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Which episode?

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--- Quote from: girloves3stooges on August 18, 2010, 08:48:53 PM ---which episode features a scene of Curly writing on a notepad and out loud he says "Dear Santa Claus".

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--- Quote from: killarney on July 03, 2010, 12:44:09 AM ---LOL.....what a bunch of dolts....I now know 7 people that remember the quicksand scene yet you ignorant.....yes ignorant bunch have proved what a sack of useless info you possess. Good ridence you fucking children.
 Banned for being a jackass - Dunrobin
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The Quicksand Fetish (and, aww geez, they didn't mention the Stooges).

Hi, Stoogefans !

I'm coming to the Mountaintop to mine the wealth of knowledge here. Hope somebody has the answer here.

In some episode, the boys were somewhere in the Middle East, and naturally, in big trouble -- they had a code phrase that they said back and forth to each other while they were dressed in Middle Eastern garb (I suppose a recognition code or something like that)....

It was something like:


"Magonda !"

"Magonda ?"

"Friend !"

Spelling is probably wrong.

Does anybody remember something like that ?? It was a saying that a group I belonged to back in the early '70's started yelling as a joke, and nobody ever really knew the origin at the time (at least not that I knew of !), but just lately, somebody who preceded ME in the group told us it came from this Stooges episode. Nobody has any clue as to the episode name, but I would love to get a clip of it !

If you can help, thanks much !!   

Larry Fine Fan:
That was from "Movie Maniacs".

--- Quote from: girloves3stooges on August 18, 2010, 08:48:53 PM ---Does anyone remember which episode features a scene of Curly writing on a notepad and out loud he says "Dear Santa Claus". Im just watching some recorded episodes on my dvr and during an episode they do a comedy moment of Curly and it showed this scene, I cant remember for the life of me which episode it is.

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I'm new here so I hope I'm doing this correctly.   Of the many episodes ending in a pie fight, which one shown the cuckoo clock on the wall getting struck with a pie while the cuckoo bird was calling out the hour?  I remember this scene very well as a child, but I can not find it in the newly released volumes. Did this scene get cut?


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