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Widescreen Stooges?


Hi.  Newbie again.  I was just curious.  Have the shorts ever, ever been seen in their original widescreen format since their initial theatrical run, and is there any chance of them ever being released in said format, or do they just not exist like that anymore?  Thanks!!


--- Quote from: leandar on November 01, 2004, 12:39:33 AM ---Have the shorts ever, ever been seen in their original widescreen format since their initial theatrical run, and is there any chance of them ever being released in said format, or do they just not exist like that anymore?
--- End quote ---

None of the shorts were filmed in widescreen.  They were all filmed in the pre-1950s theatrical standard of 1.33 to 1.

The only Stooges films that were ever filmed in widescreen formats are the features of the 1960s.

Oh, ok.  Cool.  Thanks for the info.


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