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searching for greeting cards

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Offline curleysgal

  • Porcupine
  • why Soitenly!
hey you numbskulls..... I've been looking for 3 stooge greeting cards...not the postcard type ones,
real greeting cards. I had a sample of one with software to make cards, but when I went to purchase it they didn't have them anymore. I've searched the web far and wide and I hear that they are no longer available due to lisensing issues.
I would take either the software to make my own or actual cards.
thanks! ::)nyuk nyuk nyuk
Curleysgal in Poughkeepsie

Offline curleysgal

  • Porcupine
  • why Soitenly!
Hi fellow Stooge-fanatics!
I'm still looking for stooge greeting cards, either regular ones or software
to make my own.
I had a trial one that came with a pack of software years ago, but
they stopped making them, something to do with lisensing issues.
But I have never stopped wanting them.
Any clues as to where I can get these?  I have already written to about them.

Carry on grapeheads!
Curleysgal in Poughkeepsie