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Which episode?

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Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: doniel on January 09, 2021, 04:38:51 PM ---I'm a brand new member. Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to start a new thread. Hence, this reply to an old one.
There was a short in which the boys are being chased inside a building (mosque?) by murderous bad guys. Larry slips on a robe, prostrates himself in "prayer" and calls out (in Yiddish) something like "Vemen hakt a tshaynik." My searches have not been able to turn this up. Can anyone help?

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Larry is speaking in Yiddish while dressed as a Chinese laundryman.  The short is MUTTS TO YOU.

Isn't that in "Mutts to You"?

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: Bustoff73 on January 09, 2021, 08:06:17 PM ---Isn't that in "Mutts to You"?

--- End quote ---

Yes, thank you.  I got my dog-themed shorts confused.  I had the right short but the wrong title.

Thank you for your replies, but that's not what I mean. Unless I'm hallucinating - and I never even smoked pot - I remember Larry on his knees, bobbing up and down pretending to be praying and saying the specific phrase I wrote in my first post. But if that doesn't ring a bell with you, then I'll have to chalk it up as another of life's mysteries that will remain unsolved.

Hmm. Check out "Pop Goes the Easel" (1935). He says something similar when they are trying to fool the cop in the art studio.


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