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Bob Hope - Double Exposure (1935)

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Offline Sadistic Stooge

This Bob Hope short is so stooge like . A must see :)

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Offline IFleecem

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Thanks for posting, Always loved Bob Hope, he always had good one liners.  I see the Stooge influence here, especially the knee, elbow kick gag. The other fellow reminds me of Stan Laurel quite a bit.  The ending was a bit too abrupt though, could have used a 3rd reel to fully exploit the Bob maid gag a bit more and more chances of getting a photo of the woman.


Offline Sadistic Stooge

Thanks , I know Bob Hope made 7 shorts for WB if I find more I will sure post them here :)

Offline curlysdame

Thanks for posting, Always loved Bob Hope, he always had good one liners.  I see the Stooge influence here, especially the knee, elbow kick gag. The other fellow reminds me of Stan Laurel quite a bit.  The ending was a bit too abrupt though, could have used a 3rd reel to fully exploit the Bob maid gag a bit more and more chances of getting a photo of the woman.

I absolutely agree!  I really enjoyed this one.  And the man lived to be 100, god love him!  More Bob Hope, no more El Brendel!     :P
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Sadistic Stooge

Bob Hope w/ Tiger Woods  on The Mike Douglas Show

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Offline BeAStooge

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Offline Rich Finegan

Bob Hope reportedly hated these Vitaphone shorts he made in the mid-1930's. So he must have been furious when his career was going strong in 1941 and he probably figured (and hoped) these early shorts had been forgotten and then Warner Bros. re-released them to cash in on Hope's current successful career.
This print of the short "Double Exposure" (originally released Nov. 23, 1935) is the April 5, 1941 reissue. The opening titles and credits were newly printed in 1941 for the reissue, but the rest of the short is as seen in 1935.
The opening titles music is the hit song "Fair and Warmer" from the 1934 Warner Bros. picture "Twenty Million Sweethearts".

Offline IFleecem

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  • "Hey Moe, Wher'd You Get The Sunglasses"
More Bob is always welcome.  Just think of a Three Stooges/Bob Hope short.....hmmm, trying to picture it.  Thanks again for the installments.


Offline metaldams

Thanks for the short!  I did like it, but I can see why Bob wouldn't want this being shown in the 40's.  He was funnier with Paramount and this could be seen as a step down from what he was currently doing at the time.  Still an enjoyable short.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline IFleecem

  • Puddinhead
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  • "Hey Moe, Wher'd You Get The Sunglasses"
Thats why if you did something in the past to pay the bills and then find better success as Bob did and certainly deserved, Your lesser known exploits will come back to haunt you. Bob had a full and lasting career up into the 90s and his 90s and his TV career starting in 1950 when a lot of actors and actresses were afraid to go to Television due to the fact if might hurt their Hollywood status.

Bob made the transition from movies to TV with ease and still made movies up til 1972 with his last starring role in "Cancel My Reservation" .
I know he also made a cameo in "Spies Like Us" golfing of course in the desert. (The Bob Hope Desert Classic? )
His commitment to entertaining the troops up thru Desert Storm when his age was becoming a factor to do such things as his wife Delores has said that the last troop show took a lot out of Bob and I don't think she wanted him to go.
