Anyone who's seen and read Jim Pauleys excellent Three Stooges locations: Then and now in the current issue #125 should look on YouTube and type in Herb Alpert Whipped Cream (you savvy Stoogeaholics who post YouTubes on here please post for me as I am plainly a moron in this area) The listing for the video says it was recorded in 1966, six years after the Scrapbook filming took place.
In the video Herb goes inside the gates at A&M studios (just like the Stooges in the article) and as the song plays you see inside past the gates into the lot where Herb dances and clowns with Charlie Chaplin look a likes.
I had seen this before but after getting the new journal yesterday and seeing and reading AMCO STUDIO I remembered the video.
Thanks Jim for the always enjoyable Then and nows, and Gary, Frank, Brent and everyone else for the outstanding issues.