Xraffle made this comment earlier today on another thread:
Since people seem to enjoy posting pictures now, perhaps maybe the admins can start a board where people can post pictures. Just an idea, though I don't think much of it. ![Cool [cool]](https://threestooges.net/forums/Smileys/default/cool.gif)
Well, X, you may not have thought much of it, but when I read that it struck me that I had noticed a Gallery mod for these forums a while back. I decided to look and found it right away, and it installed just fine so now we have one!
There is a link on the forum's menu bar, and I've added links to the
Forum Gallery under both the
Galleries menu and the
Community menu. Guests and Porcupines can't add pictures, although they can view the Gallery and Porcupines can add comments in the member posting the picture allows them. You have to be a Grapehead to start adding pictures to the Gallery, and once you are an Applehead your pictures will be auto-approved (although they are still subject to moderation.)
NOTE: While we may allow adult language on this forum, I don't want this site to get a reputation for obscenity so risque and pornographic pictures are right out. Any pictures that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted, and the person posting them will be warned; repeated offense will result in banning. (So just don't.) Master Stooges and Team Stooge members have the ability to administer the Forum Gallery along with the administrators. Please make sure you choose the appropriate category when uploading files. We've got fairly generous space on the hosting server, so I've allowed large size pictures, but I'll have to keep an eye on it and may have to reduce allowed sizes in the future. Right now the maximum image size is 2500 pixels x 2500 pixels and a maximum file size of 9.5 Mb, which should allow you room to make some high resolution wallpapers.