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Announcement for TMD V

shemps#1 · 38 · 19107

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Ok, all we need is one more person to volunteer to be the fourth judge.

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By the way, S&C, what side am I to defend? I'll do either, but you already have a submission ready.
Is it 'the force' or 'the dark side' for me?
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stooged and confused

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By the way, S&C, what side am I to defend? I'll do either, but you already have a submission ready.
Is it 'the force' or 'the dark side' for me?

That depends on your point of view, my worthy opponent, but I submitted the side of they would be remembered.

I'm glad this is continuing as I agree with all of you who feel this part of the forum is worthwhile and a lot of fun.

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While I truly appreciate the devotion to TMD, you guys are in a very small minority. Apparently most people on this board would rather gush over a DVD cover than intelligently discuss topics (Stooge related or otherwise). I knew it wouldn't last forever but I was at least hoping that TMD would make it through 2009. I don't know if it's an error on my part (if I should have tried to branch out to non-Stooge areas of debate) or if people are just too cowardly to even try to submit something, but I think the TMD concept can be considered a wash. Yes I got some interesting discussions and participation going on but it was only from a handful of people.

At any rate, thank you to everyone who participated in TMD. If you really want to go through with this one more time I will gladly emcee.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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...or if people are just too cowardly to even try to submit something

I think that's the reason and I know this because I was too cowardly to submit something in TMD I mainly because I felt that I wasn't going to do a good job and I would lose miserably. But I decided to let go of my fears and give TMD II a shot and I was so happy that I did it. It was so much fun and my heart was pounding rapidly as I awaited the judges' votes. It's too bad no one else did the same thing I did.

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No, the reason is putting hard work into something and only having 5 people, if you're lucky, care about it.  I know I'm a good writer when I want to be, and so are others on this site, so fear ain't it.

The Master Debates is a great idea and even a seed, but I think more is needed to get this board truly going again.  Rob's got a really awesome site here (as does Kevin at Stoogeworld), and it's a shame to see both boards go to waste.  If anybody's got any ideas or dares to bring up an intelligent topic, bring it on.
- Doug Sarnecky


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I think the work is not as hard as it looks. The submissions only take a minute to do as they only need to be one to two sentences. The arguments only take about 10 minutes if you already know what you’re writing about. Sometimes, it may take up to 15-20 minutes, but I can’t imagine it taking that long unless you’re trying too hard to come up with a very good argument. The hardest part, I must admit, is answering the judges’ questions as sometimes you’re not too sure what kind of answer they’re looking for and it forces you to think a bit.

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Well, be that as it may, I'm in for a judge spot.  Ya never know, my friends -- Turn the key, and let's see if we can get the car re-started......Hell, I was lookin' forward to #6, already!  (laugh)

Also, I don't want to be the one that won the last in the "TMD" series.  That's like being the XFL Champion.  No one remembers THAT team, either!

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I'll be PMing my submission before the end of today, so all will be in order except for one last judge volunteering.
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    • The Three Stooges Online Filmography all will be in order except for one last judge volunteering.

I've been largely offline for the last few days (problems in getting my home Internet connection upgraded) so I haven't been paying full attention to this discussion.  Were you counting me in as a judge?


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I've been largely offline for the last few days (problems in getting my home Internet connection upgraded) so I haven't been paying full attention to this discussion.  Were you counting me in as a judge?

Oops, sorry we forgot about you. If you want in, then we have all our judges.

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Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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I've PMed my submission to Shemps#1, so it is now up to him to get the officially sanctioned "Last and Greatest - The One to Remember - The Final Chapter - The Paragon of Debates - etal" rolling.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.