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This is some scary stuff (and I'm not kidding)

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Offline Dunrobin

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This is a must watch video.  It may seem a little dry to you, but pay attention to what this guy is saying.  This is some scary stuff, and I think we are in for a very rough 2009 if he's right.   :o

Personally, I think we're boned.  I have a feeling I'm going to be grateful for living on some farm land.   :-\


There's a line is the Ren & Stimpy song "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" that keeps running through my head now:

"I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me!  Why didn't you believe me?!"   [fear]

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I always knew there was a reason my Dad and Mom had over $150,000 squirreled away when they died. (children of the Great Depression) Myself and three other brothers and sisters have since divided it up and had it swallowed by our so-called "needs" and "living expenses" ... although the treatment my sister got for early Alzheimer's Disease before she died was a great help from my Dad and Mom's inheritance, she had good care while the doctors did nothing for her, at least. I miss her. But, I also miss the "save fer a rainy day frum hell" attitude my Dad and Mom "supposedly" instilled in me. They MUST have known that IF there was such a thing as a "Great Depression", that it maybe, JES MAYBE, will happen again. Otherwise, WHY save all that dough and NOT spend it on yourself after retirement? (Huh - retirement! I'll be lucky to NOT turn into a humped-over door greeter at Wal-Mart). I'm starting to put greenbacks under my mattress, hoping you will do the same.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Dunrobin

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My own retirement plan hasn't changed - I still expect to have to work until I drop.   :-\

Offline FineBari3

My own retirement plan hasn't changed - I still expect to have to work until I drop.   :-\

Me too....

It is sad, as I look around the area I live in, and see old farmland with half-million dollar houses crammed in there.  Come, Buy a House You Cannot Afford!

People bitching because their 401K has tanked! I ask, WHAT 401K? I haven't even paid off my student loans yet, and I graduated in 1994! 

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline metaldams

I'm working the same part time job I've been working for over seven years, where I'm a big fish in a small pond.  I had a bank job to go along with it until recently (I was a goldfish amongst sharks), but they moved out of state and the offer they gave me to go along was beyond insulting, so I declined.  Needless to say, I'm looking for something more substantial right now as I have WAY too much time on my hands.  I'm hoping the job hunt picks up once the holidays are over.  Right now, there's barely a page in the local ads and ain't doing much.

About saving money for a rainy day, it's wise because I've done so and I'm feeling the benefits of it right now.  Still need a new job, but things could be much worse.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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Needless to say, I'm looking for something more substantial right now as I have WAY too much time on my hands.

If things haven't picked up by springtime you might want to spend some of that spare time on gardening.   ;D


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Finding a job today is almost impossible. I'm just hoping some miracle happens and I'll be able to get a job when I graduate from school next year. This economy is really in bad shape. My mother is struggling to find a job and my dad works in IT, so if he gets laid off, we're screwed because getting a job in IT today is really difficult. Not to mention all the money they lost in the stock market.

Offline falsealarms

Finding a job today is almost impossible. I'm just hoping some miracle happens and I'll be able to get a job when I graduate from school next year. This economy is really in bad shape. My mother is struggling to find a job and my dad works in IT, so if he gets laid off, we're screwed because getting a job in IT today is really difficult. Not to mention all the money they lost in the stock market.

I graduate with a bachelors degree next December. Who knows what the economy is like by then, but the rut we're in now will probably not be over with anytime soon. Not only would I be competing with a bunch of other recent graduates, but there's going to be a ton of experienced employees looking to get back into the workforce (the people who recently lost their job).

I'll have a sociology degree (basically liberal arts) and I hear more and more people argue that its a pretty worthless degree. People who say otherwise tend to say "no degree is worthless."

Offline shemps#1

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You think you guys have it bad (and you do) try freelance writing. Freelance jobs have been drying up even more of late, and the pay is the absolute shits.

I kind of feel for Obama at this point, he's getting the keys to a broken down Pinto.
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Offline Dunrobin

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I kind of feel for Obama at this point, he's getting the keys to a broken down Pinto.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for him, since he's part of the criminal scumbag class (politicians) that have destroyed this country.  Besides, give the guy some credit - I'm sure that Obama can do at least as much to screw us over as Bush has done, and probably a whole lot more; just give him time.


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I graduate with a bachelors degree next December. Who knows what the economy is like by then, but the rut we're in now will probably not be over with anytime soon. Not only would I be competing with a bunch of other recent graduates, but there's going to be a ton of experienced employees looking to get back into the workforce (the people who recently lost their job).

I'll have a sociology degree (basically liberal arts) and I hear more and more people argue that its a pretty worthless degree. People who say otherwise tend to say "no degree is worthless."

I’m an Accounting major and I graduate in May with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Had I graduated last May, I would’ve been a cinch to get a job, but now, I can forget about it. All this work I put in and I’ll probably just end up getting a job at McDonald’s as it’s probably the only job I’ll be able to get.

Offline JazzBill

I don't feel the least bit sorry for him, since he's part of the criminal scumbag class (politicians) that have destroyed this country.  Besides, give the guy some credit - I'm sure that Obama can do at least as much to screw us over as Bush has done, and probably a whole lot more; just give him time.
Now you can get a good look at Illinois politics. Our last Governor is in jail and our present Governor is heading that way shortly.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline metaldams

I’m an Accounting major and I graduate in May with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Had I graduated last May, I would’ve been a cinch to get a job, but now, I can forget about it. All this work I put in and I’ll probably just end up getting a job at McDonald’s as it’s probably the only job I’ll be able to get.

I've always noticed there are more openings for accountants than anything else.  You'll be fine, X.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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I've always noticed there are more openings for accountants than anything else.  You'll be fine, X.

I agree - especially if you specialize in that damned stupid Sarbanes-Oxley Act

It is beyond me why anyone would accept accounting instructions from the Federal government, of all people.  I don't think they've managed to have a single agency balance its books in at least the past forty years or more, and every year there are literally tens of billions of dollars that vanish, unaccounted for, yet none of them ever seem to go to jail over it.  Funny how that works...


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I've always noticed there are more openings for accountants than anything else.  You'll be fine, X.

Really? Many accounting firms are affected because many companies go out of business. A lot of accounting firms, especially the Big 4, are holding off on hiring people.


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I agree - especially if you specialize in that damned stupid Sarbanes-Oxley Act

LOL. Our teacher made us study that telling us he was going to give us a big essay on that on our final exam. So, I studied really hard and when I took the final, guess what, it wasn't on the test.

Offline locoboymakesgood

I didn't tell anyone here yet, but I was laid off back in October. The company I worked for sucked anyway (basically medical billing), and my severance ended this past week.

I've been applying diligently and I can't find work anywhere. And I was denied unemployment since I didn't have names for contacts for Craigslist ads I applied at. Love the system I tells ya.

I'm an accounting major right now (don't know if I'll stay this route, but that's where I'm currently heading) but I won't graduate for another 3 years or so as it is. I just wonder what the economy will be like then.

Times suck, especially when you're entirely on your own with nobody else to help you out or to rely on.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline FineBari3

I didn't tell anyone here yet, but I was laid off back in October. The company I worked for sucked anyway (basically medical billing), and my severance ended this past week.

I've been applying diligently and I can't find work anywhere. And I was denied unemployment since I didn't have names for contacts for Craigslist ads I applied at. Love the system I tells ya.

I'm an accounting major right now (don't know if I'll stay this route, but that's where I'm currently heading) but I won't graduate for another 3 years or so as it is. I just wonder what the economy will be like then.

Times suck, especially when you're entirely on your own with nobody else to help you out or to rely on.

You might want to try a temp agency called Accountemps.  You may be able to do some clerk work with your college experience and may get your foot in the door somewhere. 

I know how you feel. It is difficult trying to find a job doing anything, especially if you put down you have a college degree. I wound up taking it off of my resume for some jobs I had applied for.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline locoboymakesgood

I've already interviewed at every temp agency in town. All worthless.

Just gotta wait for that magic place I guess.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline Dunrobin

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Found this on's blog:

Unemployment at 16.5%

Thanks to John Williams, who calculates governent (sic) stats as they were figured in the 1970s, before the finagling of Reagan, Clinton, etc.

Offline FineBari3

I've already interviewed at every temp agency in town. All worthless.

Just gotta wait for that magic place I guess.

Man, that blows!

Have you tried anywhere at your University?  I worked for the bookstore and the library when I was in college, and a used record store at the same time.  I worked almost 30 hours a week and carried a full course load of classes. I worked my ass off in college and grad school and am barely scraping by. I wish I would have paid more attention in math class in high school, instead I became a liberal arts major.  [shrug]
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson