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The Three Stooges Collection Vol. 8, June 1

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  • 3 Stooges Collection Vol 8 DVD: June 01, 2010 - June 07, 2010

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Offline OldFred

The two Besser shorts I remember back when I was a kid were 'Sweet and Hot' and 'A Merry Mix-up'. I enjoyed watching them again. 'Mix-Up' is a pretty funny comedy with some nice comic timing. I understand that 'Sweet and Hot' was one of Larry's favorite shorts, and I can see why. The short gives him a chance to show off his dancing and music skills. Joe surprised me by being very light on his feet as a dancer, reminded me a lot of Curly who was an excellent dancer. I'm glad to see the Besser/Stooge shorts getting a positive reassessment.

Offline fearlessfrizzletop

Just finished watching the entire set. Aside from the "Husbands Beware" problem, everything else seems to be ok.
In all honesty, any synch problem with HUSBANDS BEWARE is pretty much undetectable me anyway. Some of the SFX seem to be off, but the voices match the lips, which is what really matters to me!

Offline moglia

Aside from all this Blu-ray BS.. has anyone contacted Mike S at Sony and informed him of the problem? Maybe if it's brought to someone's attention they can at least look in to it. It doesn't hurt.

How do we get that done?

Offline metaldams

My opinion of A MERRY MIX UP is that it's an interesting premise but has enough of a plot to be a feature film.  It feels too rushed to be a short.  Everybody figures out the confusion by simply walking into a room without milking any comic possibilities. 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Stooges#1

The set just arrived in my hands.  ;D I can't get this smile off my face because with that I now have all 190 shorts in the one location. What a happy day in the life of a Stooge fan.

Offline joshferrell

I'm watching the Joe besser ones right now..I guess the whole Joe Besser never got hit in the three stooges shorts thing is one of those urban legends because he does get hit quit a bit in fact..more than I thought he would...of course over the years I've heard that he didn't allow anyone to hit him in the shorts so that's what I expected and was surprised to see that he did indeed get hit....

Offline joshferrell I'm done watching the whole set and want to give my review/opinion on these shorts..
        first off I want to talk about the Besser shorts first because there simply isn't much to say about the shemp stuff, I was only 9 or 10 when I last saw the Joe Besser shorts on tv and the only memories I had of them was the talking horse so it was pretty interesting watching these shorts on dvd.
first off Joe Besser was no doubt a funny comedian,rather he fit in as a "stooge" can be debated another time but as far as I can tell the shorts were,for the most part,pretty funny.
      a couple things I did notice ,it seems there was less violence in the besser shorts,the shorts are more "story oriented" and less slapp stick oriented,the second thing I noticed was Moe's change in personality,he seemed less angry and more approachable,now I'm assuming that the reason for these things are because of the stooges trying to reach out to a yonger t.v.  crowd.
               the other thing I noticed was the fact that (yes,despite what has been said in the past) Joe Besser DOES get hit and slapped around,as most of you know there has been a rumor that claimed Joe didn't want to be hit,well I don't know if it's true or not but all I know is he get's hit quit a bit,even though generally there's less violence.
another thing I noticed what the obvoius lack of budget in the films,in fact there's a couple besser shorts that reuse old footage from the originals,kind of like they did with shemp,most notibly in "guns a poppin" (which reuses the bear footage from the original "idiots delux"),"rusty romeos" which uses complete gags and scenes from "corny casinovas"in fact you get the same actress in both but in some scenes she if older (and a little bit more chubbier) and her hair is different.
            the third one is "triple crossed" which uses footage from "he cooked his goose" this time only one of the actresses is in the new version wile they use the back of another females head for the other actress,in fact if you look real carefully under the bearrug you can see shemps head.

    as far as the budget goes pretty much most of the besser shorts use the same background scenes/locations over and over again, in my opinion the Besser shorts are funnier than most people make them out to be,sure they are written differently then the other shorts ut they are enjoyable nevertheless.
          the only one that I thought was lame was the last short they did "sappy bullfighters",which seemed rushed and well,boring,maybe they knew it was their last one and rushed it out,I don't know,all I know is it was pretty lame..

        now for the shemp ones, out of the shemp ones only 2 are new("Gypped in the penthouse" and "blunder boys",the latter being a dragnet parody and the first one being a short where they play characters that don't know each other,similar to their first short "the woman haters" just not a musical).
           now the rest of the Shemp shorts are remakes,meaning they use old footage and mix it in with new footage,most of the shorts aren't alot different,just different endings and beginnings.
          but there are a couple that are alost like new shorts,most notably"bedlam in paradise" which is better than "heavenly daze" ,in my opinion,and kind of creepy since shemp would be dead not long after filming it..
      then there's the 4 "post death" shemp shorts,the best way to describe those shorts can be summed up in what Moe and Larry say in all 4 of them "Where's Shemp?"
         basically they filmed moe and larry by themselves and Shemp would be off somewhere and they run into him and that's where the old footage comes in,then anytime they needed "shemp" for a newer scene (so that the story still made sense)that's where they used his body double.
          most notably in "Rumpus in the harem" where his body double is used on screen for about a minute or so,out of the 4 the body double is only in 3 of them,and he's in the other two for less than a minute,he's no where to be found in "commotion in the ocean",which is the worse of the 4,in my opinion.
         now the quality of the discs are really good,since the discs are in widescreen,which is the way the newer stuff was filmed,some of the reused footage is squished and there are some strange post production done in some of the reused footage where moe will talk but his mouth won't move or he talks as a scene changes (in the post death ones)..
        so that's my review,others may have a different take on it or a different opinion,but I just wanted to give mine..thanks...


Offline Stooges#1

I am kind of enjoying this set. I'm finished the first 2 discs, although the Shemp shorts were littered with remakes, some of them had slightly different endings. Like in "Husbands Beware" we realize at the end their uncle is still alive and the $500000 inheritance for Shemp for getting married was a fake.

Joe Besser isn't all that bad, but did we really need two "Bertie"  shorts? At the end of "Hoofs and Goofs" we realize it was all just a dream and Bertie wasn't actually reincarnated as a horse, so the short "Horsing Around" really didn't make any sense.

Also I thought I'd be disappointed with the bigger packaging, but I am glad every disc in the set got its on slipcase. I'll watch disc 3 tomorrow.

Offline FineBari3

  • Master Stooge
  • Knothead
  • ****** I'm done watching the whole set and want to give my review/opinion on these shorts..first off I want to talk about the Besser shorts first because there simply isn't much to say about the shemp stuff, I was only 9 or 10 when I last saw the Joe Besser shorts on tv and the only memories I had of them was the talking horse so it was pretty interesting watching these shorts on dvd,first off Joe Beser was no doubt a funny comedian,rather he fit in as a "stooge" can be debated another time but as far as I can tell the shorts were,for the most part,pretty funny,a couple things I did notice ,it seems there was less violence in the besser shorts,the shorts are more "story oriented" and less slapp stick oriented,the secone thing I noticed was Moe's change in personality,he seemed less angry and more approachable,now I'm assuming that the reason for these things are because of the stooges trying to reach out to a yonger t.v.  crowd,the other thing I noticed was the fact that (yes,dispite what has been said in the past) Joe Besser DOES get hit and slapped around,as most of you know there has been a rumor that claimed Joe didn't want to be hit,well I don't know if it's true or not but all I know is he get's hit quit a bit,even though generally there's less violence,another thing I noticed what the obvoius lack of budget i the films,in fact there's a couple besser shorts that reuse old footage from the originals,kind of like they did with shemp,most notibly in "guns a poppin" (which reuses the bear footage from the original "idiots delux"),"rusty romeos" which uses complete gags and scenes from "corny casinovas"in fact you get the same actress in both but in some scenes she if older (and a little bit more chubbier) and her hair is different,the third one is "triple crossed" which uses footage from "he cooked his goose" this time only one of the actresses is in the new version wile they use the back of another females head for the other actress,in fact if you look real carefully under the bear
rug you can see shemps head    as far as the budget goes pretty much most of the besser shorts use the same scenes over and over again, in my opinion the Besser shorts are funnier than most people make them out to be,sure they are written differently then the other shorts ut they are enjoyable nevertheless,the only one that I thought was lame was the last short they did "sappy bullfighters",which seemed rushed and well,boring,maybe they knew it was their last one and rushed it out,I don't know,all I know is it was pretty for the shemp ones ou of the shemp ones only 2 are new("Gypped in the penthouse" and "blunder boys",the latter being a dragnet parody and the first one being a short where they play characters that don't know each other,similar to their first short "the woman haters" just not a musical) now the rest of the Shemp shorts are remakes,meaning they use old footage and mix it in with new footage,most of the shorts aren't alot different,just different endings and beginnings,but there are a couple that are alost like new shorts,most notably"bedlam in paradise" which is better than "heavenly daze" ,in my opinion,and kind of creepy since shemp would be dead not long after filming it..then there's the 4 "post death" shemp shorts,the best way to describe those shorts can be summed up in what Moe and Larry say in all 4 of them "Where's Shemp?",basically they filmed moe and larry by themselves and Shemp would be off somewhere and they run into him and that's where the old footage comes in,then anytime they needed "shemp" for a newer scene (so that the story still made sense)that's where they used his body double,most notably in "Rumpus in the harem" where his body double is used on screen for about a minute or so,out of the 4 the body double is only in 3 of them,and he's in the other two for less than a minute,he's no where to be found in "commotion in the ocean",which is the worse of the 4,in my opinion,now the quality of the discs are really good,since the discs are in widescreen,which is the way the newer stuff was filmed,some of the reused footage is squished and there are some strange post production done in some of the reused footage where moe will talk but his mouth won't move or he talks as a scene changes (in the post death ones) that's my review,others may have a different take on it or a different opinion,but I just wanted to give mine..thanks..sorry for the mispellings and stuff,it's late and i'm tired and my keyboard is acing


Fantastic review, but PLEASE use the ENTER key once an awhile. Proper punctuation and grammar are used on this site.

It was a great review, but I had to stop reading it because of the way it was written.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline stooge1029

I hadnt seen any of the Bessier shorts since I was a kid either and I was surprisingly entertained by most of his stuff. There is no excuse for Sweet and Hot though. By a mile the worst short ever made.

Offline RICO987

I hadnt seen any of the Bessier shorts since I was a kid either and I was surprisingly entertained by most of his stuff. 

The Curly and Shemp years are certainly the Golden Years for The 3 Stooges, but it good to see that the myth of the Besser years as a total waste seems to be being broken by the release of all 190 shorts. 

Offline joshferrell


Fantastic review, but PLEASE use the ENTER key once an awhile. Proper punctuation and grammar are used on this site.

It was a great review, but I had to stop reading it because of the way it was written.
I'm sorry,I just fixed it.....

Offline FineBari3

  • Master Stooge
  • Knothead
  • ******
I'm sorry,I just fixed it.....


Sorry to have to say something, but generally if someone is under the age of 25 nowadays, they tend not to use any punctuation at all and talk in one run-on sentence. I guess it's because of texting...I dunno.

Thanks again for editing the post!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson


  • Guest

Sorry to have to say something, but generally if someone is under the age of 25 nowadays, they tend not to use any punctuation at all and talk in one run-on sentence. I guess it's because of texting...I dunno.

Thanks again for editing the post!

I'm under 25 and I hope I don't write like that. I guess it's because I never text since I hate cell phones. Though, I won't be under 25 for long.

Offline QuinceHead

I am kind of enjoying this set. I'm finished the first 2 discs, although the Shemp shorts were littered with remakes, some of them had slightly different endings. Like in "Husbands Beware" we realize at the end their uncle is still alive and the $500000 inheritance for Shemp for getting married was a fake.
Isn't there another one with the Stooges doting on a lady in a wheelchair, where in the remake she genuinely is physically handicapped, but was just pretending/conning them in the first version?

Joe Besser isn't all that bad, but did we really need two "Bertie"  shorts? At the end of "Hoofs and Goofs" we realize it was all just a dream and Bertie wasn't actually reincarnated as a horse, so the short "Horsing Around" really didn't make any sense.
Maybe Joe's having another dream??  ::)

aka QuinceHead

Offline QuinceHead

I'm under 25 and I hope I don't write like that. I guess it's because I never text since I hate cell phones. Though, I won't be under 25 for long.

Wow -- I'm doubly impressed!  :o

First -- someone under 25 who likes the Stooges.

Second -- someone under 25 who (a) doesn't text, and (b) hates cell phones!  :laugh:

aka QuinceHead

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Isn't there another one with the Stooges doting on a lady in a wheelchair, where in the remake she genuinely is physically handicapped, but was just pretending/conning them in the first version?

That would be Flagpole Jitters, the remake of Hokus Pokus.

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline QuinceHead

That would be Flagpole Jitters, the remake of Hokus Pokus.

That's right -- thanks for the elucidation!   ;D

IIRC, in Hokus Pokus, once the broad's exposed as a fraud, the short ends with the boys giving her the what-for, right?  (No physical violence, as I recall, but punishment just the same...)

But in Flagpole Jitters it's Svengarlic who's on the receiving end of the Stooges' retributions, yes?

aka QuinceHead

Offline Stooges#1

Maybe Joe's having another dream??  ::)

They didn't show it in Horsing Around if he was, in the first "Bertie" short we were shown at the end that Joe was dreaming.

Offline Larry Fine Fan

I'm under 25 and I hope I don't write like that. I guess it's because I never text since I hate cell phones. Though, I won't be under 25 for long.

Same here. I'm under 25, and I absolutley hate texting. I think it's a waste of time.  [pie]

Offline dimelives

I turned 24 yesterday, I do text, but I still know how to type properly. :P

Offline Stooges#1

I just finished volume 8.  ;D I can officially say that I have watched all 190 Three Stooges shorts in chronological order.  [cool]

But, I will also that that volume 8 will start collecting dust for the next 2-3 years until I can gain the strength to watch it again. Without a doubt the worst volume. I really can't laugh at remakes as I've watched them already and Joe Besser wasn't that funny, which I get is probably an understatement. He had his moments though.

Offline Stooge-Adam

At least you own it. It bugs me that fans of the Stooges will own volumes 1-7 and not 8. Of course, I'm that way about everything. If I own any season of a show, I have to own all seasons. I don't pick and choose.

Offline Paul Allen

Stooge-Adam,  More than likely 99% of the Stooge fans that own volumes 1-7 will also get Volume 8 (sooner or later).... so don't let it bug you to much.

joshferrell,  Are you the same fellow from the "For Elvis CD Collectors Only" site?  You never typed so poorly over there! :laugh:

Paul Allen  (THEMEMPHISFAN) ;)

Offline Stooges#1

At least you own it. It bugs me that fans of the Stooges will own volumes 1-7 and not 8. Of course, I'm that way about everything. If I own any season of a show, I have to own all seasons. I don't pick and choose.

I'd sooner chop off my right arm than not own all 190 Three Stooges shorts.  ;D

As bad as the Besser's were, hearing that before volume 8 was released, and the fact most of the last Shemp's were remakes, that never was a factor in my mind. At the end of the day, the boys did the world a great service and I owed it to them to buy their shorts, every last one of them.