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DVD update comments in Sony interview

BeAStooge · 107 · 29151

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Offline locoboymakesgood

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Maybe this is for another thread, but Blu-ray is a niche market for film enthusiasts. It's not going to replace DVD. I for one am a Blu-ray advocate since I have the means and the source to be able to enjoy films in high definition, but I personally don't shove my opinions down peoples throats.

It's cool, it's a great option to have. I like it.

But I wouldn't worry about it, guys.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline metaldams

My parents have an HD TV, my friend has an HD TV, I don't.  Yes, an HD TV looks clearer, but to me it's unecessary because I have no problem with the older screen.  It's like improving an orgasm.  Yes, an improved orgasm may feel better, but didn't it feel fine in the first place?

I think these technology people miss the point.  I'm not debating an HD TV or probably Blu-Rays look better, I'm just saying there was nothing wrong with the old model and as a society, I think we should be conserving our energy on more important things.  Call me old fashioned.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline jrvass

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OK. as I type this, I'm looking at s formerly squirrely 13 inch TV screen. The cats play behind it watching the birds in the trees and fuck-up the cable connection. This is the same TV-VCR that ate a stooges VCR tape. They are permanently married. When this Panasonic dies, I'll buy HD. In the meantime, I'll use another 13" TV in my bedroom and a 29" console in the living room.

8 tracks- still have a player and a few tapes.
Cassettes- Oh yeah,
78's- If you want it louder, open up the speaker doors on the Victrola
Cylinder Records- A few, but nothing to play them on.
Blu-ray- Bullshit.

I'm sick and tired of companies shoving new technologies down our throats. When they do, they lighten your wallet.

Call me when you find that money tree.

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Offline jrvass

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Did you notice the quality of TV programming improve when they went beyond rabbit ears and 2, 4, 7, 9, 20, 50, 56, 62?

Me neither. Now I pay $50/month for this crap.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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I think these technology people miss the point.  I'm not debating an HD TV or probably Blu-Rays look better, I'm just saying there was nothing wrong with the old model and as a society, I think we should be conserving our energy on more important things.  Call me old fashioned.

Exactly. I'm not denying that HD is better than SD. It clearly is. What I'm trying to say is that the technology we have currently is fine already and the added expense to upgrade is not worth it. It took me a while to adjust to DVDs as I still have some home movies on VHS that need to be converted. Now, I have to worry about converting my DVDs to Blu-ray? What's funny is that I'm 22 years old and I think in an old fashioned way. Funny, ain't it?

Anyways, my apologies for rambling on and getting such a wonderful thread off topic. It's just that this HD pressure that people put me on gets to me sometimes.

Offline FineBari3

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8 tracks- still have a player and a few tapes.
Cassettes- Oh yeah,
78's- If you want it louder, open up the speaker doors on the Victrola
Cylinder Records- A few, but nothing to play them on.
Blu-ray- Bullshit.


Open up the speaker doors!!!!    [pound]

You forgot to mention LPs!
I just bought some LPs a couple of weeks ago.

I bought a 47" HDTV last year, but that was because I needed a new TV.  I refuse to pay the extra $ a month to get the HD service with cable, and I don't want to fuck with an antenna. Personally, a HD picture is SO clear that it hurts my eyes! (But watching sports is nice!)
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson


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I bought a 47" HDTV last year, but that was because I needed a new TV.  I refuse to pay the extra $ a month to get the HD service with cable, and I don't want to fuck with an antenna. Personally, a HD picture is SO clear that it hurts my eyes! (But watching sports is nice!)

:o Whoa! 47"!! That's huge. People live large today. Even my cousin has a 46" HDTV and my co-worker just bought a 52" one. I don't know. I'm not into large TVs. In fact, I can't wait until my 27" Sony TV breaks because that huge TV is getting on my nerves. 27" is already too big for me.

Offline Dunrobin

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:o Whoa! 47"!! That's huge. People live large today. Even my cousin has a 46" HDTV and my co-worker just bought a 52" one. I don't know. I'm not into large TVs. In fact, I can't wait until my 27" Sony TV breaks because that huge TV is getting on my nerves. 27" is already too big for me.

Son, that would have been enough to tell me roughly how old you are, if I didn't already know.  My poor old tired eyes need the bigger screens; I'd be getting headaches trying to watch something that small (unless I was right on top of it.)    ;)

These days I have a 36" TV, but I used to have a 54" rear-projector TV ten or twelve years ago.  Unfortunately, times got tough when I was out of work and I sold it off to help pay the mortgage, but I miss that big monster.   ;D

As I understand it, Blu-Ray is pointless unless you have a high definition TV.  Right now HD TV's are still too damned expensive (at least to me), and there is nothing wrong with my current set, so I am in no hurry to switch over.  Hopefully the price will be more reasonable by the time I am ready to buy one, at which point they will come out with something even better and the debate will start all over again.   ::)


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Son, that would have been enough to tell me roughly how old you are, if I didn't already know.  My poor old tired eyes need the bigger screens; I'd be getting headaches trying to watch something that small (unless I was right on top of it.)    ;)

These days I have a 36" TV, but I used to have a 54" rear-projector TV ten or twelve years ago.  Unfortunately, times got tough when I was out of work and I sold it off to help pay the mortgage, but I miss that big monster.   ;D

As I understand it, Blu-Ray is pointless unless you have a high definition TV.  Right now HD TV's are still too damned expensive (at least to me), and there is nothing wrong with my current set, so I am in no hurry to switch over.  Hopefully the price will be more reasonable by the time I am ready to buy one, at which point they will come out with something even better and the debate will start all over again.   ::)

I have tired eyes too. They aren't all that great. I'm actually nearsighted and need to wear glasses when seeing things far away. But the problem with me getting a huge TV is that it gets heavier and the picture never really gets any sharper. In fact, I think bigger TVs are fuzzier than smaller TVs, in my opinion. Even in movie theaters, the picture gets to me because even though it's huge, I find it too fuzzy. And that 27" TV I was talking about is my living room TV. The one in my bedroom, which I use 95% of the time, is 20" only and I like it. It's the perfect size. ;D

As for the price of HDTVs, you are sooooo right. The price is rediculous. I can't believe they charge $1,000 for a TV. That's insane. But yes, if/when they do come down in price, I will most likely get one. But right now, the price is still too high. Hopefully, in 2009 when Over-The-Air broadcast becomes exclusively digital, then maybe the prices would go down.

Edit: Actually, I just realized. The size of the TV people buy all depends on how large the room is. Obviously, if you have a large living room, you need a big TV because it's kind of silly watching a 13" TV when you're 10 feet away. And it's just as silly to watch a 52" TV when you're 2 feet away. Since my apartment is small, that's probably the reason why I'm the only one here that doesn't like big TVs. To get the perfect size TV for your room, I read that all you have to do is measure the viewing distance in inches and divide it by 3. For example, if the TV and the couch are 120 inches apart, then the best size TV for that room would be 40". Obviously, the measurements are always going to come out nice and even like that, so you just need to estimate it based on the numbers you came up with.

Offline metaldams


Did you notice the quality of TV programming improve when they went beyond rabbit ears and 2, 4, 7, 9, 20, 50, 56, 62?

Me neither. Now I pay $50/month for this crap.


I agree, but if your favorite sports team is out of market, these packages are a godsend.  I can watch any Red Sox game I want as long as I'm not working or have other plans (and alas, tonight I'm working).  Other than that though, you're right.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline jrvass

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I bought my Great Uncles 29" Sony Console 25 years ago. It still works.  The 40" HDTV at Mom's I'll probably buy in 10-20 years. She uses it infrequently.

LP's? I thought they went without saying. Technics SL-D2.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline archiezappa

LP's? I thought they went without saying. Technics SL-D2.

I also have a Technics.  Mine's SL-BD22.  What's the latest LP you've listened to?  I listened to the "American Pie" album by Don McLean just day before yesterday.

Offline jrvass

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Summer Madness by Kool & the Gang

Get it before it's gone thanks to youtube/google...

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I also have a Technics.  Mine's SL-BD22.  What's the latest LP you've listened to?  I listened to the "American Pie" album by Don McLean just day before yesterday.

Wow! I didn't even know that they still made the players. I don't even know much about LPs since it was a bit before my time. I don't even like CDs anymore. All my music is on MP3 format.

Offline jrvass

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That was about 1977. I bought a new record player a couple years ago at Office Max on sale ($77).

It also plays cassettes and CD's. Not 8-tracks, 78's, or cylindricle records. You have to go antique shopping for them. (Soon Beta and VCR-players).

So when that asswipe shows up again screeming the benefits of Blu-ray. I wanna choke her with $100 worth of pennies and stick a DVD up her ass!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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You must be a lot younger than me. Rabbit ears get your attention? My first TV was an RCA tube that swiveled on the box of tubes and boards in a wooden cabinet. I remember watching a New Orleans Saints kicking a winning field goal against the Detroit Lions on that TV. 1960-something. The guy had a special shoe since he only had 1/2 a foot. It was an NFL record until recently.

I shun cell-phones and vidiot games.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline FineBari3

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I also have a Technics.  Mine's SL-BD22.  What's the latest LP you've listened to?  I listened to the "American Pie" album by Don McLean just day before yesterday.

Ooo...nice. Nice cover, too!

I listened to "Darin at the Copa" yesterday!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson


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You must be a lot younger than me. Rabbit ears get your attention? My first TV was an RCA tube that swiveled on the box of tubes and boards in a wooden cabinet. I remember watching a New Orleans Saints kicking a winning field goal against the Detroit Lions on that TV. 1960-something. The guy had a special shoe since he only had 1/2 a foot. It was an NFL record until recently.

I shun cell-phones and vidiot games.


I was born in 1985 and CDs were already out then. At one point, I wanted to buy a record play because they interested me. I don't know why, they just seemed more fun than CDs ;D. But the prices were crazy. The cheapest ones I saw were about $150 which is way more expensive than CD players. So, I eventually gave up looking for one.

Yeah, I'm young, but I hate the technology today, especially cell phones. I bought my first one like 8 years ago because my parents made me get one for emergency reasons. I've been using pre-paid ever since then. Since I have a ton of pre-paid minutes left, I'm stuck with the cell phone now. In fact, I lost my older cell phone a few months ago and had to get a new one because there was still a lot of minutes on the phone since I rarely use it.

And I pretty much gave up video games a few years ago. Since I work and go to college, there just isn't anymore time for that. I don't know how some people my age or older still have the time to play it. My cousin is 32 years old, works very long hours and he still finds the time to play a lot of video games. I don't know how he does it.


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So when that asswipe shows up again screeming the benefits of Blu-ray. I wanna choke her with $100 worth of pennies and stick a DVD up her ass!

It's people like the Blu-ray spammer that's causing technology to change soooo fast. This is why I'm always behind on the times. Heck, I still use VCRs to record programs. No way am I buying a TIVO and paying monthly service just to record.

Offline jrvass

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Ha! The last VCR I bought was a player, not a recorder. I've got a 20-some yr old recorder squirrelled away in the garage attic.

Want me to spew a few words of Assembler at you?

MVC = move

COBOL, PL1, etc. Nothing like winding up an old Victrola. You want it louder? Open up the speaker doors!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Ha! The last VCR I bought was a player, not a recorder. I've got a 20-some yr old recorder squirrelled away in the garage attic.

Whoa! And it still works? Usually, after a certain amount a time, these darn VCRs start eating tape. My current 10 year old VCR is already did that a couple of times, but I'm just putting up with it. I would buy a new one but they don't sell them anymore. They only sell DVD/VCR combos which I don't like.

Offline jrvass

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It worked when I boxed it up 10+ years ago. Don't know if it still does. I suppose it does. I retaped the box good.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline falsealarms

I can't imagine still living in a world of "console" TVs and VCRs.

Offline hiramhorwitz

I haven't yet caught up with VCRs -- I'm still using my Capacitance Electronic Disk (CED) video system.  That's where you have something that looks like a slightly swollen LP vinyl record, that holds 60 minutes of video/audio on each side of the platter, and is played using a stylus in contact with the vinyl.  If the video program is longer than 120 minutes, you have a second disk with the remaining portion of the program.  This system was produced by RCA and came out just prior to commercial VHS.  RCA sunk all their resources on it and quickly lost their assets when the recordable VHS system became available and nobody was interested in CEDs that were only for playback.

Yeah, of course I'm still listening to music on vinyl.  Why should I switch to CDs or MP3s, when I've already got all my favorites on LPs?  What's more, if I ever get nostalgic, I can stare at the large album covers/liners, and remember how I used to listen to the contents with the lyrics shown full size on the album cover six inches in front of me.  The sound quality is still plenty good on my 30+ year old Yamaha amplifier and JBL speakers...and all of my albums are still in excellent shape.  Derek and the Dominos, early Springsteen, J. Geils, Cat Stevens, Andy Pratt, Aztec Two-Step, Maynard Ferguson, Bert Kaempfert, and songs and routines from The Soupy Sales Show -- I guarantee you this stuff on vinyl is just as entertaining as when I bought it, and not necessarily available in the current format!  So why should I switch?

I'm still using a black rotary telephone, too.  When my kids' friends want to use the phone, I hand them the rotary (attached to the wall with a cord).  They stare dumbfounded and ask what to do.  I ask them if they've ever heard the expression "dial the telephone number."  They say yes.  I inform them that that thing on the front of the phone is a dial, and they should go ahead and use it.  Their response is usually a blank stare.   

Offline archiezappa

It's good to know that I'm not the only one that has a record player.  I still have rabbit ears on my television.  Yes, February '09 may be bad for me.  I don't have a cell phone, a Wii or an iPod.  I have several LP's, but I do have a lot of CD's.  The main reason for CD's for me is to listen while I drive.  Because of that, I had to give up cassettes.  Well, actually, cassettes gave me up.  They started wearing out, dragging, and breaking.  CD's were the obvious choice.

I like Kool & The Gang.  In fact, I remember when "Celebration" first came out.  (and now my true age comes along)

I don't need Blue-Ray.  I still haven't bought the DVD's of The Monkees, since I bought the Monkees Video Box Set on vhs back in '95.  I would have been happy with the Stooges on vhs, if they had all been released officially.  But we're getting the DVD's and that's good enough for me.