THEM THAR HILLS was excellent... the scene with the drunk wife and Hardy getting socked in the face was classic. The coffee scenes were equally outstanding. I've probably seen half of their sound shorts and my top 5, in some order, would be -
Busy Bodies
County Hospital
The Music Box
Them Thar Hills
Come Clean (don't hear as much about this one)
Ones like Helpmates, Hog Wild, and Tit for Tat fall just short of making my top 5. Berth Marks was also good... old comedies set on trains is usually a good way to make a good film. I've also seen Blotto, A Perfect Day, Men O War, Me and My Pal, Scram, Towed in a Hole... all solid, though A Perfect Day is the weakest of that lot.
The only one that I've seen that was more of a miss was FIXER UPPERS.