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Which episode?

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--- Quote from: strubachinkoscow on July 03, 2010, 10:31:43 PM ---Thanks Beastooge. That's not it, however I totally forgot about that group cry
to the Blue Danube in Sappy Bullfighters. It's actually quite funny!
 I'll find the "Me Too" one I'm thinking of and post the episode.

--- End quote ---

A MERRY MIX-UP (1957), the engagement scene.

For those following the past couple days' discussion...
After the crying scene, the Stooges are so depressed, they throw themselves into a pool of quicksand. What follows is several more minutes of hilarity, for groups of up to 7.

Yep!!! That's the one!!!!
Dang BeAStooge, you Da Man!!!
I just watched it an cracked up.

Thanks so much!!


--- Quote from: BeAStooge on July 03, 2010, 10:47:26 PM ---For those following the past couple days' discussion...
After the crying scene, the Stooges are so depressed, they throw themselves into a pool of quicksand. What follows is several more minutes of hilarity, for groups of up to 7.

--- End quote ---

Ya know, you really have a wicked sense of humor sometimes...   >:D

There's an episode, I believe with Curly, that they're all together stitching something together. Moe asks for something, and Curly keeps handing him scissors. When Moe finally asks him for scissors, Curly doesn't pass them. The only two episodes I could find that have anything remotely close to this are Men in Black and Sock-A-Bye Baby.

There's a chance I'm not remembering the scene correctly, but I'm pretty sure I am. Any help is appreciated!

Does anyone remember which episode features a scene of Curly writing on a notepad and out loud he says "Dear Santa Claus". Im just watching some recorded episodes on my dvr and during an episode they do a comedy moment of Curly and it showed this scene, I cant remember for the life of me which episode it is.


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