three stooges quiz
![Three Stooges [3stooges]]( the 2 times shemp and curly were in a short together?.
2.larry fine was never in a movie with out moe after the stooges started,which 2 stooges where in a movie together without the other 4 stooges[larry moe joe rita joe besser,shemp and curly?.
name the type of harley davison made /named after our boys?
3.besides joe besser name the other 2 who almost [WITH MOES BLESSING]
became the stooges mark 5 the first 4 being heley,shemp,curly,besser,
there are photos on the web of this group?
4,name of the dog in kooks tour?.
5,explain why their are only 3 types of people [moes,larrys, and curlys?,
6,which song put in young frankinstein by gene wilder you met larry as a young man was also used in brideless groom?.
7.why was sam howard called shemp?.
8.why did larry start to play the violin?.
9,name the [person offten caleed the 5th stooge?
good luck and remember spike tv on sundays from 8-9 is the stooges slap happy hour
![Throw Pie [pie]](
your freind the clean siober and stoogafric s/hemphead