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Offline leandar

Well, Seniorita, that's why I said IF.

I've only read partially one book on the Stooges, hoping to get another, and most of my behind the scenes knowledge of them comes from the A&E biography. Otherwise, I'm not very knowledgeable. Can you help?

Tip:  You can order several books from on the Stooges through Bibliography link in the menu on the left.

Great.  I've got a couple hopefully coming for Christmas.  Thanks for the tip!!! 

Offline kinderscenen


Shempetta, you may be able to find Stoogephile on eBay or something like that--I bought the book fresh off the press and I assumed it was still pretty easy to get or at least order.

Regarding if "Stroke of Luck" is worth getting...yes. As a Stooge nut, it rounds out my collection of books like nothing else can. After searching for it for 20 years, I cannot adequately say how happy I am to have it. That being said, it has to be one of the strangest books I've ever read. I won't rant on the fact that there is a great deal of mis-captioning going on in regard to the photos, since we've seen this before.  My whole thing is the style of the book--it looks like James Carone just transcribed the tapes of Larry's interviews. (Whoever did the proofreading had to be drinking a little somethingsomething....). I wanted more personal information, but seeing that this IS Larry, what I got was a rather sunny, upbeat book. So if you can find a copy (and pay a decent price for it), it's worth it!

Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!


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It's not your conduct I have a problem with; it's your typing. From the looks of it you are being incredibly lazy (i.e. no caps in your post whatsoever).

Look people, not only does shoddy typing make you look stupid, it also gives me a migraine.

I've been a lurker for a long time, not just here, but other boards as well. I've seen boards where much intelligent conversation between mature adults takes place, where the administrators post just as shoddily as some of the people you've banned here.

I'm not going to rebuke you, try to tell you what to do or do anything you can come up with to declare me guilty of against you. I would just kindly suggest that you ask yourselves if you sometimes get carried away. The person mentioned within the quote is not only living proof of a shoddy typist that makes intelligent posts, but may well be a victim of circumstance here. The offending posts lacked capitalization, but everything else was there. As long as proper punctuation and spacing is used,  can't you easily tell that there is a new sentence? I'll type a paragraph just like it now, and I hope you will see just how much of a "migraine" it gives you:

moe, larry and curly started at columbia in 1934. around 1945, curly's heath started to decline, leading to a stroke on the set of "half-wit's holliday". that was the end of his stooging career. shemp joined to fill in for curly, but ended up replacing him. curly never fully recovered and died in 1952. a few years later, in 1955, shemp died in the back seat of a car with his friends, on the way home from a boing match.

Was that so terrible? 1 flaw is all there was. Just 1. Imagine how many intelligent people (like those on the message boards I mentioned earlier in this post), who could've provided valuable input, might have been scared away because the powers that be seem like persnickety English professors. Aren't message boards supposed to provide relaxed environments? I mean no complaint here, just that you would consider how relaxed you are making the posting environment for others outside the powers that be.

After this reflection, I, for 1, will abide by whatever you decide. I hope you will take a day or so to reflect before responding to this, if only to show that you have done this reflection and not come off like you think you know better, and think you are better than me, simply because you have power. If you disagree, it's merely a matter of different, yet equal, opinion.
 Respect my authoritah! S#1

Offline 123cagney

Ok boys and girls fasten your seatbelts! If you challenge SHEMPS#1, be sure it's worth it! For everyone's worth every penny. Back and forth with him spices up even the most boring of topics. I've been there and I don't care to go back! STAY STOOGE! But for now, batten down the hatches!

Offline Baggie

I don't really know what Shemps#1 is like, but I thought all Shemp and Stooge fans were pretty easy going people, a few mistakes here and there shouldn't really, matter, but I'll stick by the rules anyway from now on

The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline Baggie

P.S thanks for the info on the books, I found 'Stoogephile' on Amazon and I'm still looking for 'Stroke Of Luck,' it comes up on E-Bay every so often. Cheers
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline shemps#1

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It appears as though a villian's work is never done.

I'm going to lay this out for you real simple, Viva. I don't give a monkey's left nut how long you've been lurking here, or other sites for that matter. I've been an active poster here longer than anybody currently posting here with the exception of the Webmaster and BeAStooge (and possibly Pilsner, the nicer admin; can't remember when he started to actually post). When I became a part of the "Powers That Be" here, I couldn't help but notice the onslaught of idiotic posts not only on the message board but on the comment boards for individual shorts as well. With the site becoming bigger and more people viewing it every day, I thought it reflected poorly on us, the admistrators of this site and the Webmaster in particular, to have these posts that did nothing more than make this site look like shit. That is when I brought the proverbial "whuppin' stick".

At first I only hit the comment/review boards, thinking it would be alright to allow bad typing on the message board. Having realized I was getting nowhere quick, I decided to extend my reach to the message board to set an example for the comment/review boards. There have been those, like you, who have thought I was being harsh. They are gone now; some on their own accord, some by banishment. I don't care how many people I scare away; if you are intelligent you should how to type in a manner that is decent. I'm not looking for absolute perfection. I'm not a perfect typist by any stretch of the imagination. What I am looking for is for everyone to type their posts in a manner that says "I'm not a lazy dumbass".

It takes all of one second to capitalize a letter. To all those out there who do not feel like capitalizing for whatever reason: do it or get the fuck out of here.

By no means is it my intention to scare intelligent people off, but if you can't even take the time to press and hold the shift key how am I supposed to take your post seriously? There have been worse typists on this site than Shempetta, but it doesn't make her any less annoying.

I have the backing of Dunrobin the Webmaster, the "Good Cop" to my "Bad Cop" Pilsner Panther, and others as well. Hell, I remember a time when BeAStooge (who is probably the most valuable participant of this or any Stooge board) caught a mangled post before I did and said "Where shemps#1 when you need him?"

moe, larry and curly started at columbia in 1934. around 1945, curly's heath started to decline, leading to a stroke on the set of "half-wit's holliday". that was the end of his stooging career. shemp joined to fill in for curly, but ended up replacing him. curly never fully recovered and died in 1952. a few years later, in 1955, shemp died in the back seat of a car with his friends, on the way home from a boing match

As for your sample paragraph, there is more than one grammatical error in it. Aside from "boing" (which I'll go out on a limb and take it that you meant "boxing"), Shemp's friends did not die alongside him as your sentence structure would indicate. You also have one too many l's in "holiday", and if I were to ignore the part of the last sentence where Shemp and his friends die in the back seat of a car, that last comma is unnecessary. So yes, your little paragraph was a pain in my ass and a struggle to decipher.

Am I an English Professor? No, but I am an English major.

In closing, as I've said before; if it came down to having a handful of intelligent posters or a bunch of idiots running the asylum, I'll take the former. I responded to this post right after reading it, "reflection" is not necessary. In order to reflect on something, the "something" in question would have to make me think, challenge my intellect. Your post does neither. I am fully confident that if we were to "throw down" mentally I would handle you just as I have handled every other jackass that has challenged me over the years. For now though, I'll leave you with a short warning. As for you Shempetta, "easy-going" describes me to a T: just ask some of the other old-timers here.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2004, 08:17:01 PM by shemps#1 »
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline leandar

I don't know about a villain.  It just sounds to me like you're saying "use common sense and basic intelligence when posting."  Doesn't seem like THAT big a thing to me...

Offline shemps#1

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Well thank you! At least one of the newbies get it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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I should add, even "Nice Cop" Pils doesn't like crappy posts that drag down the quality of this board. A lack of typing skills is no excuse— I'm a terrible typist myself, the old "two-finger" kind like a 1930's ink-stained newspaper reporter. But that doesn't mean that I think I have the right to post a lot of thoughtlessly written and typed garbage and expect people to put up with it..!

« Last Edit: November 17, 2004, 05:01:41 AM by Pilsner Panther »

Offline Dunrobin

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"Fingerpaint faster!  Fast-er!  [cocks gun]  Faster!
(Sorry - Death Camp of Tolerance is one of my favorite South Park episodes; I couldn't resist!)   ;D

I'm the original curmudgeon around here, if anyone is, when it comes to sloppy posts, although these days I leave the policing to Jim (shemps#1) and Pils, as my attention is usually directed toward other matters.  (Besides, Jim is so much better at the caustic remarks than I am!) 

Leander got it in one - the rules here are basically common sense, which is unfortunately in short supply these days.  I don't care about the occasional typo; we all make them from time to time.  You don't have to be a Pulitzer prize winner to post here, but you should take a minute to review your post before submitting it; that's what the "Preview" button is for.

I've learned to be a little more patient with the "grammatical" part, as I realize that some of our fans are from other countries and English may not be a poster's native language.  but riting messges without caps or punkuashin, or with increbily poor spelling, is a no-no!

Offline Baggie

Ok Shemps#1 I get you, it just didn't seem that important to me at the time, but I see where you're coming from, it is kinda lazy and I will type a lot better now. Sorry. I just want to talk on the message board as I love the Stooges, and love talking to other Stooge fans, so whatever you say.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2004, 02:04:20 PM by shemps#1 »
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline jaronson

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As for me, I couldn't agree more with Rob, Jim, and Pils on this issue.  The fact that we care so much about the quality of posts is one of the many unique things about  If I wasn't an extremely busy sophomore in high school right now, I'd be policing the message boards just as much as Rob, Jim, and Pils.
Larry: Wait a minute, you forgot something. *SLAP* That’s what you forgot.   -TRICKY DICKS

Moe: This is a pool game, not a blitzkrieg.  I think I’ll invade you.    -I’LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN

Stanley Blystone: But my Fuhrer, ve are Nazis, ve have no brains.    -BACK FROM THE FRONT

2007 New York Giants: Super Bowl XLII Champions

Offline leandar

Well thank you! At least one of the newbies get it.

You're quite welcome.  I for one, am not blowing the chance to talk to Stooge fans and learn more about the Stooges since my interest in them has recently rekindled from childhood and youth.

Offline Baggie

Hello, just because my first few posts were a bit shitty and lazy, it doesn't mean I am any less interested in learning more about the Stooges or chatting to Stooge fans.

The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline shemps#1

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No one said you were Sarah. In fact, I considered the whole thing with you dropped once I took off your warning.

Now it's a whole new ballgame with an old "friend".
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline leandar

What I meant was, I refuse to cause trouble.  That's all.  :)

Offline Baggie

The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline shempheadbat

Oh-oh, I'd better go back and edit my first few posts...  I didn't realise that the intent was to impress anyone, I was looking for a dialogue about a comedy act which was largely based around the mangling of the so-called "King's English" and poking fun of just the sort of pomposity I have witnessed herein.  I am a 'newbie' to the board, but I am also a professional writer.  And while I agree that you must know the rules before you break them, I think you are being a little arrogant regarding your College education, and are behaving like just the sort of "Hoi Polloi" that the Stooges delighted in shredding with their amazing verbal dexterity. 

Main Entry: ver·nac·u·lar
Pronunciation: v&(r)-'na-ky&-l&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vernaculus native, from verna slave born in the master's house, native
1 a : using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language b : of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country c : of, relating to, or being the normal spoken form of a language
2 : applied to a plant or animal in the common native speech as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification
3 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a period, place, or group; especially : of, relating to, or being the common building style of a period or place
- ver·nac·u·lar·ly adverb

"V'nackler?  That's a doiby."

Pilsner Panther

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As one professional writer to another, since when does writing clear, grammatical, and understandable English amount to arrogance, or trying to impress anyone?


"You're in a court, not in Clancy's Poolroom!"

Offline shemps#1

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There is a major difference between vernacular and a continuous string of spelling errors. Please don't bring up threads that have just died. The whole matter is settled, has been settled for awhile now, and I'm not in the mood to re-explain my position to every Johnny-come-lately.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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... and are behaving like just the sort of "Hoi Polloi" that the Stooges delighted in shredding with their amazing verbal dexterity.

Hoi Polloi means exactly the opposite of what you seem to think it means.  From
>hoi pol·loi  (hoi-p&-'loi)
The common people; the masses.
Frankly, I don't thinking expecting people to take the time to write an intelligible post is asking too much.  If it is, that's a pretty damning indictment of the government's so-called "educational" system.

(And by the way, I'm a high school drop-out - and proud of it!) 

Offline shempheadbat

Actually, i meant "hoi polloi" as the masses of people who believe that a receipt for the huge sums of money that they (or most likely, their parents) paid to a college or other institution gives them some kind of excuse for arrogance and hubris, and who also feel that the number of posts on a frickin' bulletin board is some kind of badge of honour or respect.  Common courtesy is at least as important, especially in PUBLIC discourses such as this one, as grammatical oneupsmanship and nitpicking.  Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to threaten anyone's tenuous hold upon their self esteem, I'm a regular guy.  I just wonder if maybe some here are overlooking the power of creativity and experimentation within the form, in favor of conforming to an outmoded set of criteria that only apply in academic settings such as editing, grading, and otherwise judging a book by its typesetting... by the way, I also was 'excused' from finishing my scholastic requirements, ahem, and chose to just read everything I could possibly find.  I learned that beyond the classroom, subjects like History and Social Studies were actually a lot of fun, just like this thread...  I noticed that a new member calls him/herself 'Kilgore Trout', after the alterego of my hero.  Mr. Vonnegut wrote an entire novel on scraps of paper, with little or no punctuation or editing.  And Jack Kerouac wrote "The Subterraneans" in a three-day burst of manic (and benzadrine-fueled) creative energy, wishing to convey the patterns of speech like the notes on a musical score, pure raw emotion and reality, rather than just poot out the same old boring form letter to appease the academics who had no grasp of the actual language they were sitting in judgement over.  In other words, "Spread out!!" What was Moe's reply when Larry asked, "Where's your dignity??"  SMACK!!  We're talking comedy here, aren't we?  And last I looked, puns, plays-on-words, slang, etc. were all part of this beautiful living organism called communication.  ("He means it's okay...") I say, instead of all this head klonking, let's unite and pressure the academic community to recognise Moeisms such as 'homophagle', 'fornisitz', 'annakannaponner', and 'eenot' as a coupl'a adjectives woith utterin'.  I am now in Sing-Sing...
P.S.- I dinna mean anything by that 'professional writer' crack, I realise it sounded pretentious... I just meant to emphasize my love of and devotion to the language in all of its weird forms... also, i get just as nitpicky about the rules whenever I hear G.W. Bush say, "Nookuler", so... heh.   [whistle]

(edited to replace some 'w's that my sticky keyboard left out)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 02:32:26 AM by shempheadbat »