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Sony's DVD Release Schedule (link inside)

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Offline curlysdame

More updates from the Sony site, no good news. Seems like more could be added for 5/27, 6/3 etc.

May 20, 2008
50 First Dates
Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights
Anger Management
Big Daddy
The Craft
Higher Learning
Mr. Deeds
Punch-Drunk Love
Square Pegs - Season 1
Tears of the Sun

Why are they releasing so many Adam Sandler movies?   ???
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Dunrobin

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Why are they releasing so many Adam Sandler movies?   ???

I think the real question is why are they releasing any Adam Sandler movies?   ;D

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist.)

Offline curlysdame

I think the real question is why are they releasing any Adam Sandler movies?   ;D

Haha, touche!
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)


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I think the real question is why are they releasing any Adam Sandler movies?   ;D
Woooo!  Go Adam Sandler haters!


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What's funny is that all those Adam Sandler movies are already on DVD. Maybe they're making a Special Edition DVD or a Blu-ray version.

Offline Dunrobin

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Woooo!  Go Adam Sandler haters!

I don't really hate Adam Sandler, per se; I'm just not terribly impressed by him.  I find some of his stuff annoying, but he's not as bad as, say, Carrottop.   ;)


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In the Waterboy he's really funny but...yeah not great.  In a Stooges book I read they said he might be good for Curly in a Stooges movie.  And to that I say (and curlysdame will probably agree with me) ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :-X

Offline Dunrobin

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Yeah, The Waterboy is one that I was thinking of where Sandler is actually pretty good, and I liked him in the remake of The Longest Yard (although I think the original was better.)

Offline shemps#1

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Adam Sandler is horrible...a half of a notch above Dan Whitney/Larry the Cable Guy
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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they shouldn't be.  Adam Sandler is weird.

I agree. I wonder if he acts like that in real life. I wouldn't be surprised if he does.

Offline metaldams

I actually had to watch 50 FIRST DATES for a film class and wrote a paper blasting Adam Sandler.  My professor gave me an A and praised my efforts.
- Doug Sarnecky


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I agree. I wonder if he acts like that in real life. I wouldn't be surprised if he does.
I've seen Jim Carrey in real life.  He kind of goes between appropriate real-life behavior and on-screen appropriate behavior.


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I've seen Jim Carrey in real life.  He kind of goes between appropriate real-life behavior and on-screen appropriate behavior.

In my opinion, Jim Carrey is a far better comedian that Adam Sandler.


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You guys know what i like doing? I like coming to this site and seeing a new post made in one of the dvd or this thread because i think maybe its good news and i know its a new post because the time has changed and guess what, i dont want to read about Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey on said topic. So please take it elsewhere.
 Obvious reasons S#1

Offline locoboymakesgood

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All of those films on the slate are Blu-ray releases, Sandler's included.

And I like Adam Sandler. And Jim Carrey. Sue me.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline archiezappa

I have a DVD player that I got back in 2002.  It's a Sony and I use it all the time.  It's outlasted every other DVD player I've bought.  I try to keep at least 3 players in the house: one for me, one for my wife and one for my kids.  The old Sony plays pretty much anything I put in there, whether it's burned on a computer or mostly scratched up.  My other players are much more particular.  I'm glad to go this long without changing technology.  I have now had DVD's longer than I had video cassettes, before the technology changed.  I'm also glad about CD's.  We've had CD's for over 20 years!  I don't really see that changing, either.

As for video formats, I see internet downloads taking the place of DVD's way before Blue-Ray takes over.  But I don't see them phasing out DVD's for several more years.


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You guys know what i like doing? I like coming to this site and seeing a new post made in one of the dvd or this thread because i think maybe its good news and i know its a new post because the time has changed and guess what, i dont want to read about Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey on said topic. So please take it elsewhere.

You're right. We shouldn't be clogging this thread up with Adam Sandler. If it's going to be a long-term discussion, we should probably create a separate thread on it.

Offline Dunrobin

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You guys know what i like doing? I like coming to this site and seeing a new post made in one of the dvd or this thread because i think maybe its good news and i know its a new post because the time has changed and guess what, i dont want to read about Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey on said topic. So please take it elsewhere.

You're right. We shouldn't be clogging this thread up with Adam Sandler. If it's going to be a long-term discussion, we should probably create a separate thread on it.

Sorry guys, but I have always allowed discussions here on this site to drift wherever they may go, and I am not going to start imposing rules to force people to stay with a single topic.

Offline shemps#1

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You guys know what i like doing? I like coming to this site and seeing a new post made in one of the dvd or this thread because i think maybe its good news and i know its a new post because the time has changed and guess what, i dont want to read about Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey on said topic. So please take it elsewhere.

You know what I like doing? Solving the attitude problems of newbies. If there's a problem with a thread admin will solve it; that's what we're here for. Lose the attitude or shut the fuck up.

Edit: Sorry Rob, I didn't see your post.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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My apologies to Rob and Jim. At first, I thought maybe JH24 was right, but after reading your posts, I realized that there really isn't any harm in letting a discussion get off topic a bit.

I have to admit. At first, I did have the feeling that JH24 had a bit of an attitude problem, but I'm trying look on the bright side of things because I don't want to get into anymore arguments with anyone like what happened with loco. Sometimes, I do take things the wrong way and I thought maybe I took his post the wrong way, so I kind of agreed with him when I shouldn't have. Sorry again!

Offline Dunrobin

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I know that some online forums can be very strict about people sticking to the topic of threads on their site, but I made a conscious decisions years ago when I started the message boards on this site to let things ramble.  (Probably because I tend to ramble quite a bit myself.)  That's the main reason that I installed the "Post Reply To" modification, to allow members to identify a specific message that they are replying to when they make a post.


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You know what I like doing? Solving the attitude problems of newbies. If there's a problem with a thread admin will solve it; that's what we're here for. Lose the attitude or shut the fuck up.

Edit: Sorry Rob, I didn't see your post.

Good on you.  ::) I'll make sure i've clocked up over 100 posts and then i'll have an opinion and isnt it funny that you're the one who has had a worst attitude then the person that you thought had the attitude. Im just amazed how you can use the F word on a Three Stooges forum, what you're basically saying is if i wasnt a newbie than i can say what i did which makes no sense whatsoever. I think its you who should adjust the attitude.

Offline Dunrobin

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Im just amazed how you can use the F word on a Three Stooges forum,

Then you obviously did NOT reading the rules about posting on this site.  We have always allowed swearing on this site.  If you are too sensitive for it, there are plenty of other sites on the Internet that cater to those with delicate sensibilities.

what you're basically saying is if i wasnt a newbie than i can say what i did which makes no sense whatsoever.

You misunderstood.  People who jackass attitudes are usually gone before they've gotten out of "newbie" status.  Keep smarting off to the site's admins and you will be too, regardless of how many posts you have under your belt.


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Then you obviously did NOT reading the rules about posting on this site.  We have always allowed swearing on this site.  If you are too sensitive for it, there are plenty of other sites on the Internet that cater to those with delicate sensibilities.

You misunderstood.  People who jackass attitudes are usually gone before they've gotten out of "newbie" status.  Keep smarting off to the site's admins and you will be too, regardless of how many posts you have under your belt.

Did my post offend you that much? Me getting banned wont stop me from coming ack to check the news so all is well in that regards and maybe its for the best because i've realised that some people are just so sensitive.