When's the last time you saw a VHS tape in the store? I know it's been a LONG time for me. Probably 6 or 7 years, when Best Buy began phasing them out.
I was in the 99 Cents Only store by my job today after work picking up a few things, and stumbled across a giant pile of tapes. About 200 copies of Men in Black II, but some other crap thrown in the mix. What shocked me the most was two official Sony Stooges tapes - Hoi Polloi and Dizzy Doctors (from 1996) were still brand new with the security seals intact. I figure'd they were only 99 Cents (since that's the most anything is in the store) - but they rang up 59 cents each! Sure it's VHS, but hey, two more items to add to my collection I never had.
Pretty good day overall. 
Yeah, I probably would have picked them up for that price too. But let's be honest. Only for their value as a Stooges item, not because you will watch them. Especially after we have the pristine, new DVD sets in our possession now. Which is all I watch anymore. I just can't wait to have them all so I can trash my VHS tapes recorded off the television. Though I will keep all of the Sony "themed" DVD's I purchased. I invested too much money in those to get rid of them. I bought every single one they released except the colorized,
Stooges On The Run. Didn't buy that one because it didn't contain a single short that hadn't already been put out on a previous release. A lot of us invested significant money in those theme sets. I would be willing to sell them, but with the new chronological sets, who would buy them now?