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The Three Stooges Collection Vol. 8, June 1

BeAStooge · 548 · 143795

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  • 3 Stooges Collection Vol 8 DVD: June 01, 2010 - June 07, 2010

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Offline Stooges#1

I can't wait for this, not long now.

Just a follow up, I had my lung surgery on monday - It was a success. I stayed in 'til friday afternoon (I'm from australia so that explains the time difference). I wasn't in any pain, in fact I was reading a newspaper 15 minutes after waking up on monday.  :P

Offline FineBari3

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I can't wait for this, not long now.

Just a follow up, I had my lung surgery on monday - It was a success. I stayed in 'til friday afternoon (I'm from australia so that explains the time difference). I wasn't in any pain, in fact I was reading a newspaper 15 minutes after waking up on monday.  :P

Get well very soon!

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline falsealarms

Offline metaldams

I can't wait for this, not long now.

Just a follow up, I had my lung surgery on monday - It was a success. I stayed in 'til friday afternoon (I'm from australia so that explains the time difference). I wasn't in any pain, in fact I was reading a newspaper 15 minutes after waking up on monday.  :P

Glad to hear you're alright, bro.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline dimelives

Mine either. Probably because he did 2-day shipping. Ours will probably start processing very soon though.

Offline falsealarms

Shipped via UPS. Should arrive on Tuesday. It probably would have come on Monday if not for Memorial Day.

I'll have to bide my time with a pair of L&H films, the oft-released FLYING DEUCES and UTOPIA.

Offline Stooges#1

I just read the review on the previous and it sounds like the packaging will be thicker than the previous volumes since all 3 discs are getting their own slipcover (so the size difference will only be one slipcover in width).

I think Dimelives will be most disappointed as he's been the biggest advocate of having volume 8 the same size and with good reason me thinks.

Offline dimelives

Yeah, if you look back a few posts, you'll see that someone already pointed this tidbit of info out. Ah well, would've been nice for them to all conform in design, but it aint the end of the world =P

Offline Rhinosaurus

I have that same L and H dvd, got it for a buck!  I love Flying Deuces

Offline IFleecem

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While watching "Space Ship Sappy" on the new volume, during the beginning title sequence just as it ends to start the short  it bounces back for half a second to ML&J from the beginning.  Also the case is just slightly larger to fit the 3rd slipcase in. And this set does not have the "Fan Requested" sticker like earlier volumes (does that mean "Fans" did not request the Bessers) I liked the stickers on the package, maybe I just got one without it. 

Video quality is fantastic on this set.  And something I noticed on "For Crimin' Out Loud"  just as "Nikko" attempts to axe Shemp there is an additional "Chop Mark" above where he hacks to get Shemp on the door frame.  I never noticed this before, the clarity of the short shows this clearly (anyone ever notice this before?)

Everyone will really love this volume, its nice to have the whole collection in order and in great quality.  Thanks Sony one more time, Now think about the solo shorts and other stuff you know we will buy!   

Offline Curly4444

While watching "Space Ship Sappy" on the new volume, during the beginning title sequence just as it ends to start the short  it bounces back for half a second to ML&J from the beginning.
Was this in the original masters or an error mastering it over to DVD? The proofcheckers should have caught this. Maybe its your dvd player, wonder if other people saw this?

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Oh you lucky people who already have volume 8. I gotta wait all the way until Tuesday to get mine (damn it all).  [disgust]

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline falsealarms

Yeah, really. Mine has been sitting in a UPS warehouse 30 min from me since this morning and it will sit there until Tuesday b/c of the holiday.

Offline ProfessorStooge

The excitement is building up. We are only down to 3 more days until the release of Volume 8. I so cannot wait to start my Stooge shorts marathon.


And something I noticed on "For Crimin' Out Loud"  just as "Nikko" attempts to axe Shemp there is an additional "Chop Mark" above where he hacks to get Shemp on the door frame.  I never noticed this before, the clarity of the short shows this clearly (anyone ever notice this before?)

I think that is in Of Cash and Hash not For Crimin' Out Loud that you're referring to (I could be wrong).  I've noticed that marker before.  I 'think' that may be a marker for how tall Shemp is just to make sure he hit above it (again could be wrong)

Offline Stooges#1

The excitement is building up. We are only down to 3 more days until the release of Volume 8. I so cannot wait to start my Stooge shorts marathon.

I am getting so excited. 3 days until we have all 190 shorts.  :o

Years ago we never thought we'd see the day that we'd get more than 10 Black and White shorts on any one set and now they're almost done.

My number 1 DVD series. Thank you, Sony!

Offline dimelives

Yeah, really. Mine has been sitting in a UPS warehouse 30 min from me since this morning and it will sit there until Tuesday b/c of the holiday.

Doesn't that suck?? I hate that! ><

Though, mine hasn't even shipped out from Amazon yet. So, consider yourself luckier than I, sir.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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The DVDTalk review mentions this:

However...I did notice in Commotion on the Ocean, at 2:19, a fade-out to black, and fade-up, that seemed out of character with the editing of the rest of the shorts here. It looked new. Is footage missing there? I don't know; I'll leave that to the experts out there on the Stooges.

Can anyone confirm?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline falsealarms

I don't think that is anything to worry about. Same thing at 2:19 happens on this TV copy on YouTube:


Offline Curly4444

I just think thats how they cut the scene. Look original to me.

Offline archiezappa

Looks like my local Walmart is NOT breaking the release date!  Ah, well.  I know I'll get it Tuesday...

Offline RICO987

I do not know how they get it in stock before the June 1 release date, but I picked up Volume 8 today at an independent shop here in Sacramento, California. 

All 190 Columbia Shorts!  A lifelong dream is finally here!  Pinch me!  Ow!!!  Not so hard!!!!

What an experience!….  I am about to have.  The marathon starting from Woman Haters starts tomorrow!

Offline Stooges#1

What an experience!….  I am about to have.  The marathon starting from Woman Haters starts tomorrow!

So you're not going to watch the last 32 shorts first and then have a marathon?  :o

Unless you've already watched them in the past? But me, since I have never watched any of those 32 shorts it would be torture if I did that.  ;D

Offline Shemp_Diesel


Is it Tuesday yet? I feel like Moe at the end of Flagpole Jitters (doggoneit).

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.