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DVD update comments in Sony interview

BeAStooge · 107 · 25793

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Offline BeAStooge

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Mike Schlesinger of Sony, who manages their classic film library and produces the classic library DVD packages, was recently interviewed online...

Mike Schlesinger interview

From the interview...

The Three Stooges seems to be moving at full speed. I take it that readers should not expect a slowing down anytime soon?

Nope. The idea was to have everything out by the end of ’09, which is the 75th anniversary of the team’s signing with Columbia. They suddenly realized that at the original pace they wouldn’t finish in time, so now they’ve shifted into high gear.

Besides voting with ones wallet, how can our readers to Sony of their happiness with these releases and their desire for them to continue?

They can send any notes to me at and I guarantee they’ll be forwarded to the Powers That Be. Even a handful of letters can indeed make an impact.


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Wow! All 190 shorts by the end of next year! That's amazing. After a hard day at work, coming home and seeing this brightens up my day.

Offline FineBari3

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"...which is the 75th anniversary of the team’s signing with Columbia."

Wow. Did anybody hear think of that one? I sure missed it!

I also sent a quick email note to the person in the link.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline UncleBobOLink


I sent like a 1 1/2 page email to Mr. Schlesinger about how thrilled I am that Sony is finally giving us Complete Stooges collections, I also asked about the possibility of releasing the feature films in a box set, as well, and pointed out that my favorite, Have Rocket Will Travel, was the only feature not to be released on DVD...... and I asked about the COLOR Stooges discs, which, personally, I LOVED, and have all of them, I will post his reply, when I get one

to whoever posted his email address, THANK YOU

 Use correct punctuation; run-on sentences give me a headache.

Moe:  Didn't you say you had an uncle ?
Curly:  Yeah, Uncle Bob O. Link, but the family didn't speak to him, He had MILLIONS.........
Moe:  Thats it, We're rich
Larry:  We're filthy with dough
Moe:  You're filthy WITHOUT it..............

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Wow. Un-fucking-believable.

Dare I say... I love Sony?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


  • Guest
Wow. Un-fucking-believable.

Dare I say... I love Sony?

I know. I feel the exact opposite towards Sony now. So, if this interview is accurate, then we should expect Volumes 2-5 to be released this year and Volumes 6-9 to be released next year. How great is this?!

Offline Justin T

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This is just beyond awesome. Thank you Sony and thank you Mike Schlesinger for giving Stooge fans
what we have been wanting for many years. This is fantastic news, thanks for posting this Brent!
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline falsealarms

I'll believe all of this when there's more concrete information, like firm release dates etc. But, still, good news that we all hope bears itself out.

Offline archiezappa

Oh wow!  This is awesome!!!   ;D  It's good to know that us fans have made a difference.  Howard, Fine, Howard, Howard, Besser & DeRita would be proud. 

Offline falsealarms

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I did, and SAID ALL INTELLIGENT Stooge fans require the Stooges encoded at 40mb AVC on Blu Ray with extras, so we have super crisp video and protective coated discs, so our collections will last longer than the inferior dvd will.
 Multiple accounts to avoid previous ban

Offline jrvass

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Would it be?
Could it be?
It is!!!

The Blu-Ray Spammer.

 >:( (sigh)  >:(

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dunrobin

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Offline metaldams

Things looking on the up-and-up, now let's badger Hallmark over the Hal Roach catalog.  ;D
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Hammond Eggar

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I'll believe all of this when there's more concrete information, like firm release dates etc. But, still, good news that we all hope bears itself out.

I agree that we do need more concrete information.  That said, this news is fantastic!  I emailed my thanks to Mr. Schlesinger, along with some requests.  I asked him for a boxed set of the Joe DeRita features, and asked about bonus features such as film trailers and "The Three Stooges Scrapbook."  I also requested that the Columbia Stooge-related features from the '30s and '40s be issued on DVD, as well as solo shorts from Besser and DeRita.  If I get an email response, I'll post it here.  At-any-rate, this is great news.  I couldn't be happier! ;D
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Benno123

I emailed him a short note saying thanks, and that when the set that covers 1953 comes up I hope Sony includes BOTH the 2D and the 3D versions of Spooks! and Pardon My Backfire.

Offline Hammond Eggar

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I emailed him a short note saying thanks, and that when the set that covers 1953 comes up I hope Sony includes BOTH the 2D and the 3D versions of Spooks! and Pardon My Backfire.

Great job, Benno123.  I'm glad , at least, one of us remembered to ask about the 3-D shorts.  I'm surprised it slipped my mind. :-\
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Benno123

I don't know how well the 3D effect will transfer over to DVD, but I thought even if it stinks we still deserve to have that in the set.  Afterall this is the complete set, and it wouldn't be complete without both versions of each short!  I also mentioned appearances in the Screen Snapshot series as well as other odds and ends in the Columbia vaults.

I think this Mr. Schlesinger is going to be surprised at how many people write in about the Stooges.  But this is good .... maybe after the Stooges are all done then other short subject series will see the light of day (finally)!

Offline jrvass

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Well, it was the Blu-Ray Spammer, anyway.

You are too good Rob. In the 15 or so minutes between her post and mine, you banned her.

Blu-ray protective coatings... She probably uses a diaphragm and a condom. Tax-payer funded, of course.

After all, doesn't Blu-ray replace DVD's because of compatability? Bring back 8-Tracks and vinyl records!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


  • Guest
You are too good Rob. In the 15 or so minutes between her post and mine, you banned her.

Blu-ray protective coatings... She probably uses a diaphragm and a condom. Tax-payer funded, of course.

After all, doesn't Blu-ray replace DVD's because of compatability? Bring back 8-Tracks and vinyl records!


Wow! That Blu-ray spammer again! Geez! He must have no life going from house to house trying to create an obvious multiple account. But seriously, Blu-ray for the stooges? I understand if one would crave to see "The Matrix" or any other nice action flick on Blu-ray, but the stooges?? Even if there is an increase in resolution, I doubt there would be a big improvement. If anything, it'll just be very minor. And I don't need any protective coat. I handle my discs with care.

Offline JekyllHyde

Mike S has stated over at the Classic Horror Film Board that all Columbia Stooge material will be released including SCREEN SNAPSHOTS & their features. Whether those will be out by the end of 2009 is unknown.


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I wrote to Mr. Schlesinger requesting him about Stooges DVD releases with audio and subtitles in other languages, just as they have done before with the themed Stooge DVD's (Three Stooges in history, at work, etc.): in that time, it was correctly included audio and subtitles in Spanish and Portuguese, plus French subtitles.
Since many years ago, "Los Tres Chiflados" also have been a popular comedy team beyond the US border, and still today they are, their shorts are broadcasted since 1962 in Argentina and in the rest of the Latin-American countries thanks to the Mexican dubbing. They have a great cult following also in Brazil (they are known as "Os Três Patetas" there) and have been translated to many other languages due to their extraordinary appeal and timeless comedy. They are known WORLWIDE: it's very difficult to find someone why really don't know their work. So, with these new DVD's, why not also consider many, many million of followers who perhaps are even more than those residing in the United States?
I think the rest of the world also wants to see the painstaking effort Sony has done in restoring these true comedy gems! And I think Sony also can arrive to a great deal considering all of these millions of fans. It will be a reciprocal favor!  [cool]

Offline Benno123

I always read references to that classic horror film board, maybe I should go check it out sometime.  If I do a google search for it will the correct board come up?

Offline ProfessorStooge

I am so thrilled that Sony plans to have all 190 shorts on DVD before the end of 2009. Future DVD sets should include bonus features. Here are a few possibilities:

                                1.) Photo galleries
                                2.) Stooge biographies
                                3.) The Three Stooges Family Album
                                4.) The 2 episodes of The New Scooby-Doo Movies
                                which featured the Stooges
                                5.) Film trailers

Also, I would like to see The New Three Stooges cartoon show in its entirety as well as The Robonic Stooges on DVD someday.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 10:09:46 PM by ProfessorStooge »

Offline falsealarms

I always read references to that classic horror film board, maybe I should go check it out sometime.  If I do a google search for it will the correct board come up?

.... I think?