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Volume 2 Chatter

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Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (XRaffle):

Sir I know this is the volume two section dealing with Curly, but sir I do not know where else to post this question?  So please sir forgive me if I am posting incorrectly.  But do you know sir when they are going to start releasing the SHEMP SERIES? (He's my Stooge).

Thank you kindly sir and sorry the nusiance.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]


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Dear Sir: (XRaffle):

Sir I know this is the volume two section dealing with Curly, but sir I do not know where else to post this question?  So please sir forgive me if I am posting incorrectly.  But do you know sir when they are going to start releasing the SHEMP SERIES? (He's my Stooge).

Thank you kindly sir and sorry the nusiance.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]


Since Volume 2 covers 1937-1939, my guess is that Volume 3 will cover 1940-1942, Volume 4 will have 1943-1945, and Volume 5 will have 1946-1948. 1947 is when Shemp joined the stooges, so assuming my guess is correct and assuming Sony will release 2-3 sets per year, it looks like Shemp will start being released sometime in late 2009.

Hope that helps. Have a great weekend!


Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (XRaffle): [pie]

Sir thank you for your kind and couteous and helpful response to my post.  And yes sir this was helpful.  I do appreciate it and sir in closing may your end of the week be a very pleasant one as well.

Again thank you sir for your help.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]

Offline falsealarms

will vol 2 be the only set for this year ? (I hope not )  [3stooges]

Maybe we'll see volume three sometime between Oct-Dec.

Offline Beatle Bob

I am expecting my advanced review copy of volume 2 next week. As soon as it arrives and I've viewed it in full, I will post a detailed review.

Hi! Did you receive your review copy yet? Are you ready to post a review/thoughts on it yet? Anxiously waiting! ;)

Beatle Bob

stooged and confused

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It shipped out yesterday. I should receive it today or tomorrow (Friday).

I will post a detailed review this weekend after I've watched the set in full!

Offline archiezappa

Maybe we'll see volume three sometime between Oct-Dec.

I hope so!  Surely, they wouldn't want to miss Christmastime sales.

Offline Moe Hailstone

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I hope so!  Surely, they wouldn't want to miss Christmastime sales.

If they keep to the seven month schedule, then they will miss out on Christmas, since it would be released at the end of December.  Maybe if they can get the third volume done in six months, they can have the whole three weeks of Christmas sales to boost it.
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

stooged and confused

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The advanced copy of Volume 2 is here!  I will be watching it over the weekend and anticipate a full, detailed review by Sunday night.


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Sounds great! Thanks.

I'm glad I'm not buying this volume from Amazon this time. Three weeks ago, I ordered two cds for my parents as a gift and it just came today. How rediculous! There's no way I'm waiting 3 weeks for this stooge set to arrive. I'll be shopping around on May 27 and 28 to get my copy. It'll be fun.

Offline JazzBill

Sounds great! Thanks.

I'm glad I'm not buying this volume from Amazon this time. Three weeks ago, I ordered two cds for my parents as a gift and it just came today. How rediculous! There's no way I'm waiting 3 weeks for this stooge set to arrive. I'll be shopping around on May 27 and 28 to get my copy. It'll be fun.

I can wait, I've alway's had good service with Amazon. Besides, I doubt if there's anything on "Volume II"  that I haven't seen before.  ;D
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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I can wait, I've alway's had good service with Amazon. Besides, I doubt if there's anything on "Volume II"  that I haven't seen before.  ;D

That makes one of us. ;D

Yeah, I saw everything in Volume 2. It's just that if i order from Amazon, everyone here will be chatting about how great the set is way before I receive my set. It happened with Volume 1. I was the last person here to receive that set.

stooged and confused

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Nice! I can't wait. There are a few points I'd like addressed.

1. Are there any music clippings at the very beginning of the shorts? This was one of the flaws on the Volume 1 set. If there are any, which shorts?
2. How do the shorts look? Do the re-released shorts look better or worse on this set?
3. How is the audio in "Yes We Have No Bonanza?" In the previous DVD, the audio on that short was terrible.


As I'm finishing up disc one, things are looking really nice. I will go into more detail after I've watched it in full. I don't believe in commenting until I've seen the whole presentation.

However, I will answer all of XRaffle's questions.

1) There are three shorts that have 1/4 to a 1/2 second of missing opening music. (I started each short on both discs to check for you.) The only difference on this set is that at the end of each short, the Sony Pictures Television logo and music pop up after the short fades out at the end.

2) From the first 8 shorts I've seen, the films look great. Especially the first title, "Grips, Grunts and Groans." If you've seen past VHS and DVD prints, this film was very dark in contrast and terribly grainy in look. Also, the audio track on previous releases was very tin/flat sounding, like an AM transistor readio. There was no bass to it and the soundtrack has been masterfully restored on this new set. There are a few soft scenes in the shorts (as was seen in Volume 1, but that has to do with the technology and film stock used at the time). When the film speeds up to make everything move faster than real life, the image changes during that scene. This has all to do with the technology at the time. No restoring can change that.

3) The sound is very good on "Yes, We Have No Bonanza." It's a vast improvement from previous releases.


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There are three shorts that have 1/4 to a 1/2 second of missing opening music. (I started each short on both discs to check for you.) The only difference on this set is that at the end of each short, the Sony Pictures Television logo and music pop up after the short fades out at the end.

In the words of Joe Besser, "That is amazing. Isn't that wonderful?" It's not so much the words, it's the lack of enthusiasm. If you've seen that interview, you'll get it.

Some clipped audio is a small gripe, sure. But why should there be any clipping at all. Really?! Also, do you suppose Sony is trying to break Universal's record of most annoying and overused logo? It's on the package, already! And one usually has to see the thing when a disc is first loaded. After that, I have a small clue as to what studio graciously released the disc that I'm watching. I don't need to see the sonofabitching logo after every film!

I wonder if any of these pictures have small edits, ala "Ants in the Pantry" from the last set?!


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As I'm finishing up disc one, things are looking really nice. I will go into more detail after I've watched it in full. I don't believe in commenting until I've seen the whole presentation.

However, I will answer all of XRaffle's questions.

1) There are three shorts that have 1/4 to a 1/2 second of missing opening music. (I started each short on both discs to check for you.) The only difference on this set is that at the end of each short, the Sony Pictures Television logo and music pop up after the short fades out at the end.

2) From the first 8 shorts I've seen, the films look great. Especially the first title, "Grips, Grunts and Groans." If you've seen past VHS and DVD prints, this film was very dark in contrast and terribly grainy in look. Also, the audio track on previous releases was very tin/flat sounding, like an AM transistor readio. There was no bass to it and the soundtrack has been masterfully restored on this new set. There are a few soft scenes in the shorts (as was seen in Volume 1, but that has to do with the technology and film stock used at the time). When the film speeds up to make everything move faster than real life, the image changes during that scene. This has all to do with the technology at the time. No restoring can change that.

3) The sound is very good on "Yes, We Have No Bonanza." It's a vast improvement from previous releases.

Thanks. Great to hear about how great the restoration looks.

However, it's a big disappointment to hear about the music clippings again. I don't know why this is a problem now. None of the previous "themed" releases had that problem. I know I may sound a little too anal by complaining about that, but I collect several other TV shows on DVD and never had any "clipping" problems until now. So, I don't think it's all that difficult to ask for complete opening music. Anyway, like what Thump said, it's only a small gripe that only anal people like me would complain about. All in all, the set sounds like it's worth it. Like the Volume 1 set, I'll post my review of the set when I get it. This time, I'll try to be more enthusiastic and less anal on my review. ;D

Offline FineBari3

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3) The sound is very good on "Yes, We Have No Bonanza." It's a vast improvement from previous releases.

That's great to hear!

I am glad that the sound quality has been improved on this set as well!

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Moe Hailstone

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The advanced copy of Volume 2 is here!  I will be watching it over the weekend and anticipate a full, detailed review by Sunday night.

It's officially Monday morning where I live and no review.   :(

I was about to turn my computer off, but remembered about your review on Sunday.  I'll just check the site on Monday evening to see what you've posted.   [cool]
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone


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it is posted
 Banned for multiple accounts (headstooge = NOCREDIT500)


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it is posted

It would behoove you to look at the time of the post. You would notice that Hailstone posted that before the review has been posted.