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three stooges as rug layers...


does anyone know the name of the short where the stooges are rug layers? there's also a blonde in the show looking to make off with a diamond or cash and she gets shot with the rug laying staple gun in the end.
 Please refer to the first rule in the Posting Guidelines threads in the General Discussion board. S#1

Waldo Twitchell:
The Stooges are carpet layers in 'Fuelin' Around' (1949) with Shemp, but the short I think you're referring to is 'Rusty Romeos' (1957) with Joe Besser. Connie Cezan is the golddigger who gets shot in the behind with tacks.

Incidentally, 'Rusty Romeos' is an almost identical remake of 'Corny Casanovas' (1952) sans the new scene with Connie at the end.



--- Quote from: dennisg1 on January 09, 2005, 09:12:55 AM ---Thanks for the info - you're good. By the way - any idea where I can purchase a copy of that show? I didn't see it for sale anywhere on this website. ???

--- End quote ---

It is available on VHS from  Just find Fuelin Around in the "Jump to Episode", and on the episode page there's a link that says Buy from 

Of course, to make it even easier, you could also just click here.    ;D


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