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When did Curly begin to slip?

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--- Quote from: JazzBill on October 25, 2008, 08:13:34 PM ---For me it's right about the time of Busy Buddies (1944) , where I start to see a difference in Curly. I first notice his speech to be a little slurred. then, as time goes by I notice his actions and appearance change. The 5 shorts that I find almost unbearable to watch because of Curly's ill health are. If A Body Meets A Body, Beer Barrel PoleCats, Monkey Businessmen, Three Loan Wolves and Half-Wits Holiday.

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I think the first signs, appearnce wise, and only slightly, is PHONY EXPRESS, though Curly's still funny in that short.  One of the bad things about watching the shorts in order on the new set is watching Curly decline.  Vol. 4 starts out great but it gets a little depressing towards the end.  Vol. 5 won't get much better 'til Shemp joins.

Justin T:

--- Quote from: BeAStooge on October 25, 2008, 08:03:22 AM ---One of several Wikipedia entries that are not true, written by someone who was banned from this site for making a series of fictional posts (including that one), even after repeated warnings.

And for the record, there is no such book.

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Thanks for pointing that out Brent, I went and deleted it from Shemp's Wiki entry.

So, Shemp did not have a stroke at all then?  Or is only the wiki stuff about the book wrong?

Justin T:

--- Quote from: ArPharazon on October 26, 2008, 06:17:00 PM ---So, Shemp did not have a stroke at all then?  Or is only the wiki stuff about the book wrong?

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Just the book, Shemp died of a heart attack

To me the first short where Curly seems to be starting to slip is "The Yoke's On Me", Curly doesn't seem 100% energetic in that short.


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