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Comedy for us old school wrestling fans

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Offline metaldams

I found a few of these.  If you like old or even (gulp), current wrestling, you'll enjoy these clips.  If not, see what hilarity you've been missing!
For starters, here's Sid Vicious putting Hall and Nash in their place.


....and here's Booker T calling Hulk Hogan a very special word.  Check out his reaction once he realizes what he's done.


....and finally, to complete the three count, here's a special message from The Ultimate Warrior.


- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Moe Hailstone

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The first two were funny, but I couldn't watch the whole Ultimate Warrior video...he really needs to talk faster.   :P

It isn't too old, but anything with The Rock talking is pure comedy gold!  I never get bored listening to him make fun of other wrestlers.   8)
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Justin T

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The first two were funny, but I couldn't watch the whole Ultimate Warrior video...he really needs to talk faster.   :P

It isn't too old, but anything with The Rock talking is pure comedy gold!  I never get bored listening to him make fun of other wrestlers.   8)

I loved The Rock too Moe, he was awesome. Loved his promos.

Man, seeing Sid and Warrior talk almost made my head want to explode LOL Man they were messed up.

Another man who knew how to cut a promo was the legend who finally retired last week, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.
He was amazing, I have watched a bunch of his promo work from the 80's on YouTube and their a riot, he could
crack jokes one minutes and get super intense and dramatic the next. He, like The Rock, was truly one of a kind.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline metaldams

You guys must be kidding.  That Ultimate Warrior promo is beyond mesmerizing.  Watch it again.  Hoak....Koooogan.

As for Flair, yeah, he was definitely the man back in the day, I've always been a big fan.  Saw him wrestle Bret Hart for the IC title back in New Haven, CT., '91 (Flair won by countout), and it was hands down the most entertaining match on the card.  Even my Dad, who hates wrestling, enjoyed that match.

Been losing touch with wrestling these past few years.  The problem is while I liked WWF/E, I was always more an NWA/WCW fan.  That's now gone, and McMahon is basically trying to keep up with the younger demographic, which I'm no longer apart of.  Oh, and I happened to be a HUGE Benoit fan, and uh, the constant you tube tributes to the man make me sick.  I don't care how good a performer he was, you can't overlook what he did to his family, brain damage or not.  I can't still get excited over swandive headbutts knowing what it did to the man.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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Doug, you suggested a change in my signature so I'm going to suggest you change yours to "Hulk Hogan, we comin' for you nigga!"

The best part of the Sid clip is watching Hall and Nash practically roll on the mat laughing after he said it.

Of course Ultimate Warrior is pure gold. What else would expect who has given us such gems as "queering don't work" and wrote an entire comic book devoted to him and Santa in an S&M bondage scenario.

As for Flair, it was time for him to go; past time in fact. He has only been tarnishing his legacy the past ten years by sticking around for way too long. A once in a while appearance (like Hogan) would have been fine. I have to take issue with the way they booked his retiring though. Hogan mentioned on the Bubba the Love Sponge show that what he would have done with Flair is announced ahead of time that the match was definitely going to be his last then get someone he has a history with, like Hogan or someone else who can still go (Sting, if he weren't signed to TNA) as his opponent. Towards the end of the match you have Vince and a bunch of cronies run down to try to ruin the match for Flair, the two wrestlers fight them off then embrace in the ring and Hogan/Sting/whomever gets out of the ring to let Flair have his moment. Not a perfect scenario but much better than the whole Shawn Michaels "doing what had to be done to Old Yeller" and "I'm sorry, I love you" bullshit we got.

Benoit can suck the dingleberries off of my ass hairs.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

Knowing what a big Howard Stern fan Jim is, I can't believe he hasn't posted this yet.  The Iron Shiek has a new career now.  Warning: Homophobic, bad language, and not to be watched by anybody whose favorite Killer Bee was B. Brian Blair.  His English is broken, but this is worth watching for comic value, as you'll learn what Shiek can do to make you humble.


As for the signature, I might take you up on that.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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I don't even have to watch the clip to know that he will break your back and fuck your ass.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Justin T

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Doug, you suggested a change in my signature so I'm going to suggest you change yours to "Hulk Hogan, we comin' for you nigga!"

The best part of the Sid clip is watching Hall and Nash practically roll on the mat laughing after he said it.

Of course Ultimate Warrior is pure gold. What else would expect who has given us such gems as "queering don't work" and wrote an entire comic book devoted to him and Santa in an S&M bondage scenario.

As for Flair, it was time for him to go; past time in fact. He has only been tarnishing his legacy the past ten years by sticking around for way too long. A once in a while appearance (like Hogan) would have been fine. I have to take issue with the way they booked his retiring though. Hogan mentioned on the Bubba the Love Sponge show that what he would have done with Flair is announced ahead of time that the match was definitely going to be his last then get someone he has a history with, like Hogan or someone else who can still go (Sting, if he weren't signed to TNA) as his opponent. Towards the end of the match you have Vince and a bunch of cronies run down to try to ruin the match for Flair, the two wrestlers fight them off then embrace in the ring and Hogan/Sting/whomever gets out of the ring to let Flair have his moment. Not a perfect scenario but much better than the whole Shawn Michaels "doing what had to be done to Old Yeller" and "I'm sorry, I love you" bullshit we got.

Benoit can suck the dingleberries off of my ass hairs.

I was laughing at Hall and Nash's reaction to Sid's verbal flub too.

I do agree with you that Flair should have retired years ago, but I didnt have a problem with the retirement angle too much and he and HBK had
a pretty good match at Wrestlemania. Plus the sendoff he got on Raw was very excellent. So yeah I wish he had left awhile ago but I'm glad
he went out on a high note like this.

Like metaladams, I was a HUGE Benoit fan and I loved the guy, but when he flipped out and did what he did I just can't look and think of him
the same way ever again. I'll probably be able to watch his matches again someday, but the love I had for him as a person and a wrestler died
when he killed his wife and son and then himself.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline Justin T

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I don't even have to watch the clip to know that he will break your back and fuck your ass.

LOL!!!  :laugh:
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline metaldams

I don't even have to watch the clip to know that he will break your back and fuck your ass.

The Iron Shiek's 4 steps to humility:

1.) Suplex
2.) Camel Clutch
3.) Broken Back
4.) Sodomy

5.) New signature
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
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You're almost there Doug...might I suggest more of a recipe type set up?

Iron Sheik's Humble Pie

1 Suplex
1 Camel Clutch
1 Broken Back
Combine ingredients and sodomize until completely humble.

...or something like that.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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The Iron Shiek's 4 steps to humility:

1.) Suplex
2.) Camel Clutch
3.) Broken Back
4.) Sodomy

5.) New signature

LOL I love the new signature!!

I watched that clip and I cant stop laughing because its so WRONG but hes dead serious
about it! Its a riot.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline curlysdame

LMAO at the Iron Sheik clip. "Break his back, make him humble, and then fuck his ass!"  Hahaha, daamn! 

I'll be the first to admit that I know almost nothing about wrestling, but, like Jim, I am a big Howard Stern fan.  The first time I heard a clip of the Iron Sheik on Stern I think I was crying I was laughing so hard.  That guy's INSANE!   :laugh: :laugh:  Here's a great clip (and one of my favs) from the Stern show featuring the Sheik...

[youtube=425,350]         <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="
&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline FineBari3

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I miss wrestling like it used to be, like back in the 70's, with fat, hairy guys that really knew how to work. Even the women wrestlers were fat and hairy and were great!

You know wrestling sucks when people get injured from fireworks going off!

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline metaldams

LMAO at the Iron Sheik clip. "Break his back, make him humble, and then fuck his ass!"  Hahaha, daamn! 

I'll be the first to admit that I know almost nothing about wrestling, but, like Jim, I am a big Howard Stern fan.  The first time I heard a clip of the Iron Sheik on Stern I think I was crying I was laughing so hard.  That guy's INSANE!   :laugh: :laugh:  Here's a great clip (and one of my favs) from the Stern show featuring the Sheik...

[youtube=425,350]         <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="
&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

There's TONS of great Iron Shiek stuff on youtbe, including what Curlysdame posted.  To be serious for a moment, I think he's always been messed up, but his daughter was murdered a few years ago, and that probably made him worse.  Some more gold coming in a few minutes, not Shiek related.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Here's the greatest entrance of all-time WCW's own....SHOCKMASTER!  This was in 1993, I think, and I remember watching this on live TV.  First we get watered down Flair (still better than most), a little amusing camp with Sting and a coked up British Bulldog, Sid and Harlem Heat (again), followed by the greatest entrance in wrestling history.  Enjoy!


Here's a match between two wrestlers who both passed on before 40, Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman.  Sad cases both, but the star here is the greatest manager and announcer of all-time, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.  Live television, and listen to the audio at 0:32

- Doug Sarnecky