Nice! I can't wait. There are a few points I'd like addressed.
1. Are there any music clippings at the very beginning of the shorts? This was one of the flaws on the Volume 1 set. If there are any, which shorts?
2. How do the shorts look? Do the re-released shorts look better or worse on this set?
3. How is the audio in "Yes We Have No Bonanza?" In the previous DVD, the audio on that short was terrible.
As I'm finishing up disc one, things are looking really nice. I will go into more detail after I've watched it in full. I don't believe in commenting until I've seen the whole presentation.
However, I will answer all of XRaffle's questions.
1) There are three shorts that have 1/4 to a 1/2 second of missing opening music. (I started each short on both discs to check for you.) The only difference on this set is that at the end of each short, the Sony Pictures Television logo and music pop up after the short fades out at the end.
2) From the first 8 shorts I've seen, the films look great. Especially the first title, "Grips, Grunts and Groans." If you've seen past VHS and DVD prints, this film was very dark in contrast and terribly grainy in look. Also, the audio track on previous releases was very tin/flat sounding, like an AM transistor readio. There was no bass to it and the soundtrack has been masterfully restored on this new set. There are a few soft scenes in the shorts (as was seen in Volume 1, but that has to do with the technology and film stock used at the time). When the film speeds up to make everything move faster than real life, the image changes during that scene. This has all to do with the technology at the time. No restoring can change that.
3) The sound is very good on "Yes, We Have No Bonanza." It's a vast improvement from previous releases.