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Offline McSnuff20

Is Effie, the bearded lady, really a man?

Dog Hambone

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I checked the cast list at this site, but Effie is not one of those cast members listed.

It always looked like a woman to me. And an ugly one at that. 

Offline triso

Is Effie, the bearded lady, really a man?
I always thought it was Nicolas Cage's screen debut.
What does feedin' the lions got ta do wit' us?  Hmmph!

Offline curlysdame

It always looked like a woman to me. And an ugly one at that. 

Yeah, really.  Especially at the end of the scene, when Stanley Blystone discovers 'Effie' unbearded and unconscious in the chair, I always thought it was a male stand-in, because of all the stubble on their face.  I found the short on youtube, and took a good look... nope, that's woman alright!  "W-O...WOOF!"

Either way, it's a pretty funny scene (another Curly-drag appearance) with some good lines. 

Effie: "Oh, you must be the blind date Tattoo Sadie sent over!"
Curly: "I'm not blind and I'm no date!!"
Effie: "Don't be shy, my little bald-headed eagle."


Effie: "You remind me of my seventh husband."
Curly: "You remind me of a girlfriend in Detroit... but you look more like her stepfather." 
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Larry Larry

Question:  I just saw this for the first time.

Just how did the bearded lady end up unconscious in the chair? 

We see Curly with scissors and then she's in the chair?  Is a scene missing?  Did Curly stab her? 
These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Offline triso

Question:  I just saw this for the first time.

Just how did the bearded lady end up unconscious in the chair? 

We see Curly with scissors and then she's in the chair?  Is a scene missing?  Did Curly stab her? 
I think he just applied "an anesthetic," clipped off her beard, covered her and then glued the hair to his face. I guess he had some spirit gum in his pocket or perhaps some paste from putting up the posters.
What does feedin' the lions got ta do wit' us?  Hmmph!