Talk about a thread that needs a revival. I'll look for more shorts soon.
Good idea, Doug! This thread definitely needs to be revived.

BTW, I looked back at the first page of the thread and realized that most of the Youtube links in the posts were not working. I looked into it and it's because the parameters for the tag changed at some point. The ones I saw were entered as
Unfortunately, that sizing method doesn't work anymore. Instead, you have to be more specific and use the parameter name in the tag, like this:
[youtube width=425 height=350]xxxxxxxxx[/youtube]
Incidentally, you don't have to specify both the width and height anymore, either. You can just set either one and it will automatically set the other dimension size proportionally. You can also just leave the sizing out altogether, but that tends to make the videos rather large, at least in my browser window.

Here are all of the optional parameters and values that you can use for all of the YouTube bbcodes in the toolbar when you make a post:
- width = Specifies the width of the iframe area.
- height = Specifies the height of the iframe area.
- start = Specifies how far into the video to start at. Valid formats: "Seconds" or "Minutes:Seconds"
- end = Specifies how far into the video to stop at. Valid formats: "Seconds" or "Minutes:Seconds"
- autoplay = 1, yes, on or true
- color = red or white
- theme = dark or light
- loop = 1, yes, on or true
- controls = 0, no, off, hide or false
- showinfo = 0, no, off, hide or false
- iprivacy = 1, yes, on or true
There is also a new option under
Profile =>
Look and Layout called
Show YouTube videos as a link. Checking this box makes the mod create links instead of embedded videos in your post.
I went through and modified all of the non-working Youtube tags that I saw on the first page of the thread, but you might want to check and fix any others that aren't working anymore.