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Sony's Mike Schlesinger responds to my email

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Offline Hammond Eggar

I stated last week that if Sony's Mike Schlesinger responded to the email I sent him, that I would post that response here.  Well, I was quite pleased to open my email today and find a short note from him.  I think you'll like what he had to say.

Dear John,

      Thank you for the kind words. The plan is to do a box set of the 50s-60s features after all the shorts are released. I'd also like to include the solo Shemp, Joe D and Joe B shorts with their respective Stooge efforts. The earlier features and the cartoons are a bit trickier, but we're working on it!


This is great news.  Of course, we can't get too excited until more concrete information is made available.  That said, though, the fact that a Sony representitive is actually seriously considering our suggestions is fantastic!  I highly recommend sending Mr. Schlesinger an email, if you haven't already.  It's definitely worth your time.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Sadistic Stooge


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Thanks for the email link John  ;D.  We should not underestimate the significance of personally contacting those in charge of these DVD releases.  It goes a long way for a large company to hear from the fans, to encourage their work so far, and to thank them for what they are doing, and will do in the future with the boys Columbia material.

Offline Stooges#1

That is fantastic news, thanks for passing on the email, Hammond Eggar.

I would love the 50s/60s movies in the one box. We're all finally getting our wish of proper restored and remastered Stooges sets. Thanks to Mike and Sony!

Offline ArPharazon

Mike replied to some of my emails on this subject.  He said the same thing regarding their hopes of releasing the Shemp (and Joe) Columbia solo stuff at some point.
Relating to some posts I made in other threads, thanks to BeAStooge for correcting me on just who owns what nowadays, we should be contacting Warner Brothers regarding the MGM shorts and the pre-1937 Shemp solo stuff that was done on Vitiphone (which WB owns too).  I just watched Corn On The Cop  &  His First Flame this weekend and they were pretty funny, maybe moreso than the few MGM shorts with Healy & the Stooges with their musical bits shoehorned in here & there.
That Shemp was in a lot of films.


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I also emailed Mike about the upcoming releases.  He responded back.  I thought some of you may be interested in what he said.  Here's the exchange.

Dear Mr. Schlesinger,

I'm sure you're a busy man, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this if you can. I wanted to pass on my personal thank you, and to let you know how I admire the work that you and Sony are doing to get the Stooges shorts out to their most adoring, lifelong fans; in their original, chronological release order. I will purchase every chronological set Sony releases on DVD, all the way to Joe Besser and 1959 (I've already pre-ordered Volume 3).

I own all of the previously released Stooges DVD's (the Sony "theme" sets), as well as all of the movies. Though we're still waiting for Have Rocket Will Travel on DVD. I hear this will be coming out later in a box set of all 5 of the Columbia movies. I hope I don't have to purchase the other 4 Columbia movies all over again just to get "Rocket". This is already an issue with the shorts of course, but may I suggest making "Rocket" available individually to add to the previous movie releases.

I did want to point out an annoying error on a previous release if it hasn't been brought to your attention (though it may be too late anyway). On the Stooges short G.I. Wanna Home (1946), the previous "themed" release G.I. Stooge, wrongly titles it as "G.I. Wanna Go Home". This is on the DVD cover, and the DVD on-screen menu. I'm guessing this short will appear on Volume 5 if you continue the "three years at a time" format. So perhaps there is still time to catch that mistake so it isn't repeated on the new release.

Again, thank you for all your hard work. My Stooge crazed son and daughter thank you as well. Now this generation will have the privilege of watching any and all of the stooges shorts at their leisure and command. Though the rest of us had to rely on the sporadic and intermittent airings of our local TV stations when we were kids. Thank God for the digital age and all of it's blessings and privileges.

My sincerest thanks,

A huge Stooge fan, Paul Riemann

Mike responded with this:

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your kind words. I'll look into the title correction, but you must admit it's an understandable mistake!

We're not yet up to the features box, but I will pass along your suggestion about releasing HRWT individually.



Offline archiezappa

You guys are lucky.  I sent Mr. Schlesinger an email several weeks ago, but I've never received a response.   :(