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"Well, that beats the Devil."
"You know, you're not much to look at, but baby I go for you."
Shemp Diesel, I'm not 100% sure, but doesn't Christine McIntyre say that line in HUGS & MUGS?
"Hiya, girls! Meet the Three Stooges - comedy, singin’, dancin’, and snappy dialogue!"
"What do you mean by hiring men like them."
Here's an easy one thrown right down the middle of the plate:"Who's in that can?""Just garbage."
Cy Schindell and Shemp from Shivering SherlocksMy toin again..."He did it!""Thank you...but you started it!"
My toin:"You know, he's known as Lightning."
"Hey fellas, I can't hear a thing.""Why not?""I'm not listening."
"That Dill sure has the chief in a pickle."
"This is my brainchild!""Ah, you're not even married!"
MHG2K, that's Moe & Larry in FLAT FOOT STOOGES. Here's mine:"How do you do? I’m the new adjuster from the Calamity Insurance Company."
Here's an equally easy one:"I'm a lover of fine music. They made me listen to singing commercials!"