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Three Stooges Coll. Vol. 6 1949-1951, June 16

BeAStooge · 168 · 68163

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  • Stooges DVD Vol. 6 1949-1951: June 16, 2009 - June 22, 2009

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Offline locoboymakesgood

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Good to hear. I thought people here took me seriously. But if Sony does indeed decide to use pink, then yeah, use it for the Besser volumes.
That's a slap in the face to Moe and Larry. At least they tried. I'd say make it mauve. Not quite pink, but good enough for Besser.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline archiezappa

That's a slap in the face to Moe and Larry. At least they tried. I'd say make it mauve. Not quite pink, but good enough for Besser.

I can go along with that.   :D  But hey, I mean no disrespect to Moe or Larry.  I've always liked the Joe Besser shorts.  However, I do like to joke around about it.  I'd like to think they had a sense of humor about it.  Sense of humor?  What am I saying?  The Stooges invented humor.  At least our kind of humor.   [pie]


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That's a slap in the face to Moe and Larry. At least they tried.

Yeah, they did. That's why I'd prefer that they don't use it at all. Sony should avoid pink at all cost.

Offline Stooges#1

As i said in the schedule thread volume 6 is on Sony's schedule for June 16th so that is confirmed. All we need now is a press release.

Dog Hambone

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I got an email from Shop Knuckleheads inviting pre-orders on Volume 6, but they want $19.99. Amazon is $3 less, as xraffle noted. I still like Shop Knuckleheads' selection for t-shirts, etc.   

Offline OldFred


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Amazon's price went up to $17.49. Good thing I ordered mine yesterday.

Offline BeAStooge

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Offline BeAStooge

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Offline Justin T

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Oh yeah, I love that artwork for this volume. I really like the blue.
Good pictures on the cover too.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline luke795

What does it say on the back cover?
It's not really easy to read it.

Offline Stooges#1

Thanks for the back cover. I still need to pinch myself that these are happening.

Offline FineBari3

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Thanks for the back cover. I still need to pinch myself that these are happening.

Yeah, really!!

I bet it has been 25 years since I have seen some of these Shemps!

That's what we called them growing up. "Which one was on today?" "Two Shemps, a Curly and a Joe!"
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline OldFred

Yeah, really!!

I bet it has been 25 years since I have seen some of these Shemps!

That's what we called them growing up. "Which one was on today?" "Two Shemps, a Curly and a Joe!"

That's nothing. I've got four kinks, and I've been to the oasis twice. Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck!  [3stooges]


  • Guest
Thanks for the back cover. I still need to pinch myself that these are happening.

Yeah, I know. Self Made Maids, Slaphappy Sleuths, Love at First Bite, and Baby Sitters Jitters!! It's almost too good to be true. Pinch me, see if I'm dreaming.....Owww! Not so hard. [pie]


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What is wrong with Amazon? First their pre-order price was $16.99, then it went up to $17.49, and now it's $19.99. This is crazy. Their prices always fluctuate. It's ridiculous.

Offline dimelives

What is wrong with Amazon? First their pre-order price was $16.99, then it went up to $17.49, and now it's $19.99. This is crazy. Their prices always fluctuate. It's ridiculous.
Inflation tends to follow in a liberal government [pie] :P

Offline Dunrobin

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What is wrong with Amazon? First their pre-order price was $16.99, then it went up to $17.49, and now it's $19.99. This is crazy. Their prices always fluctuate. It's ridiculous.

If you order early, you're guaranteed the lowest price that it was offered for between then and when it ships.

Inflation tends to follow in a liberal government [pie] :P

It also tends to follow "conservative" governments, too.  It's what happens when people are foolish enough to let a government get away with creating a central bank (the Fed is privately owned, btw) that can create "money" out of thin air without anything to back it.  The dollar today is worth less than 5% of what it was worth in 1913, when the "Federal Reserve" was created. 

Considering the trillions of "dollars" that the Fed has created out of thin air over the past few months, don't be surprised when we start seeing hyper-inflation in the near future.  Think Zimbabwe:


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If you order early, you're guaranteed the lowest price that it was offered for between then and when it ships.

At the time I made that post, I had it pre-ordered for $16.99, but I had to cancel it just now. It's a long story, but I'll try to make it as short as possible. I had a $25 gift card, so I pre-ordered Volume 6 with a movie to get free shipping, but the movie I ordered it with just went down in price by $5. Also, another DVD I wanted to get is now on sale. So, I had to cancel my Volume 6 order and instead I ordered the movie that went down in price along with the other DVD that's on sale. This mess wouldn't have occured if Amazon would just keep their prices stable. On all their DVDs, their prices fluctuate by the hour. So, I'll just buy Volume 6 at the store for $20 on June 16th. With all the new Shemp shorts we're getting, paying another $3 is worth it. Besides, the money I saved on the two movies will offset the extra $3 I'll pay for Vol. 6.

Offline metaldams

How many of you guys will be seeing some of these shorts for the first time?  A few of them have had little or no home video releases and were part of the "missing 60" (When was the last time that term was used?), on AMC years ago.

HUGS AND MUGS is a great one, good for Christine fans.
- Doug Sarnecky


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I've seen them all, but the two shorts I'm excited about are "Slaphappy Sleuths" and "Self-Made Maids."