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The Ritz Brothers

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Offline metaldams

Reading Jim's BLAZING STEWARDESSES review, what caught my attention the most was his appraisal of The Ritz Brothers.  I've seen them in two movies, STRAIGHT PLACE AND SHOW and THE GORILLA, and didn't think they were that funny.  They were OK in the former and I thought they were best doing song and dance numbers, but in the latter they were pretty bland.  Their characters are interchangeable and I had trouble figuring out where the jokes were, never mind understanding them.

Well, that's the old opinion, and while it hasn't changed too much, I was inspired by Jim's review to pull out my copy of THE GORILLA again.  My opinion changed about the interchangeable aspect because I realized Harry Ritz carried the weight of the material and had some good energy and mugging skills.  The other two were.....well, imagine if the Marx Brothers were Groucho, Zeppo, and Zeppo.  Also, I've read in some circles that THE GORILLA may be the worst Ritz comedy, so perhaps I'm watching the wrong film to appraise these guys.  It's also the most known Ritz comedy these days because of it's public domain status and 'cause Bela Lugosi's in it.  STRAIGHT PLACE AND SHOW I only saw on TCM and don't have a copy of.

The thing that amazes me the most about the Ritz Brothers is while they are generally disliked, a comic authority like Mel Brooks considers them greater than The Three Stooges and The Marx Brothers!  To each their own.

I'd like to hear other Ritz Brothers opinions, and perhaps a suggestion of another film of their's to check out.  Anybody think there's a standout Ritz film?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline busybuddy

I've seen a few Ritz Brothers clips and liked a lot of what they did, but I have never seen an entire movie. I've seen a lot of their version of the Three Musketeers, but it's a bit like Snow White and The Three Stooges. Not enough humor to be a comedy and the serious parts are too serious and too much like the real book.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline shemps#1

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I don't know how much I can add to a Ritz Brothers discussion since my only exposure to them has been Blazing Stewardesses, but from their act in that otherwise terrible film I will say that I definitely want to see more of them. They have their own style, and the only similarity to the Stooges is that they are brothers like Moe, Shemp and Curly and that the act had a lineup of three (except in Stewardesses, which was made after Al Ritz died). You can definitely tell from Stewardesses that Harry is crown jewel of the team and like I said in my review you can see why Mel Brooks et. al. think so highly of him.

I wonder how often Ritz Bros. films appear on TCM. It's a weird thing about TCM in the Hampton Roads area: I currently have the low tier of digital cable and ON DEMAND, and while TCM is one of the channels I do not currently get (am seriously considering upgrading to get it and NFL Network anyway if the price is not too steep) I am able to access TCM ON DEMAND.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline BeAStooge

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I wonder how often Ritz Bros. films appear on TCM.

Rarely... the Ritz Brothers spent most of their film career at 20th Century Fox.  They can be found on Fox Movie Channel.

Offline metaldams

Did a little youtube hunting, and found this very surreal musical number.


......and their first short film in two parts, HOTEL ANCHOVY (1934)



All better than THE GORILLA.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline busybuddy

Rarely... the Ritz Brothers spent most of their film career at 20th Century Fox.  They can be found on Fox Movie Channel.

Speaking of which, The Ritz Brothers film One In A Million is going to be shown on Fox Movie Channel this coming Wednesday at 8 AM. I'm not sure how much they're in it but I am looking forward to seeing it.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline FineBari3

I wonder how often Ritz Bros. films appear on TCM. It's a weird thing about TCM in the Hampton Roads area:

I thought you were from Boston!

I spent three crummy years living in Newport News, back when I was married. I also taught high school social studies at Menchville.

I am going to watch the clips that metaldams put on (thanks!).  The only Ritz Brothers thing I have seen was a bit with them as plumbers, and a bathtub. I cannot remember where or when, but it was years ago. I remember thinking "Oh, so this is the Ritz Brothers", and that's about it. I don't think I was impressed.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
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Offline shemps#1

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I thought you were from Boston!

I spent three crummy years living in Newport News, back when I was married. I also taught high school social studies at Menchville.

I am going to watch the clips that metaldams put on (thanks!).  The only Ritz Brothers thing I have seen was a bit with them as plumbers, and a bathtub. I cannot remember where or when, but it was years ago. I remember thinking "Oh, so this is the Ritz Brothers", and that's about it. I don't think I was impressed.

I am actually originally from Connecticut, but I've been all over and right now am living in Virginia Beach.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline locoboymakesgood

Besides Blazing Stewardess, the only thing I remember them (which wasn't them at all) was Mr. Burns referring to them in The Simpsons:

"Such disorganization! I've seen more orderly behavior in a Ritz Brothers film!"

And given the things I've read about them online, I've never had an interest in really watching them. After seeing those clips above, they just seem like a Marx Brothers Lite.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Virgina Beach? Have you ever run into Pat Robertson? If you do, don't mess with him. Dude can leg press 1000 lbs!  ;) :P


Hmm, I don't see the youtube clip I posted using the youtube button. The link is:

Anyway, I haven't seen the Ritzes yet, but if they are a Marx Brothers lite as someone said above, I may not be interested. I like the Marxes but not as much as the Stooges.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 09:03:32 PM by BeAStooge »

Offline JazzBill

I have to admit that up until now, I had never heard of the Ritz Brothers. After watching the clips you posted, I would have preferred to keep it that way.  [sick]
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Offline shemps#1

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Virgina Beach? Have you ever run into Pat Robertson? If you do, don't mess with him. Dude can leg press 1000 lbs!  ;) :P


Hmm, I don't see the youtube clip I posted using the youtube button. The link is:

Anyway, I haven't seen the Ritzes yet, but if they are a Marx Brothers lite as someone said above, I may not be interested. I like the Marxes but not as much as the Stooges.

I think if Robertson and I were to meet the there would  be spontaneous combustion.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown