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Rare Stooge films/shorts on ebay

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Offline falsealarms

Looking at ebay, I found a seller selling DVD's with some rare Stooge material. Just passing along if anyone is interested -- seller has a good rating, may be worth a chance?

Vol 1

Rare Vitaphone Short Films with Shemp Howard

1.Ben Blue in "Daredevil O'Dare"
2. Roscoe Ates in "Why Pay Rent"
3."A Peach Of A Pair"
4.Gus Shy in "I Scream"
5.Ben Blue in "Here ComesFlossie!" 

Vol 2

Rare Vitaphone Short Films with Shemp Howard from the mid '30s

1.Harry Gribbon in "Art Trouble" also a very young Jimmy Stewart
2. Shemp Howard in "The Officer's Mess"
3.Shemp Howard "Smoked Hams"
4.Shemp Howard & Roscoe Ates in "On The Wagon"
5.Roscoe Ates in "So You Won't T-T-T-Talk"     

Also selling...

Myrt and Marge

Start Cheering

Captain Hates The Sea


  • Guest
For 10 bucks each, they're both a steal, considering, and I quote from the auction page, "DVD comes in a hard!"



Offline falsealarms

Updated original post after realizing this seller has even more rare Stooge films than just Shemp shorts.... perhaps an impromptu shopping spree is called for? ;-)


  • Guest
I have Start Cheering dvr'd from TCM, and a decent vhs dub of Myrt and Marge. If anyone wants those, send me a disc and a stamp and I'll save you 10 frickin' bucks each!

No, wait! Maybe I'll do some creative editing of those pictures and just undersell that rat "basted"! Five bob a nob!  :laugh:


  • Guest
The ebay guy is reading this board, no doubt. The auction verbage has been corrected.

Offline falsealarms

The ebay guy is reading this board, no doubt. The auction verbage has been corrected.


Offline dimelives

Offline falsealarms

That's because... it's really FALSEALARMS!!  :o

Not me. I haven't even seen most of those films, much less own them.

Offline Justin T

I can personally vouch for that seller's rating.

I bought a VHS copy of Myrt and Marge off him awhile back, it was pretty good quality.
I later copied it onto DVD and traded it with some people here on the board, ThumpTheShoes

Hmm, those Shemp Vitaphone shorts are really tempting.....

I haven't seen Start Cheering or Captain Hates the Sea, are they worth getting? Maybe I'll
finally get a copy of it off you Thump. I know you offered it awhile back when we last traded.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline dimelives

Not me. I haven't even seen most of those films, much less own them.
Mmmmmhmmmm... that's what you WANT us to think  :laugh:


  • Guest
I can personally vouch for that seller's rating.

I bought a VHS copy of Myrt and Marge off him awhile back, it was pretty good quality.
I later copied it onto DVD and traded it with some people here on the board, ThumpTheShoes

I haven't seen Start Cheering or Captain Hates the Sea, are they worth getting? Maybe I'll
finally get a copy of it off you Thump. I know you offered it awhile back when we last traded.

..Cheering is a decent Durante vehicle. The Stooges' bits are good, more like "asides". If you want the dvd just say the word. You won't need a stamp!  [cool]

I've never seen Captain Hates the Sea, either. It was on TCM 'bout 2 years ago.. I missed it due to complete slack/laziness combined with a ridiculous work schedule. How dare me!? Work should never come before my TV time!  ;D

Offline luke795

I've seen every movie with the 3 Stooges.  That doesn't include solos.  The Captain Hates The Sea has a few scenes with them, they are the band, but they don't have a speaking role or much of a speaking role I can't quite remember.

Offline falsealarms

From what I understand, the Stooges don't do much in CAPTAIN or CHEERING. But Myrt and Marge is a different story - they're in 17 of the 25 scenes, according to Solomon's filmography.

Offline Justin T

From what I understand, the Stooges don't do much in CAPTAIN or CHEERING. But Myrt and Marge is a different story - they're in 17 of the 25 scenes, according to Solomon's filmography.

Yes, their major co-stars in Myrt and Marge, their in a majority of the movie. I recomend anyone who hasn't seen Myrt and Marge
to do so. It's worth a look, if you can get a copy.

Sounds like their just doing cameo work in Captain, doesn't sound like it worth the effort. They get to do more in Star Cheering but
its only about 3 scenes total if I recall what people have said about it.

Myrt and Marge is the one of the 3 I would easily recomend people getting their hands on.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline archiezappa

I haven't seen "The Captain Hates The Sea." 

"Start Cheering" is good if you like Jimmy Durante.  However, that guy that plays that college student who's suppose to be like 19 or 20 years old.  He looks like he's about 40 years old.  The scenes that don't have Durante or the Stooges are just horrible.

As for "Myrt & Marge,"  I don't understand why this hasn't been on DVD.  Universal should restore this film and put it on DVD.  That way, they could cash in on the Stooges being on DVD.  It's a great movie.  There's no real "star" as the whole cast works like an ensemble.  Great movie.

And, once again, I must say that Warner Brothers needs to restore all of Shemp's Vitaphone and RKO shorts and issue them on DVD.  Don't you know that would be awesome? 

Offline falsealarms

For those that have seen MYRT AND MARGE and MEET THE BARON, which one is better as far as the Stooges go?

Offline archiezappa

I would have to say that "Myrt & Marge" is better.  Simply because Healy & The Stooges are a major part of the story.  In "Meet The Baron" the Stooges are basically just extras with a few cameo scenes.  Now, the scenes with the Stooges in "Meet The Baron" are hilarious.  But if you're watching for the Stooges, you get more for your money with "Myrt & Marge." 

That's my opinion, anyway.  Maybe this would be a good Master Debate:  "Which is the better Stooges film "Meet The Baron" or "Myrt & Marge"?


  • Guest
But, content-wise, Meet the Baron is more memorable because of the shower scene!

Well, I like it!   ;D

Still, Myrt and Marge is a better film as it combines an actual story with sympathetic characters, steeping all that in Stooge mayhem. Baron is more like a free-for-all sketch/gag picture with individuals struggling to steal the spotlight.

Offline Justin T

I have to agree with Archiezappa and ThumpTheShoes, of the two movies I have to go with Myrt and Marge
over Meet the Baron. Healy and the Stooges do some some hilarious stuff in Baron, but their screen time is limited
to only a handful of scenes.

In Marge their major players in the story, and with the added screen time they get to pull off alot more comedy.
Like Thump said, Marge has a good story with sympathetic characters where Baron is alot more loose.

Not to say I don't like Meet the Baron, I do, but of the two I'd recomend Myrt and Marge.

I'd love to do a Debate about the best pre-Curly Joe movie the Stooges did, Baron, Marge are good candidates
alongside Time Out for Rhythm, Swing Parade and Gold Raiders. I guess you could throw in Rocking in the Rockies
if you wanted to as well.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline metaldams

Y'know, I'm going to have to consider seriously checking out MYRT AND MARGE.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Bum

Myrt and Marge has something else going for it that no other film does: You get to hear Curly utter the word "sex"! [I believe his line is "Why bring sex into it?"]

Offline curlysdame

Y'know, I'm going to have to consider seriously checking out MYRT AND MARGE.

I've seen it a couple of times (on VHS, of course) and I genuinely liked.  But if it were to be released on DVD, I know I'd watch it more. Same goes for 'Baron.'
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline BeAStooge

  • Birdbrain
  • Master Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
I've seen it a couple of times (on VHS, of course) and I genuinely liked.  But if it were to be released on DVD, I know I'd watch it more. Same goes for 'Baron.'

MEET THE BARON (1933) is on DVD; a Warner Home Video double-feature disc with GOLD RAIDERS (1951).

Offline falsealarms

I've seen Meet the Baron and Gold Raiders. I liked everything the Stooges did in both of those movies, but Meet The Baron was better overall than Gold Raiders. Gold Raiders didn't have much going for it other than Stooges, but Pearl/Durante were interesting in Meet The Baron. I didn't really care for George O'Brien in Gold Raiders, and Stooge westerns are usually at a disadvantage with me.