I just modified the script that processes the fan reviews on the episodes to auto-approve submissions from any member above the rank of Porcupine. I'll still be reviewing new submissions, but you won't have to wait for an approval to see your review on the episode page. (Sorry, Porcupines, but them's the breaks - we've had too many problem posters in the past - say that three times, fast

- to let newbies auto-approve until we get to know you. 10 posts isn't so hard.)

I'm still looking into blending the fan reviews into the Forum in the future so we could have individual boards to discuss every episode. I just want to be sure that it won't bog the Forum down in the process.

Hopefully this modification will make it even easier to carry on this "Short of the Week" idea. My suggestion for future threads is to review the Video Pick of the Week on the Home page, but feel free to choose others (there are only 52 videos available anyway.)
I love this idea.
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