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Love At First Bite

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Offline luke795

Did anyone notice that Love At First Bite had the first intro with Shemp, Larry, and Moe?

Offline luke795

I thought it had the second intro with Shemp, Larry, and Moe.

Offline BeatleShemp

Yeah I noticed the original opening too!  The title card is even different, with the names being printed on their last names and it has a 1949 copyright on it as well.  Maybe this was the original opening, or an alternate opening.  I found it odd too.


  • Guest
I don't know, but I'm lost here. What do you mean by first intro with Shemp, Larry, and Moe? I was already lost by the first post already, then BeatleShemp's post confused me even more when he brought up something about the title card being different. When you say first intro with Shemp, Larry, and Moe, do you mean that this was the first time the short fades in and the camera has a shot of all three of the stooges?  ???

Offline luke795

Moe, Larry, and Shemp had 2 or 3 intros.  The first one doesn't say "Columbia Pictures Presents The Three Stooges" it just says "The Three Stooges" and the first intro is from 1947-1949.  The second one says "Columbia Pictures Presents The Three Stooges" and the second intro is from 1949-1956.  The third intros are on the Spooks and Pardon My Backfire shorts because I think the Stooges speak in the intro.

Moe, Larry, and Joe have 1 intro and they speak in the intro.

Moe, Larry, and Curly have 4 intros.  The first one is from 1934-1936, the second one is from 1936-1939, the third one is from 1940-1945, the last one is from 1945-1947.  The third intro has the same music, but the song is played faster later from 1942-1945.

Offline BeatleShemp

I meant the last names of the co-stars are in print, when originally the costars' names were all in cursive, and the title of the film looks different from what we're used to seeing.  It has a 1949 copyright on it too.  The opening title card was from 1947-1949, when we've been used to seeing the late 49-56 title card.