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Sony's DVD Release Schedule (link inside)

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Mmk, so there was...

7 months between Volumes One and Two
3 months between Two and Three
2 months between Three and Four
Then 5 months between Four and Five
And 3 months between Five and Six...

I wonder if we will be getting Volume Seven in 2 months... :) I sure hope it's not 7 or 5 months instead! [pie] Wonder if Sony will be able to keep up on the original plan to have 'em all out by the end of this year... We shall see, we shall see.

If Sony plans to release all 190 shorts be the end of this year, this is my speculation:

August 2009- Volume 7 1952-1954
October 2009- Volume 8 1955-1956
December 2009- Volume 9 1957-1959

Offline falsealarms

Offline dimelives

Well wasn't the idea that it was gonna be:

1955-1956 + Shemp solos

So something like that...?

Offline Stooges#1

I bet they'd release 55-59 before doing 55-56 and 57-59.

If Sony do it like that i dont think there'd be enough room to fit the Shemp and Besser solo shorts. That isnt to say that i want them on one of the releases, i just want the 190 Stooges shorts and perhaps the solo shorts on their own release because they're not Three Stooges shorts.

Offline bh7812

Good news on Volume 6 coming in June. I'll definitely be buying it  ;D I'm just waiting a little longer to see if Amazon will drop the price down a little lower or not. If not I'm more than ok paying the price they're asking right now.

I'm just about through watching all 5 Volumes, in the 2nd half of Volume 5 now and have just gotten into the Shemps. Those sets are worth every penny I spent on them. The remastering alone is worth the money and they very well could have charged a lot more for each set too. Just overall very happy with the sets and their quality. I'm going to go back through when I'm done and audio rip some of the better scenes.

Anyway I highly recommend all of the existing sets and will surely buy the rest of them. If you still don't have them then go get them now  ;D You won't regret buying them at all.


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I'm just waiting a little longer to see if Amazon will drop the price down a little lower or not. If not I'm more than ok paying the price they're asking right now.

Amazon has a pre-order guarantee, which means you will get the lowest price between the time the item is ordered and the time it is released and shipped.

Dog Hambone

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I'm just about through watching all 5 Volumes, in the 2nd half of Volume 5 now and have just gotten into the Shemps.

Shemp really hit the gound running, didn't he? [pie] It was like he had been with Moe & Larry all along. He's such a great actor & comic. I never would have noticed that until I watched the shorts in their order of release. I realize that Curly had been pretty ill for awhile, and I don't mean to deprecate him, but Shemp really seemd to have come in & injected a lot of energy into their act.  [dance]   


  • Guest
Shemp really hit the gound running, didn't he? [pie] It was like he had been with Moe & Larry all along. He's such a great actor & comic. I never would have noticed that until I watched the shorts in their order of release. I realize that Curly had been pretty ill for awhile, and I don't mean to deprecate him, but Shemp really seemd to have come in & injected a lot of energy into their act.  [dance]   

I notice that too. Curly took a while to develop. His voice wasn't even high pitched in the beginning. It wasn't until late 1935/early 1936 where his voice developed and he started doing his "nyuk nyuk" more often. But with Shemp, he was funny from the beginning. He did a very good job in "Fright Night." You would think it'll take him a while to get used to working with Moe and Larry, but he seemed very comfortable working with them from the beginning.

Offline bh7812

^^I agree, Shemp really was great and hit the ground running. His character developed almost right away. You can tell by watching Curly it took him quite a while to get into it and really develop into the Curly that's known world wide. Curly and Shemp were very different in their deliveries, by that I mean in my opinion they had very different comic styles. Curly was a very physical comic. To get his kind of comedy you had to watch him close. Yes Shemp was good at physical comedy but he also was gifted with being very witty and could deliver witty lines very well. But each of their styles fit the act perfectly. I'm very grateful to Shemp for agreeing to become the 3rd Stooge when Curly got sick and Moe asked him. He could easily have said no but he didn't. Curly's illness could have been the end of the act but Shemp really did inject a lot of energy and spirit into the act which didn't let up for a moment until his death  ;D

Offline Stooges#1

I just went to the Sony schedule and although it says June 16th for volume 6 when you click onto the listing it says June 15th.

Maybe its just a typo.

Offline metaldams

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to this volume as it should be the best of the Shemps.  Vol. 5 has some good Shemps and it was great finally seeing a good print of I'M A MONKEY'S UNCLE, but overall 6 should be better.  I actually like the Shemp era best when they got lower budget yet still not in massive remake territory, and Vol. 6 delivers on this front.  Plus, we don't have to suffer through watching Curly's decline.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Oh, and as for the whole Shemp fitting in right away as opposed to Curly needing time to develop, bear in mind Shemp spent years developing a screen persona through Vitaphone and Columbia shorts, poverty row features, and supporting roles while Curly was relatively new in films in '34.  I think a comparison of Vitaphone Shemp and early Columbia Curly would be interesting.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline WhyIOughta

^^I agree, Shemp really was great and hit the ground running. His character developed almost right away. You can tell by watching Curly it took him quite a while to get into it and really develop into the Curly that's known world wide. Curly and Shemp were very different in their deliveries, by that I mean in my opinion they had very different comic styles. Curly was a very physical comic. To get his kind of comedy you had to watch him close. Yes Shemp was good at physical comedy but he also was gifted with being very witty and could deliver witty lines very well. But each of their styles fit the act perfectly. I'm very grateful to Shemp for agreeing to become the 3rd Stooge when Curly got sick and Moe asked him. He could easily have said no but he didn't. Curly's illness could have been the end of the act but Shemp really did inject a lot of energy and spirit into the act which didn't let up for a moment until his death  ;D

No disrespect intended, and keep in mind that Curly Howard has always been my favorite -- But Shemp Howard was a true Hollywood professional, and had been through the wars out here.  He'd shared the screen with some of the greats of the industry, and was a no-brainer to re-join the cast with his brother and Larry Fine.  Those second-generation Shemp Howard shorts with Moe and Larry are treasures.....

Offline Dunrobin

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Okay, I've been watching this discussion for a while now, waiting for someone to point out the obvious, but since even a couple of our great Debaters skipped over it I'm going to point it out:

Possibly the single, most obvious reason that Shemp fit in with Moe and Larry so well in the late 1940's was that he had been part of the original Stooges in the first place.  Shemp had been working with Moe as Ted Healy's stooges even before Larry joined the team.  Curly had replaced him in the early 1930's, so of course Shemp found it easy to fit back into the act - it was where he had started.   ;)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 08:20:20 PM by xraffle »

Offline WhyIOughta

Okay, I've been watching this discussion for a while now, waiting for someone to point out the obvious, but since even a couple of our great Debaters skipped over it I'm going to point it out:

Possibly the single, most obvious reason that Shemp fit in with Moe and Larry so well in the late 1940's was that he had been part of the original Stooges in the first place.  Shemp had been working with Moe as Ted Healy's stooges even before Larry joined the team.  Curly had replaced him in the early 1930's, so of course Shemp found it easy to fit back into the act - it was where he had started.   ;)

I've been watching this thread for a while now as well, my friend....Maybe that's why you'll see that I mentioned that Shemp Howard was a no-brainer to re-join the cast with his brother and Larry Fine.

Sorry, Rob, but THIS "great Debater" didn't skip this one at all........   :laugh:


  • Guest
Possibly the single, most obvious reason that Shemp fit in with Moe and Larry so well in the late 1940's was that he had been part of the original Stooges in the first place. 

Ah, yes! But, Curly was also part of the stooges before they separated from Healy. So, after the stooges started working without Healy, Curly still needed more time to develop whereas Shemp didn't.

Offline WhyIOughta

Offline dimelives

So, if the release schedule is going to keep on striving for everything out by the end of the year, I'd imagine we'll be hearing something within the next week or so about Volume 7. Because Volume 5 was released on March 17th, and we found out the release date for Volume 6 on March 30th, a couple weeks later. So, since we got Volume 6 on the 16th of this month.... Just hopin' over here! ;D

Offline dimelives

Wonder what's going on over at Sony about Vol. 7... if anything. Starting to get a little slim for them to still release everything by the end of the year, I'd say.

Offline BeAStooge

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Starting to get a little slim for them to still release everything by the end of the year, I'd say.

Sony never made that commitment.

Offline Dunrobin

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Sony never made that commitment.

I would have sworn that there was a post (from Stooge and Confused, perhaps?) saying that was their intention, although I don't remember any details and am too busy to search for it today.  Maybe it was just speculation by one of us.   :-\

Offline BeAStooge

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I would have sworn that there was a post (from Stooge and Confused, perhaps?) saying that was their intention, although I don't remember any details and am too busy to search for it today.  Maybe it was just speculation by one of us.   :-\

Mike Schlesinger's almost-2-year old comments along the lines that "Sony would like...," "Sony is thinking about...," "Sony will try...," etc., and especially 3rd-hand information (although well-intentioned) from S&C, are not commitments.

A press release from Sony is a commitment.  And even that is not set in concrete, when extraordinary circumstances like an economic meltdown impacts both the consumer and the manufacturer.

Assuming Sony continues the series, Volume 7 will get here when it gets here.  Additional volumes ditto.  Anyone expecting things to wrap up this year, or maybe even 2010, is in for disappointment.

Offline falsealarms

We're what, 3 volumes away from being done? I would have expected two more this year and the final one in 1H 2010.

Offline superstooge

Anybody know how well volume 6 sold and if it warrants a volume 7?  I hope so...
Oh, taking me illiterately, ey?

Offline dimelives

Well it was number one in sales on a lot of online stores... so I'd THINK it'd be considered a good sale. How awful would it be for Sony to stop THIS close to completion? ><