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Name that classic line!

WhyIOughta · 865 · 243659

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Offline Shemp_Diesel

That's the landlord from G.I. Wanna Home

"From what they say I gather they are the Duke of Mixture, the Fife of Drum and Baron of Brains."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Dog Hambone

  • Guest
"From what they say I gather they are the Duke of Mixture, the Fife of Drum and Baron of Brains."

That line is from RESTLESS KNIGHTS. I don't know that the character who said it had a name but he was on the palace staff when announcing the boys to Queen Anne.


You guys playing this game really know your stuff!
Here's a new one:

"You know, I’m crazy about the one with the big bangs. You know, those folded satchels under his eyes. He really sends me."

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
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Larraine (Larry) in SELF MADE MAIDS

My toin again...
"It's a good thing Kilroy wasn't here."
"Yeah, we'd be disgraced for life."

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Moe & Larry from Half-Wits Holiday

"How did that baby get here?"
"Business as usual."
"I mean the kid walked in and asked for a match, I said I don't smoke."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
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"How did that baby get here?"
"Business as usual."
"I mean the kid walked in and asked for a match, I said I don't smoke."

Moe & Larry in Three Loan Wolves

My toin again...
"Beat it, Grandpa. We got no time for kibbitzers."

Offline cpp

Larry - 'Three Little Twirps'

"What do you have to do?"
"Shoot golf."
"Oh, hunting!"

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
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"What do you have to do?"
"Shoot golf."
"Oh, hunting!"

Moe & Curly - Three Little Beers


My toin...
"Oh, look, a boid's nest!"
"Bird's nest, that's my hair!"

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Curly & Moe from So Long Mr. Chumps

"But listen Mister, we're gonna give you a bargain. Where did you ever get this mess?"
"I bought it here."
"Oh, what a beautiful Mess-terpiece."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
  • ****
  • "Pleese! You zit!"
Curly & Moe from So Long Mr. Chumps

"But listen Mister, we're gonna give you a bargain. Where did you ever get this mess?"
"I bought it here."
"Oh, what a beautiful Mess-terpiece."

Shemp and Vernon Dent in Sing a Song of Six Pants. Here's an equally easy one:

"How is your cold?"
---"Oh, pretty good, but I still don't smell so good."
---"I'll say you don't!"

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
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"How is your cold?"
---"Oh, pretty good, but I still don't smell so good."
---"I'll say you don't!"

Symona Boniface, Curly and Stanley Brown in ALL THE WORLD'S A STOOGE


My toin again...
"How dare you hug my wife in front of my eyes!"
"Well turn around, and I'll hug her behind yer back!"

Offline cpp

You beat me to the punch, but as a point of interest, & seemingly reported incorrectly on the 'All the World's a Stooge' short & quotes page, Symona Boniface wasn't the lady on the couch who asked Curly how his cold was in that dialog exchange with Stanley Brown.

It may be an uncredited actress.  All three unidentified female party guests in the cast list, Elthelreda Leopold, Gwen Seager & Poppy Wilde, seemed much too young in 1941 to be the older lady on the couch, & Poppy Wilde is the tall, dark-haired woman seen standing next to Lelah Tyler just before Symona sticks a pin in Curly's ass.  It doesn't look like Ethelreda Leopold to me, so if it's anyone off the cast list & not someone unlisted, I'm guessing Gwen Seager, but perhaps someone can help out with who it is.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

"How dare you hug my wife in front of my eyes!"
"Well turn around, and I'll hug her behind yer back!"

Harry Burns & Curly from What's the Matador

"Eh, why does your older sister have to get married before you can marry me?"
"It's an old family tradition. And besides, he's filthy with money."
"Eh, he's filthy with or without."
"Just the same, with his money we'll live on easy street."
"You don't think he'd marry this beanpole."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
  • ****
  • "Pleese! You zit!"
"Eh, why does your older sister have to get married before you can marry me?"
"It's an old family tradition. And besides, he's filthy with money."
"Eh, he's filthy with or without."
"Just the same, with his money we'll live on easy street."
"You don't think he'd marry this beanpole."

That's Larry and one of the women in Cuckoo on a Choo-Choo---a very weird short that has always had a certain fascination for me. Certainly it has the best-ever use of the gag of fist to chin, knee to elbow, kick sole of foot.

Okay, here's mine:

"I'm going to change my socks. What an experience!"

Offline cpp

Moe - 'Three Little Sew & Sews'

"By golly, that's good - tastes like rotten eggs!"

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
  • ****
  • "Pleese! You zit!"
Moe - 'Three Little Sew & Sews'

Are you sure that it's in that short? I got it from a different short, and a different character.

"By golly, that's good - tastes like rotten eggs!"

That's Gene Roth in Hot Stuff (used before in this thread).

Here's a new one:

"Who is this spotted raccoon?"

Offline cpp

Yep, it was in that episode with Moe.  You were thinking of Curly in 'Cactus Makes Perfect'.

Your last one was Moe - 'Gypped in the Penthouse'

"Thanks, fellas, I'm chilled to the bone!"

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Curly from An Ache In Every Stake

"Hey what's that on the stool."
"Must be a stool pigeon."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline cpp

Moe & Shemp - 'Shivering Sherlocks'

"But Maggie, we just had the whole house redecorated." "But that's not the point - it's a political move."

Dog Hambone

  • Guest
"But Maggie, we just had the whole house redecorated." "But that's not the point - it's a political move."

That's Bud Jamison & Bess Flowers as Thaddeus & Maggie Smirch in TASSELS IN THE AIR.


"For two pins I'd bat your brains out!"
"I ain't got any pins."
"You ain't got any brains, either!"

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
  • Puddinhead
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"For two pins I'd bat your brains out!"
"I ain't got any pins."
"You ain't got any brains, either!"



My toin again...
"This ain't a house! It's a sieve!"

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Moe from A Plumbing We Will Go

"Are you familiar with the great wall of China."
"No, but I know a big fence in Chicago."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
  • Puddinhead
  • ***
"Are you familiar with the great wall of China."
"No, but I know a big fence in Chicago."

Symona Boniface & Curly - IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE

My toin again...
"Excuse me, do you have paté de foie gras?"
"I'll see if the band can play it."


Offline cpp

Lynton Brent & Larry - 'Loco Boy Makes Good'

"I need not charity, I'm on the WPA."

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Larry from Back to the Woods

"Yeah, if worse comes to worse we can rob a bank."
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline MrHaroldG2000

  • Porcupine
  • Puddinhead
  • ***
"Yeah, if worse comes to worse we can rob a bank."

Larry in Rumpus In The Harem

My toin...

"Oh, deer!"
"I didn't think you cared!"
"I don't!"