I found this posted on ConnieTalk.com:Grassroots Artists Create Ron Paul As A 3-D AnimationTuesday, March 18th, 2008

A group of grassroots artists have gotten together and created a 60-second TV promo for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. The spot--which looks like any scene from a high-quality, modern video game--utilizes portions of Ron Paul's past speeches, combined with high end computer animation and moving graphics to create scenes where a 3-D Ron Paul emerges from water, is surrounded by doves, is standing amongst money flying up into the air, and even appearing next to the founding fathers of the Constitution. It's impressive!!
Check out the video:
The project was headed up by lead animator Nathan Evans of
Arcfx, and Chris Rye - the winner of the Ron Paul CNN/YouTube ad competition. It took 3 months to create the 60-second feature, which Chris Rye's American Liberty Coalition PAC hopes to air in Pennsylvania leading up to PA's April 22nd primary.
"Imagine average people watching mainstream television," the creators write, "And in between Pepsi and MasterCard commercials, the viewer gets 60 seconds of Ron Paul's important message delivered in interesting and visually stimulating computer graphics. Will you help us air
The High Tide in Pennsylvania?"
Republican candidate and former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, conceded
defeat last week, leaving only two presidential candidates left in the GOP primary race: and the two remaining candidates couldn't be more different: Congressman Ron Paul and Senator John McCain.