as a moderator on Rob's board, and since she's kind of protective of me, she took it too personally. I'll have to give her a talking-to, and maybe a spanking (no, wait, she wouldn't regard that as punishment!).

We both follow, since I had a hand in constructing the site as it now is (Rob, you won't deny that, I hope), and there are no hard feelings over here. Too much time has passed, for one thing. My disagreement with Rob over banning some idiot was basically a minor one, and yeah, Jim and I made a really good moderating team. Those were great times!

I just can't devote any more time to non-paying gigs, that's all. What else has changed? The economy, that's what!


The new Pilsner's Picks page is updated exactly once a month, and that's as much as I can manage.

So as Moe said to Curly, "Let's bury the hatchet."

[Curly cringes and covers his head].



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Hey Pilsner! If that's really you, then it's great to see you back. I hope all is well! Hopefully, you can continue to stick around and post.

Offline Blystone

xraffle, of course it's me. I'll have to yell at Syb for posting that nonsense in my name, but I won't yell too loud (yelling at the GF never does ya no good what-so-never).


That said, my website is now separate from Rob's, and we've gone our own ways, with mutual respect. He and I never disagreed about politics (not in the least), but I'm so sick of politics that I don't even want to hear about it.

Comedy and music will keep us all sane (if anything can).


Offline RICO987

What was the threat the Canadian fellow made against the office?  You hear the Canadian say, “what are you going to do, shoot me”.  And the next thing you hear is the officer saying “Is that a threat?”

Also, does anyone know if these two Canadians actually went to jail?