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Larry's Passing - 34 Year Anniversary

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Offline Hammond Eggar

Working in the radio business, we have access to Metro News which gives us a whole bunch of "This Date in History."  Today it reminded me that it's the 34th anniversary of the passing of Larry Fine in 1975.  What a loss.  Even all these years later, Larry is still greatly missed.  Thankfully, we have the films and shorts, and Sony is finally giving the boys the proper DVD treatment.  Larry's legacy will keep him alive for many generations to come.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Double Deal Decker

I'd forgotten that this past January 24th marked Larry's passing. Usually, I remember. Life has just gotten too fast paced, I guess. Oh well, R.I.P., Larry, and remember,..."One of us is crazy and it's not you !!!"