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Banned but not forgotten [WAS Re: The Three Stooges Collection Vol. 4: 1943 - 1945 Press Release]

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Offline Stooges#1

That may have been a bit harsh of me to use the word "stupid," but I didn't mean to sound anti-Nintendo. I actually think they have really good games. But moe-jo has some very strange obsession with it and all other members there too have that exact same obsession as well. Funny, that's supposed to be a stooges forum. Yet, all members coincidentally decide to have Nintendo signatures, all of which were taken from the exact same site ( What are the odds of that? :-\

Here is another dead giveaway that all members there are the same person: Most Online Today: 1. Most Online Ever: 1. If that site does indeed have 34 members, I'm expecting better traffic results than that. Looks like SMF bases those results on IP addresses and since all members use the same IP, it's only counting those members as one person.

By the way, does she really have a Wii? Because 'til this day, they're impossible to find.

I noticed that Most Online Today: 1. Most Online Ever: 1 too. She probably just wants to create all these usernames to give out the impression that her forum is getting new members but people are getting wiser to her scam.

Offline metaldams

As for "sandy vaginas," I had no clue that was a South Park thing.  My brother and I have been telling each other we have sand in our vaginas for years, and we call each other funny names like "liver lips," to dirty ones like "cumbucket."  We actually get along real well.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Stooges#1

As for "sandy vaginas," I had no clue that was a South Park thing.  My brother and I have been telling each other we have sand in our vaginas for years, and we call each other funny names like "liver lips," to dirty ones like "cumbucket."  We actually get along real well.

Cumbucket. LOL.  ;D

Offline Dunrobin

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LOL!  I just noticed that "The Fed" as "R.O.B. does not forgive you." as her quote on the side.   ::)

Offline Stooges#1

I was just thinking of some insults after the Sandy Vaginas reference and came up with "Jizz-Muncher".

I dont really watch South Park but i've heard there is a weird sense of humour happening on that show.

Offline Dunrobin

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My brother and I do the same thing.  We can even insult each other to classical music and opera, thanks to all of those years of watching cartoons.   ;D

Offline Stooges#1

My brother and I do the same thing.  We can even insult each other to classical music and opera, thanks to all of those years of watching cartoons.   ;D

I cant even say Penis infront of my brother.  ;)

Offline metaldams

My brother and I do the same thing.  We can even insult each other to classical music and opera, thanks to all of those years of watching cartoons.   ;D

LOL!  That's awesome!  Yeah, the irony is that even though my brother and I jokingly insult each other on the surface, we get along better than any other two people in our family.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline archiezappa

I was browsing through the So where's everyone from thread and noticed it on one of the posts.

I just went over there and read that "So where's everyone from" thread.  Oh my God!  Can you say "Multiple Personalities"?  Uh-huh.  I knew you could.  That person has some serious problems.   [dance]


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I was browsing through the So where's everyone from thread and noticed it on one of the posts.

I just checked out that forum for the first time and came across this comment from DLWJohn:

"I was never banned from .net, but couldnt take anymore of the "You dont share my same opinion...BANNED!!!" attitude. I just thought I'd swing by the old stoogeworld forums a couple minutes ago, found that place dead and saw the link to this one, and here I am!"

Sheesh!  What a whiny baby.  I've read this site for years, but only recently decided to try out the forums.  One thing I noticed after looking over the posts of many who have been banned here is that they were treated rather graciously by the admins, and given ample warning about their offenses.  I've yet to see anyone banned for a "dissenting opinion".  What BS!  I've seen a lot of disagreement here, but a willingness to allow discussion and argument nonetheless.

I just happen to be one of those often hated Christian theists.  I don't particularly care for some of the language here, but I realize as one admin said, this is not a democracy, but a monarchy so to speak.  And the admins are sovereign.  I also acknowledge that I live in a free society, so I accept the vulgar language as part of the experience of having the privilege of posting here.  So as a life long Stooge fan, thank you DunRobin for the opportunity.  This forum beats all the others I've seen hands down.  Great job here, keep up the fine work.

So to Tardo and Stoogophile: As my father would say, "Tough Titty"!


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DunRobin said:

("It's good to be the king!")

I find it hilarious that you can make an actual, important point, and use a line from good ole' Mel Brooks.  That's a classic.  They don't make movies like that anymore.

Offline Dunrobin

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I just checked out that forum for the first time and came across this comment from DLWJohn:

"I was never banned from .net, but couldnt take anymore of the "You dont share my same opinion...BANNED!!!" attitude. I just thought I'd swing by the old stoogeworld forums a couple minutes ago, found that place dead and saw the link to this one, and here I am!"

This is what I don't understand. Nobody here has ever banned for sharing an opinion. Why do these idiots keep thinking that? When someone questions a moderator on how he even got appointed or telling a moderator he nuts and needs eyeglasses, that's just pure disrespect.


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The rules must be the same for all members.
Says who?  This isn't a "democracy", nor is this site "public property", and as a matter of fact the "rules" have never been the same for everyone across the board.  There have always been groups who have extra abilities and privileges because I've chosen to grant them.  ("It's good to be the king!")

Thanks for the stating, you have very strange rules, Mr. King. But in creating "groups who have extra abilities and privileges" you have failed miserably, and chose a rotten apple.


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Sigh...why is it when someone gets off with a simple warning they feel compelled to dig a deeper hole for themselves? Let me guess, you haven't read the rules of this site, where it clearly states swearing is allowed. I am still trying to figure out where you get off telling me how to run the boards, how I run the boards, or why I banned someone. You also need to go back and retake some ESL classes.

At any rate, you can join "tardo" over there. Perhaps the two of you will be over at Stoogeworld holding each other and crying about how I'm a big meanie. You get what you ask for, mi puto.

Oh yeah, feel free to suck the sweat off my nutsack.

Para no aprender inglés apropiado, y tener a una madre que fue impregnada por un mulo.

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! It seems YOU first have to take Spanish lessons urgently, and not use those cheapie Altavista and Google translators. Your Spanish suck, you made me laugh, fatso.

Now that you get into a tangle with Spanish, here's one for you:


You will have a hard time translating it. Sorry, none of those bizarre translators won't help you, chubby. So you can go to read those cheap porno magazines you use to buy.

You can ban me again, nevermind. I've made my day.

I came across too many American idiots lately (besides your president George "drunk" Bush), why?
 Multiple accounts-troll S#1

Offline shemps#1

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You don't understand X, I'm a tyrant who bans anyone who has an opinion that dissents from mine. It's not their fault at all.  ::)

There's an old cliche that fits perfectly here: don't come into my house and piss on my floor then expect me to thank you for it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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Wow, you called me fat without ever even seeing me. Turns out I am in fact not at all fat, but hey...believe what you will.

Why do you step away from the computer and instead of hanging out on a message board where you're obviously not wanted try finding a life within that third world cesspool you call a country.

My Spanish may be poor at best, but it still beats your English.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! It seems YOU first have to take Spanish lessons urgently, and not use those cheapie Altavista and Google translators. Your Spanish suck, you made me laugh, fatso.

You will have a hard time translating it. Sorry, none of those bizarre translators won't help you, chubby. So you can go to read those cheap porno magazines you use to buy.[/center]

What irony!  This jackass berates S#1 for his "poor Spanish".  But in doing so uses a tongue foreign to him whose grammar he has yet to grasp.  This guy moved from whiny, to hostile, to complete douchbag in short order.  Good riddance.

P.S.  curlytwo - A.K.A. stoogeophile, "Your English suck"!

Offline shemps#1

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I'm glad you noticed it too, Paul. I never claimed to be a master of the Spanish language, which is why I hardly ever use it. My English is excellent, my French is moderate and my Spanish is poor.

By the way, I want to make it clear that I do not read porn mags: I watch videos off the Internet like everyone else.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Yeah, his English was pretty bad. But even though shemps#1's Spanish may not have been perfect, I laughed really hard when I had it translated at It was really funny.

I don't even know what happened to this guy. He was ok at the beginning and he even spent time putting up some nice pictures in the gallery. Then, he turns into this troll with an attitude problem.

Offline Justin T

I just checked out that forum for the first time and came across this comment from DLWJohn:

"I was never banned from .net, but couldnt take anymore of the "You dont share my same opinion...BANNED!!!" attitude. I just thought I'd swing by the old stoogeworld forums a couple minutes ago, found that place dead and saw the link to this one, and here I am!"

Sheesh!  What a whiny baby.  I've read this site for years, but only recently decided to try out the forums.  One thing I noticed after looking over the posts of many who have been banned here is that they were treated rather graciously by the admins, and given ample warning about their offenses.  I've yet to see anyone banned for a "dissenting opinion".  What BS!  I've seen a lot of disagreement here, but a willingness to allow discussion and argument nonetheless.

I just happen to be one of those often hated Christian theists.  I don't particularly care for some of the language here, but I realize as one admin said, this is not a democracy, but a monarchy so to speak.  And the admins are sovereign.  I also acknowledge that I live in a free society, so I accept the vulgar language as part of the experience of having the privilege of posting here.  So as a life long Stooge fan, thank you DunRobin for the opportunity.  This forum beats all the others I've seen hands down.  Great job here, keep up the fine work.

So to Tardo and Stoogophile: As my father would say, "Tough Titty"!

I second what he said, I'm not a big fan of swearing either but I'm used to it.

It just amazed me how these people get ample warning but continue to push it and thus get banned, very stupid.
Esp. how that one troll there created another account just to hurl more insults. Pathetic. So long losers.

I really apprecaite this site Dunrobin and all the hard work you put into it. I appreciate how you
and the mods run this place.

"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"


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I second what he said, I'm not a big fan of swearing either but I'm used to it.

It just amazed me how these people get ample warning but continue to push it and thus get banned, very stupid.
Esp. how that one troll there created another account just to hurl more insults. Pathetic. So long losers.

I really apprecaite this site Dunrobin and all the hard work you put into it. I appreciate how you
and the mods run this place.

Yeah, I'm not that crazy about cursing as well. But it has become a norm in today's society, so I learned to accept it. I do tend to curse myself though when I'm frustrated and need to let out some anger.

Offline Stooges#1

I started laughing at 'curlytwo', maybe he knew that it would take two posts before he got banned. Im kind of disappointed because most people starting out of forums use their first post introuducing themselves, the bastard, but it turned out that it was a mulitple account.

Offline Stooges#1

I know you guys will enjoy this.

Moe-Jo began a thread on her forum wishing herself a happy birthday. And she even had enough time in the day to tell herself that she hates herself.

Oh, it warms the heart.  ;D

Im certainly glad that i ran into her on the net and ISLIPP i mustnt forget him, those two have given me many laughs. Especially the ISLIPP section on this forum.

Offline locoboymakesgood

Anyone know if she's hot?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)