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Playing post office?

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Offline curlysdame

I just watched 'Three Little Pigskins' today, and although I've seen this short many times, I still can't figure out what he's talking about when Curly says "Let's play post office!"    ???

'Anybody know what that is?
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)


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That's a kids game, but not the way I play it. ;D

Anyway, all joking aside, I honestly don't know.


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I always guessed it had something to do with making a delivery-- and something you do with stamps.

Offline metaldams

In a somewhat rare short, though available now on one of the volumes of Laurel and Hardy silent DVD's, Charley Chase's WHISPERING WHOOPEE has some "post office" in it.  I don't remember the exact rules of the game, I'll watch the short tomorrow and tell you guys, but I can safely say the game's sexual in nature.  WHISPERING WHOOPEE is a pre-code film, so back then you could get away with a little more than what the Stooges could.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Then again, it may be a kid's game as well, but I'll give you guys the details of the short tomorrow when I get a fresh viewing.  In the meantime, as far as a kid's game version....
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline curlysdame

lol to the link metaldams posted.  ...Yeah, since Curly said it, I figured it was probably something sexual.  Thanks for your replies, guys!
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline garystooge

NO NO everybody here that dumb???  Post Office is a kid's kissing game that us old-timers used to "spin the bottle" (you probably don't remember that one either)!


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NO NO everybody here that dumb???  Post Office is a kid's kissing game that us old-timers used to "spin the bottle" (you probably don't remember that one either)!

Speak for yourself! And, since it's on Wikipedia, it must be true!?  :laugh:

Offline metaldams

NO NO everybody here that dumb???  Post Office is a kid's kissing game that us old-timers used to "spin the bottle" (you probably don't remember that one either)!

I would never insult or speak for my fellow posters, Gary, but to answer for myself only; Yes, I am that dumb.  [pie]

In WHISPERING WHOOPEE Charley Chase, Dell Henderson, and some other character actor play a game with Thelma Todd, Anita Garvin, and some other equally gorgeous 1930 vamp, and what they do is call somebody into a closet to give a delivery.  The reactions when they, ahem, come out of the closet, imply more than making out to me.  Perhaps the kids game aspect of it involves kissing, but this version had a more adult spin.  I'm assuming in 1930 or 1934, when WHOOPEE and PIGSKINS were made, post office was a more commonly known game amongst kids, so putting a more "adult" spin through Charley Chase's game or Curly's comment was a joke people would regularly get.
- Doug Sarnecky


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Curly also says, " I thought she wanted to play post office..." in PAIN IN THE PULLMAN, when he's caught peeking into a woman's train compartment while he s looking for "Joe" his pet/performing monkey. Judging from this context (check out the clip) and the others, it is definitely something akin to "playing doctor" or whatever you want to call it. Definitely sexual. Definitely Curly. Definitely funny !!!.  [3stooges]

Offline curlysdame

Definitely sexual. Definitely Curly.  

Haha, I would've played 'post office' with Curly any day.   :-*  :P
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)


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In one of the Stooge episodes, the one where they had the famous heredity versus environment debate,  Curly is asked to spell CAT, so he says," K-I-T-T-Y...pussy..." . That pretty much answers the question right there. If it was in any way suggestive, it was probably sexual if Curly was in on it !!  ;D


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In one of the Stooge episodes, the one where they had the famous heredity versus environment debate,  Curly is asked to spell CAT, so he says," K-I-T-T-Y...pussy..." . That pretty much answers the question right there. If it was in any way suggestive, it was probably sexual if Curly was in on it !!  ;D

I think he meant pussy cat. I have to agree with what Brent said in the other thread that most of these "sexual innuendos" are just coincidental and weren't really meant to suggest anything sexual. As with the "post office" comment, I honestly have no idea what game that is.

Offline metaldams

In one of the Stooge episodes, the one where they had the famous heredity versus environment debate,  Curly is asked to spell CAT, so he says," K-I-T-T-Y...pussy..." . That pretty much answers the question right there. If it was in any way suggestive, it was probably sexual if Curly was in on it !!  ;D

I do believe The Three Stooges occasionally had a PG-13 ish hidden streak in them, but not in this case.  Cats were commonly referred to as "pussy" in those days.  Heck, my grandmother, born in 1922, used to always say "Here pussy pussy" to my Aunt's cats every Christmas, and believe me, she was the last woman in the world who'd make a sex joke.  Of course, the rest of my family would be biting our lips trying not to laugh as she was saying this, but the point is words had different meanings back then and can't always be taken in the modern context.

The joke here is the boys can't spell, so when they do spell the word correctly, they pronounce it differently.

- Doug Sarnecky


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I get the spelling aspect of the joke and realize that pussy is a term for, well, pussy  ;D, but look at Curly's face when he says, " pussy...". I think you may not be giving them credit for that level of genius, of being able to slip in R rated jokes so cleverly that adults as well as young kids can read into each joke on their level and get an equally enjoyable experience from their respective levels of cognition. I think this, among many other great things, is what makes the Stooges so appealing to such a wide demographic, and for their historically long fame and appreciation by a worldwide fan base.  [3stooges] Check out the title BOOBS IN ARMS, yes, boobs is an old term for silly, stupid person...but to say BOOBS IN ARMS can be construed to mean something sexual and comedic at the same time. Like I said, pure genius... [pie]  ;D

Offline metaldams

It's not that I'm doubting the occasional sexual aspect of their comedy.  I just happen to believe sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
- Doug Sarnecky


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It's not that I'm doubting the occasional sexual aspect of their comedy.  I just happen to believe sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

You know what ? I like you. I think we'd be great buddies and I enjoy your comments.

Yes, I agree with you, " sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

... unless it is placed between two nice, rounded curvy, derbies, or in between two sumptuous, sweet, sugared cupcakes...

(as we know, our heroes loved to throw pies and pastries   [pie] ;D). As Moe pronounced it, a " Del-ek-ah-see...".

Who doesn't like a sweet set of round ones ??  ;D

Here's another very interesting use of sexual suggestion that most people don't catch (only the most astute and intelligent Stooge fans have caught this one, or maybe just me  ;D). There is a title of a Stooge short, again treading that fine line because the film also happens to be about boxing, called GRIPS,  GRUNTS and GROANS !!! ...and the champ's name happens to be Bust Off !!! can look up, or maybe already know ,the meaning of that phrase within our cherished and ever so classy modern vernacular nomenclature  ; short  ;D, they had many, many more levels of comedic genius than most people are intelligent enough to realize. Which is o.k., since we have kids watching them, too !!  ;D

Lawyer: " Please drop the vernacular !"...
CURLY: "Vernacular ?!! That's a DERBY !!"  ;D

Offline archiezappa

I agree that the Stooges work on many levels.  I think that's why they have such a wide, long-lasting appeal.


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I agree that the Stooges work on many levels.  I think that's why they have such a wide, long-lasting appeal.

 Well stated. ;D

...adults as well as young kids can read into each joke on their level and get an equally enjoyable experience from their respective levels of cognition. I think this, among many other great things, is what makes the Stooges so appealing to such a wide demographic, and for their historically long fame and appreciation by a worldwide fan base.  [3stooges] ...Like I said, pure genius... [pie]  ;D

Offline metaldams

OK, I believe this thread's back to "normal."  No reason to keep some of it for posterity.  I'm usually not a fan of erasing history, but I feel it was warranted in this case.  No more talk about "curlydude."
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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Calling Sarah a cunt was more than enough grounds to flat out ban his ass. Nice job, Doug.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Dog Hambone

  • Guest
NO NO everybody here that dumb???  Post Office is a kid's kissing game that us old-timers used to "spin the bottle" (you probably don't remember that one either)!

I'm with GaryStooge on this one. I remember playing both of those "games" when I was a young'un long ago. I thought everybody knew about those games. Guess not. Makes me wonder what the kids do these days for fun. They're probably trying out stuff they saw on Jackass!

Offline metaldams

I'm with GaryStooge on this one. I remember playing both of those "games" when I was a young'un long ago. I thought everybody knew about those games. Guess not. Makes me wonder what the kids do these days for fun. They're probably trying out stuff they saw on Jackass!

I'm 30, and I didn't play post office as a kid.  It's not just today's kids, but the past generation or two who hasn't played.  Having small cousins, I know today's kids play video games.

Nice to be talking about this subject, though.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline curlysdame

Many thanks to Doug and Jim for backing me up.  I appreciate it, guys!

I'm 30, and I didn't play post office as a kid.  It's not just today's kids, but the past generation or two who hasn't played.  Having small cousins, I know today's kids play video games.

I agree, metaldams.  I remember getting a boxed version of 'Spin the Bottle' for my fifth birthday.  I took one look at it, said 'what the hell is this?' and went back to playing Nintendo.

"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline metaldams

Many thanks to Doug and Jim for backing me up.  I appreciate it, guys!

You're welcome, Sarah.  Like I said, I should've banned him earlier.

Gotta give this guy "credit" for something, though.  He's opened up the idea of dirty Stooge slips.  Watching HOLD THAT LION yesterday, I just realized the man's name in the newspaper article that's being read in Islipp's office is "Woodcock."  Now, unless is Brent's got some story about how that was Felix Adler's great-aunt's hairdresser's college roomate's first boyfriend's name, I'm going to assume that was the writers getting one by the censors.

Verdict:  Not only am I reminded of that assclown from Michigan everytime I watch HOLD THAT LION because of the Islipp character, I'm now also going to be reminded of this new assclown.  Life sometimes isn't fair.
- Doug Sarnecky