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Amazon ships vol. 2!

jrvass · 46 · 14164

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Offline jrvass

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Greetings from

We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items, and that this completes your order. 


Hot Dog!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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I just got the notice, as well. Great. A full two-and-a-half days after a competing online retailer shipped theirs out and, the best bit, right smack-dab at the beginning of a lovely holiday! Which means? The frickin' thing really won't go anywhere until Tuesday! In cases like this, a shark can be your best pal. And You're Screwed!


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I'll be checking my local Best Buy on Tuesday to see if they're going to carry a copy. If not, I'll do some shopping around on Wednesday.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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I'm at Fry's Tuesday after work. I'll have my copy. :D
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline fwdstuck

I won't go shopping for it tuesday. Gas too high. I'll just make alot of phone calls at work tuesday to see who has it. And then make one trip. The walmart about 1/2 mile from my job had about 4 copys of volume 1 when it was released. Hopely they will have volume 2.

Offline falsealarms

I placed my order with Amazon on Sunday night. It shipped today and should be here on Thursday. It's in the hands of UPS now.

As of now, it is the #17 seller among all DVD.


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I went to Best Buy this morning and they had one copy only. I grabbed it quickly and I skimmed through the shorts when I got home. From what I saw, all shorts look the best I have ever seen. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever about the picture quality. The only complaints I have so far is that there are some shorts on this disc with music clippings and the sound quality on "Yes We Have No Bonanza" is the same as it was before. Maybe S&C only watched the first half. The bad sound occurs after midpoint starting when the crooks bury the stolen money.

While there are flaws, this set is really worth it. Every short, even the re-released ones look a lot better. I'll give a more detailed review with screenshots when I watch the set completely. I feel so happy not ordering this from Amazon as I was able to get this set on the first day, unlike last time.

Offline Beatle Bob

Picked mine up lunch time at the Virgin Mega Store in Times Sq, NYC. They had plenty of copies! It was full price (these classic DVD's never go on sale on release day there), but I know it's well worth the price! Can't wait to view some of the shorts tonight after work.

Beatle Bob

Offline moe_howard

Best Buy in NJ claimed they had three in stock, but I only found one on the shelf.   Can't wait to view them tonight.

stooged and confused

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Glad you got your set, X, with no hassels this time.

If you read my full review, it does mention the sound issue on "Bonanza". However, I feel it is still an improvement from past releases. My TV is hooked up to my Denon receiver and is played through Infinity speakers, so I played the old and new release of the short, and there is an improvement at the drop out point. The sound change is so drastic, that it may appear that it is no better because it goes from rich sound to flat rather abruptly, but it is still better than before.


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Glad you got your set, X, with no hassels this time.

If you read my full review, it does mention the sound issue on "Bonanza". However, I feel it is still an improvement from past releases. My TV is hooked up to my Denon receiver and is played through Infinity speakers, so I played the old and new release of the short, and there is an improvement at the drop out point. The sound change is so drastic, that it may appear that it is no better because it goes from rich sound to flat rather abruptly, but it is still better than before.

I see. I'm sorry I missed it. I didn't realizes you mentioned it. I thought you were just reviewing the shorts.

So far, I watched the first six shorts of disc one. It looks really amazing. All of you will be extremely impressed at the way Grips, Grunts and Groans, Three Dumb Clucks, and Back To The Woods look. These shorts definitely look like they were all transferred from the original negatives. In fact they're so good, you can clearly see the strings and stunt doubles that were used.

Offline busybuddy

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I searched all over starting at 8:30 this morning, and finally found it at Best Buy. They only had one copy!
I think Birdie will go for that!


  • Guest
I searched all over starting at 8:30 this morning, and finally found it at Best Buy. They only had one copy!

Wow! Seems like all of us who bought this at Best Buy grabbed the only copy on the shelf. Well, at least they're carrying it this time.

Offline Moe Hailstone

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I was lucky to find Volume 1 at Best Buy opening day (it was their last copy as well), and it seems that those dumb fucks still haven't learned...

Why didn't they order more copies?!

I didn't rush to the stores today since gas prices are pushing me towards weapon ammo for when I snap, so I'll check stores on Thursday.   >:D
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Hammond Eggar

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I live in San Antonio.  Yesterday I drove to Austin to help a close friend "celebrate" turning 40.  I was back home by 5PM this evening (Tuesday).  After taking another friend home, I headed for the nearest Best Buy.  The store I visited had two copies, and I snaged one of them.  I can't wait to watch this set, especially since I feel that, short-for-short, this set has the greatest number of top-notch shorts.  The Stooges were really in their element in the late-1930s.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline locoboymakesgood

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I just finished Grips, Grunts, and Groans. Picked up the only set at my local Fry's. The shorts look GREAT!
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Just finished watching disc 1. Lovin' the set so far. I should have my review posted by tomorrow after I watch the set in its entirety. It's going to be one lengthy review as I have a lot of good things to say about it.

Offline 2reelers

Found mine at a Wal-Mart today around 4:30 this afternoon. There were approx. 4 or 5 more on the shelf @ $19.99

Offline archiezappa

Well, once again, I have successfully purchased my Three Stooges box set at Walmart, at 10pm on the day of release.  I didn't use extra gas, since I bought it on the way to work.  This is gonna be awesome.   ;D

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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I also went to my local Wall Mart after I got out of work today, and I was so happy when I found several copies
of The Three Stooges Collection Vol 2 at a price of 19.96! So I got my copy now and can't wait to re-watch some
of my favorite shorts in such awesome quality. Esp the ones that didnt look so good in the past like
Grips, Grunts and Groans and Back to the Woods.

Thank you Sony!!
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline metaldams

Plan on picking mine up eventually, hopefully sooner than later.  I actually waited a few months for volume 1 cause it was hard to find around my area and bought it off Amazon when it was on sale for $13.99.

Just curious, but is there anybody here who's seeing any of these shorts for the first time, or are you all like me and just picking up that final upgrade to the collection?
- Doug Sarnecky


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Plan on picking mine up eventually, hopefully sooner than later.  I actually waited a few months for volume 1 cause it was hard to find around my area and bought it off Amazon when it was on sale for $13.99.

Just curious, but is there anybody here who's seeing any of these shorts for the first time, or are you all like me and just picking up that final upgrade to the collection?

I'm like you. I'm just picking it up for the final upgrade. I've seen these shorts a million times, but watching it on this new set is like a whole different experience.

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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I was just over at and I noticed that The Three Stooges Collection Vol 2 is now
ranked #9 on the Movies and TV DVD Bestsellers List! WOW I dont remember Vol 1 getting
into the Top 10, I know it made Top 20 but this is very good news if its selling this well
on Amazon.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline archiezappa

I've seen all of these shorts before.  I am buying this for the final upgrade.  However, with these episodes restored as they are, it's just like watching them for the first time.  They're so clear!  This is the best that the Stooges could have ever hoped for.  Many thanks to Sony.   ;D