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moe on tv

pete · 17 · 5838

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Offline pete

is there any available tape/dvd of moe on mike douglas show in early 70,s?
 Please use capital letters when necessary. Please refer to "Guidelines for posting at" thread in General Discussion. S#1

Offline pete

Sorry,this is my first attempt at a message booard.

Offline shemps#1

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No problem. It was just a simple warning, and since you are using capital letter when needed I will take it off.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline 3Stooges

You can get Moe on the Mike Douglas show on Ebay.

Offline Jasper

I received "The Men Behind the Mayhem" for Christmas, and was disappointed to find that the Mike Douglas interviews were not included.  Not that their absence degrades the documentary, but their inclusion would have enhanced it.

Does anybody know if the Mike Douglas interviews are available anywhere other than eBay?


Offline Jareth

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I have 3 shows of Moe on Mike 2 just of his appearnces and one full show, you could trade me somthing if you want them ( i dont sell if i dont own the rights ).
Jareth Wilder

Offline Jasper

Can't imagine what I might have that you'd want, Stooge-wise.

Offline Myren

Jareth, did you get those off ebay?

Becuase I bought the ones that guy is selling and was just wondering if they where the same. And yes it is worth the 7 buck, as well as seeing moe later on in life.


Offline falsealarms

I have three of Moe's Mike Douglas appeareances. Some guy from Toronto on the old, old C3 message boards offered free copies of them about six years ago. CD-ROM format.

Additionally, appearences that Moe, Larry and DeRita made on TV shows are available on GoodTimes DVDs ... often under 5 or 6 bucks. See the videography section here, but several from Steve Allen's show are on various DVDs and a couple from Ed Sullivan. The Stooges do sketches etc.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2006, 07:26:23 PM by falsealarms »

Offline Jareth

  • Grapehead
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Jareth, did you get those off ebay?

Becuase I bought the ones that guy is selling and was just wondering if they where the same. And yes it is worth the 7 buck, as well as seeing moe later on in life.

Yes I did, But i bought a VHS tape from some girl for $25, it had 2 just of Moe's appearnces and one full show, Larry Fine's last interview an NBC new show with Joe Besser and Moe Howard and a Curly Joe DeRita interview.
Jareth Wilder


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is there any available tape/dvd of moe on mike douglas show in early 70,s?

 Please use capital letters when necessary. Please refer to "Guidelines for posting at" thread in General Discussion. S#1

What is going on with this site ???

Why are you so picky about grammar, spelling, CAPS, spacing ??

Nobody is perfect ya know  ::)

Offline shemps#1

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Those are the rules and they aren't hard to follow. If you don't like them fuck off.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


  • Guest
What is going on with this site ???

Why are you so picky about grammar, spelling, CAPS, spacing ??

Nobody is perfect ya know  ::)

The moderators aren't picky at all. Of course nobody is perfect, but they're not asking for perfection. They just want people to understand what the posts are saying. If a post is filled with typos, bad spelling, bad grammar, and no punctuations, everyone will go crazy just trying to read the post.

Pilsner Panther

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The moderators aren't picky at all. Of course nobody is perfect, but they're not asking for perfection. They just want people to understand what the posts are saying. If a post is filled with typos, bad spelling, bad grammar, and no punctuations, everyone will go crazy just trying to read the post.

Not picky? I must be losing my touch! Seriously, though, I'm a lousy typist myself. I have to go back and revise things three or four times, usually. This is in part because of an injury that left me with only limited use of my right arm, and that's permanent. Good thing I'm left-handed.

It's not the occasional typo that's a problem here, it's when people don't care about making their words or thoughts coherent. Just what is the point of posting a comment that no one can understand?


I think that shemps#1 likes "policing" these boards more than I do, and he happens to be very good at it. He notices a lot of garbage that gets by me for one reason or another.


In any case, we'll all keep on doing our best to make sure that this remains a high-quality website. The Stooges and all their great co-stars don't deserve anything less.



  • Guest
Yeah, that's why I said that you and the other moderators aren't picky. If you are warning people or banning them because they make typos once in a while, then I would say you're picky. But, all you're are asking is for posts to be readable. And I agree with that because there's no point in posting anything if people aren't able to read what the person typed. That is why I don't understand why certain people make such a fuss about that policy.

And I agree with you about shemps#1. He is very good at policing the boards. And I'm not just saying that, I really mean it. And to be honest, I just realized it now because I saw the way he has been handling certain issues lately. He is hard on people, but that's the way it has to be if you want this site to remain a high-quality website. If you go to and check out those message boards, they are disgraceful. It's full of nothing but illegible posts and a lot of flaming and the moderators there don't do anything about it.

Offline jrvass

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Being a moderator of a message board is a big PITA. I did it once and that was enough! I'd give the moderators here 3 and a half out of 4 eyepokes.

They can split them up amongst themselves!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest
Being a moderator of a message board is a big PITA. I did it once and that was enough! I'd give the moderators here 3 and a half out of 4 eyepokes.

They can split them up amongst themselves!


Thanks for the compliment, James, but it's not all that much of a PITA. For one thing, people who appreciate slapstick comedy tend to be smarter and more perceptive than the general population. If anyone wants to debate me on that, then let's go!

We've got a good crowd here; people come and go for one reason or another (we used to hear a lot more from Bruckman and FineBari3, for example), but it's not that hard to moderate a board where everyone is basically in agreement about their likes and dislikes.

On some other boards (which I won't name) the moderators can get Napoleon complexes and let their power to edit and ban posts and members run away with them.


That's never happened here, and I don't think it ever will, because we know better than to behave that way. This is a fun and informative site for people who love the Stooges and slapstick comedy in general, and it's going to remain a fun site.

Rob's political fulminations notwithstanding...!
