I can only imagine what these people think about Joe...if they "hate" Shemp.
Would they wish death on Joe (if he was still alive)?
Shemp had his own unique style, which apparently some people cannot see. He had more of a spoken joke style, instead of the crazy/kid like movements that Curly used. Shemp did have his funny noise when he was scared, and he had a special snore...but who would want Shemp to be a Curly clone with hair?!
Joe was also unique...but not funny. His style lacked that special something to make me laugh. I have yet to find a Joe fan, let alone one who likes Joe and hates Shemp.
Yes, Metal brought up a good point. The non-hardcore Stooge fans love Curly alot more than Shemp so its going to be interesting to see how well
the Collection sets sell once we hit the Shemp years. We need to do everything we can to make sure they are as bestselling as Vol's 1 and 2 have
I wasn't that big a fan of Shemp when I first started watching the Stooges, I loved Curly to death and when I got Shemps on I was like "Ah man.."
but as I grew up and got older and watched them over and over again, I grew to love Shemp. Curly is still my #1 but I have come to love and
apprecaite Shemp almost as much. He had his own unique style and it worked for the Stooges as well as when Shemp was on his own.
I think the love for Curly is so high that Shemp (and Joe and Curly-Joe also) are just considered not worthy to have "replaced" him and I think that
train of thought is not fair to Shemp at all. I'm not big on the Joe and Curly Joe eras myself but its not fair to put Shemp in that catagory.
The Curly and Shemp years for the most part are the peak of the team's success and it wasn't untill the later Shemp years that the real
decline in quality began IMO.
I still haven't met any big time Joe Besser or DeRita fans when I talk about the Stooges to casual fans, most seem to only know about the
Curly and Shemp years.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"
Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"