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2010 Baseball - For Those Of Us Who Care

metaldams · 320 · 64018

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Offline Hammond Eggar

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The Yankees are, indeed, a great team.  That said, I'm a 38 year old life-long Texan from San Antonio, and am so excited to see a Texas baseball team finally advance to the championship series.  GO RANGERS!!! [biggrin]
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline curlysdame

I too am rooting for the Giants to beat the Phils BUT not before we get a Game 7.

Oh god, not me!  I hope we finish them off tomorrow.  I can only take so much torture. 
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline JazzBill

I have to get this off one of my chest, concerning Josh Hamilton and Christian athletes in general. I find it really annoying when after a big win they say something like "the glory goes to Jesus" or "I'd to thank God" etc. I did not see Jesus Christ out there in a Texas Rangers uniform Josh, and if I have it all wrong and their is indeed a "God" (whether it be Yahweh or some other deity) I would doubt that they would give two shits about a fucking baseball game. The "glory" goes to the Texas Rangers team and organization for playing some damn good baseball, not to Jesus or any other imaginary friend.

I always wondered if God was helping a team win a sports game, what did the other team do to piss him off ?
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Offline Justin T

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Justin - Thanks. I should have known it was Caple, an avowed Red Sox fan and author of The Devil Wears Pinstripes (which is a good read). He does make a good point: if it is always the East Coast teams that make the World Series the rest of the country will be left out of the party. I too am rooting for the Giants to beat the Phils BUT not before we get a Game 7.

Yeah, he does have a good point. I'm sure many baseball fans around the country are tired of seeing the Yankees,
Red Sox, and Phillies alot the last couple of years. If my Yankees dont make it, I don't mind seeing someone new get
there or a team that hasn't won it in a long time pull it off. It makes baseball more fun for everyone.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline Lefty

I always wondered if God was helping a team win a sports game, what did the other team do to piss him off ?

If there really was a God, why then do the Yankees win so much?  Or the Celtics & Lakers?  Or the Penguins?

And not only don't I like the Jesus (pronounced "Hey,Zeus"?) thing with the players (along with former pro bowlers Mike Miller and his sister Dana, David Ozio, Mike Durbin, and Gary Skidmore, none of who, could just accept that they won a tournament with talent), another thing that sticks in my craw is when someone points to the sky with both index fingers after making a routine play.  A lot of these guys should be pointing down instead of up, because we know where they're going.

Offline shemps#1

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Four 4's: I don't "hate" Christians, I just get annoyed when athletes of any religion don't give credit where it due. Like I said before, I doubt any all knowing, all powerful Creator would be concerned with a baseball game, football game, boxing match etc. Besides, if anything a point can be made that God must be a Yankees fan because they've won so many times if you are going to claim He involves Himself in baseball games. As for the "imaginary friend bit" that was probably uncalled for but I was annoyed at the time. Since you've done nothing personally I will apologize for being "mean" about it. I like some Country; Johnny Cash was a devout Christian. Cash, however, had an artist flair about him and plenty of songs that have nothing to do with religion so if I wanted to I could ignore his religious stuff. Guys like Toby Keith however, fuck that goober.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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Hammond - The Astros went to the World Series in 2005 and got swept by the Chicago White Sox.

Sarah - Game 7!

Justin - Exactly, it's better for baseball as a whole to help the other teams build up their fan bases.

Lefty - David Ortiz does that all the time for the Red Sox, as did Pedro Martinez and it is very annoying.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Four 4's: I don't "hate" Christians, I just get annoyed when athletes of any religion don't give credit where it due. Like I said before, I doubt any all knowing, all powerful Creator would be concerned with a baseball game, football game, boxing match etc. Besides, if anything a point can be made that God must be a Yankees fan because they've won so many times if you are going to claim He involves Himself in baseball games. As for the "imaginary friend bit" that was probably uncalled for but I was annoyed at the time. Since you've done nothing personally I will apologize for being "mean" about it. I like some Country; Johnny Cash was a devout Christian. Cash, however, had an artist flair about him and plenty of songs that have nothing to do with religion so if I wanted to I could ignore his religious stuff. Guys like Toby Keith however, fuck that goober.

Ok, Thanks.

 I don't like it when they do it also. It's annoying to me too.

What i meant about the country music thing is, they do the thank you god for this and that thing. Watch a country music awards show. I 'd like to thank god, my manger and all you great fans out there. Yee-haw!!

Offline shemps#1

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Oh yeah, and that just reflects poorly on the South to the rest of the country, which is sad.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Giants win 3-2, so its The Rangers & The Giants. Man Ryan Howard sure sucked during the post season. He could have won it for them in the 9th.

Offline shemps#1

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It was a great game and a great job by the Giants bullpen. I'm sure Sarah is happy but don't get too happy because they have a tough Texas team to face. I predict the Giants in 7 (I want my Game 7 damn it).
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline curlysdame

I'm sure Sarah is happy but don't get too happy because they have a tough Texas team to face.

Damn straight I'm happy!  Celebrate tonight, speculate tomorrow.  A nail biter all the way.  Now, if you can excuse me, I have some champagne to get to.   [cool]
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline metaldams

Congrats, Sarah!  I know you must happy.  Brain Wilson's a motherfucking beast.  Children, I hope your parents didn't just read that sentence.

Anyway, this is the most excited I've been about a World Series since 2007.  Texas Rangers Vs. San Francisco Giants?  Absolutely great for baseball.

My tribute to the 2010 San Francisco Giants is below.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Being a disgruntled Mets fan, I have to find joy somewhere in the season & both the Yanks & Phils getting dropped puts a big grin on my face. ;D
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline falsealarms

This is going to be an exciting World Series. The Giants haven't won a WS since their NY days and the Rangers haven't won one at all. If you told me the Giants would win this game with Sanchez going 2 innings, I'd never have believed it.

I think the WS will go down to the bitter end.

Shemp_Diesel... I'm a Mets fan as well and I watch these celebrations and wonder if I'll ever see the Mets go all the way and win it... increasingly, I doubt it. I was only 1 back in 1986 and have no memory of that.

Offline shemps#1

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Well they are on the right track by getting rid of that assbag Minaya.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Lefty

I only watched last night's disaster through the 5th inning, figuring that the Faux network would get what they wanted.  I would not be surprised to find out that, if not on the air, Joe Schmuck was yelling, "THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT" about 50 times.  Well, the network should be happy -- this World Series will garner the highest ratings in history, because they'll say it does.  Frankly (or Frank-LEE), I hope it's the lowest-rated W.S. since the Subway Series of 2000.

And while I would never say this about a hockey team, I will now say it about a baseball team:  Go, Rangers!

Offline metaldams

I only watched last night's disaster through the 5th inning, figuring that the Faux network would get what they wanted.  I would not be surprised to find out that, if not on the air, Joe Schmuck was yelling, "THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT" about 50 times.  Well, the network should be happy -- this World Series will garner the highest ratings in history, because they'll say it does.  Frankly (or Frank-LEE), I hope it's the lowest-rated W.S. since the Subway Series of 2000.

And while I would never say this about a hockey team, I will now say it about a baseball team:  Go, Rangers!

Of the last three seasons, the Phillies just had their worst of the three, making it to game 6 of the NLCS.  Count your blessings. 

Meanwhile, we get to see two cities go at it who have never won a World Series.  I don't know what the ratings will be like, but I'll be watching and enjoying a Cliff Lee Vs. Tim Lincecum game one.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

Offline metaldams

Oh, and if Texas wins, this will be 3 out of the last 4 World Series champs I have seen play at the ballpark the very same year ('07 Red Sox vs. Baltimore, '08 Phillies Vs. Red Sox, '10 Rangers vs. Red Sox).
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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If anything Fox would have preferred Yankees/Phillies again to Rangers/Giants.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I'm saying no matter who wins, Bengie Molina gets a World Series ring.  It's actually true.  He's catching for Texas now, but since he was traded from San Francisco earlier this year, he gets a ring no matter what.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

I don't care who wins, i'm just glad i get to enjoy a world series without the Yankees.