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Sony's DVD Release Schedule (link inside)

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Offline DJEvelEd

Maybe part of the problem is that the market has been SATURATED with the same DVD with a different cover containing Brideless Groom & Malice In The Palace. Maybe they did a marketing survey and the genital public thinks that's all there is out there.

Do you know how many times I have received those SAME FOUR SHORTS as gifts over the years in different packaging?

Well DO YA?????


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I have given him two karma's. I don't pass out a lot of karma points. If I give them to him, he deserved them. I think he's brought a lot to the site.

That's true. I have given him a lot too because he's a cool guy. I was just curious because his karmas are going up very rapidly lately.


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Do you know how many times I have received those SAME FOUR SHORTS as gifts over the years in different packaging?

I think all of us stooge fans have been scammed way too many times with those public domain shorts. One time, I bought a $2 DVD at a supermarkert, which said it contained "The New Three Stooges" cartoons. Well, when I got home and popped the DVD in the player, it was just the same four shorts. No cartoons. I would tell you how many copies of "Disorder In The Court" I have, but I'm too lazy to count right now.

Offline busybuddy

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I hate how every PB DVD or boxset that has a documentary or something on it includes those four like they're doing us a favor or something. The Three Stooges 75th Anniversary DVD/VHS had all them on there. Back when I was more naive, I'd pick up a Stooges DVD if it said anthing about rarities, and then I'd be disapointed when I found the PB shorts, the Stooges cartoon Dinopoodi, and the trailer for The Outlaws is Coming.

Speaking of Stooge cartoon DVD's, I was looking at one at Wal-Mart the other day, and on the back they changed the title of the cartoon Boobs In The Woods to Stooges In the Woods. I don't know about anyone else, but when I was a kid I knew that the word boob had two different meanings because of The Stooges.
I think Birdie will go for that!


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Maybe part of the problem is that the market has been SATURATED with the same DVD with a different cover containing Brideless Groom & Malice In The Palace. Maybe they did a marketing survey and the genital public thinks that's all there is out there.

Seems like that kind of Permissive Society would be more preoccupied with Pier Pasolini's work or, at the very least, those Carry On.. pictures!  ;D

I would tell you how many copies of "Disorder In The Court" I have, but I'm too lazy to count right now.

What's worse is when you hit the point where you recognise the different print sources from the scratches and splices. Like the widely ripped-off prints used by GoodTimes for their Simply Hilarious release. You know the one-- Disorder in the Court ends with a quick cut to a "The End" from a Shemp Picture!

Offline falsealarms

Updated through 4/29 - nada. Would mark a 6 month wait, a terrifying sign with 10-12 of these volumes on tap.


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I'm getting tired of just having a volume 1. 
Well, maybe not 100% just yet.  Guess what I'm watching as I write this. 

Anyway, let's get volume 2 out there! 


Offline DJEvelEd

Isn't Sony owned by the Japanese? I knew those shorts would come back to bite us in the ass someday!



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Updated through 4/29 - nada. Would mark a 6 month wait, a terrifying sign with 10-12 of these volumes on tap.

Don't lose hope. Remember, volume 2 is "on the table."

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Don't lose hope. Remember, volume 2 is "on the table."
I sincerely hope you're joking.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline Moe Hailstone

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So we've hit 6 months and nothing for the Stooges...Pathetic just doesn't seem to be a strong enough word for this situation.   >:D

I've been doing some great work on getting my MST3K collection together though!  Thanks Sony.   [pie]
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone


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loco: I'm not joking. Here's my source.

I share your frustrations regarding Sony's inconsistencies in handling the Stooges. The last time I heard from the contact I have there (in the PR department), volume 2 was, indeed, "on the table." Sony must be happy with the sales of volume 1, even though I could NOT get actual sales figures from them. It is still selling well on Amazon.

Offline FineBari3

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So we've hit 6 months and nothing for the Stooges...Pathetic just doesn't seem to be a strong enough word for this situation.   >:D

I've been doing some great work on getting my MST3K collection together though!  Thanks Sony.   [pie]

I used to be a big fan of MST3K. What is the deal with their DVD's, if they are available. I really haven't thought about them for a while, but just did a couple of days ago.

I used to buy tapes off of people on usenet, as my stupid cable company didn't carry Comedy Central back then. It would be really nice to see the show with a clean copy!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Moe Hailstone

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I used to be a big fan of MST3K. What is the deal with their DVD's, if they are available. I really haven't thought about them for a while, but just did a couple of days ago.

I used to buy tapes off of people on usenet, as my stupid cable company didn't carry Comedy Central back then. It would be really nice to see the show with a clean copy!

Right now Rhino is releasing some DVD sets, but they won't have the license for long.  Another company will have it, but I'm not sure what they will release.

Rhino has made 12 volumes, with 4 Episodes on each one, (some have 3 Episodes, but with an extra with shorts on it).  The sets can be pricey, but it is four 90 minute episodes.  If you can get the sets for 40 bucks or cheaper it isn't that bad.  Since Sony is being lame with the Stooges, I've been spending my money on the Rhino sets that I still need (plus you can get the other MST3K episodes off of Torrent sites).
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline locoboymakesgood

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loco: I'm not joking. Here's my source.

Well I've known what stooged told us, I just was hoping you were joking about what you said.. there's no reason to be optimistic about this any more.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

stooged and confused

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I have just sent another email to my Sony contact to see if any recent news has surfaced regarding volume 2.

While I have no love for the way Sony has treated the Stooges DVD's (with the exception of the first chronological set), it should be pointed out that we received more shorts with that one release than we did with 3 of the old sets over a 2 year release span.

In the last eight years that Sony has been releasing Three Stooges DVD's, they have released 83 titles (not including the one's that appeared more than once). Each disc had between 5-7 shorts per disc. If they released one chronological set per year, we'd get the same amount of titles (give or a take a few) in half the time, with superior quality and a much better price. If that's the worst case scenario, we're still coming out way ahead than with those previous discs.

While I would much rather have the sets come out 2-3 a year, if it takes one release per year to have them restored properly, then I'd be happy to wait instead of getting an inferior, rushed product. Do you agree?


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Well I've known what stooged told us, I just was hoping you were joking about what you said.. there's no reason to be optimistic about this any more.

I've made the mistake of doubting S&C's word before. Before Volume 1 was released, S&C told us that Sony had plans to release them. However, when I checked Sony's site, nothing was there. So, I doubted what he said. Then, lo and behold, the official press release came out. S&C was right. So, I trust what S&C said. If he says that Sony plans to release a Volume 2, then I believe him. When it will come out is the question we're all trying to figure out. It looks to me like these volumes are being released at a slow pace. Probably, Volume 2 will come out some time later this year.

By the way, I just got the news that Blu-ray won the HD war. So, is there any chance we'll get to see the stooges in Blu-ray?

Offline Moe Hailstone

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I have just sent another email to my Sony contact to see if any recent news has surfaced regarding volume 2.

While I have no love for the way Sony has treated the Stooges DVD's (with the exception of the first chronological set), it should be pointed out that we received more shorts with that one release than we did with 3 of the old sets over a 2 year release span.

In the last eight years that Sony has been releasing Three Stooges DVD's, they have released 83 titles (not including the one's that appeared more than once). Each disc had between 5-7 shorts per disc. If they released one chronological set per year, we'd get the same amount of titles (give or a take a few) in half the time, with superior quality and a much better price. If that's the worst case scenario, we're still coming out way ahead than with those previous discs.

While I would much rather have the sets come out 2-3 a year, if it takes one release per year to have them restored properly, then I'd be happy to wait instead of getting an inferior, rushed product. Do you agree?

One release per if the 12 Volumes is correct we'll have another 11 years to wait to have them all!

WILL DVD even be the format for the future?  I think something else might replace it in about 5-6 years.

Honestly, I think that it will go down like this:

Sony releases Volume 2 in October 2008 (One year from the last Volume).  The sales are horrible, since fans are either upset with Sony and don't buy it right away, or the casual fans have forgotten about the sets.  Sony discontinues the sets due to "Poor sales" and act like the customers are to blame...but in reality it is Sony who messed up the whole thing by taking their sweet ass time with these Volumes.

But we'll wait and see.
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline archiezappa

Well, they say that the best things come to those who wait.  It will be awesome to see the Stooges as crystal clear as they are in that first DVD set.  Even if I have to wait, it will still be awesome.  I guess the problem is that they should have started this series back in 2000-2001 when they started making Stooges DVD's.  Oh well.  I guess hind sight is 20/20.

Offline Waldo Twitchell

I waited 20+ years to see some old Columbia shorts with Andy Clyde and Shemp Howard having only read about them in books.

In that context, waiting for Sony to release the next DVD set doesn't seem so bad.

Offline falsealarms

Standard DVD has been superseded by Blu-Ray, Sony's brainchild.

Offline Dunrobin

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Standard DVD has been superseded by Blu-Ray, Sony's brainchild.

I believe that is inaccurate, falsealarms.  Blu-Ray has apparently triumphed over HD DVD (high definition), not standard DVD's.  Toshiba has announced that they have discontinued manufacturing HD DVD players and recorders, and I think it was Best Buy who said that they were only going to carry the Blu_Ray version of high definition DVDs from now on, instead of carrying both types.  Regular DVDs are still readily available.

Offline falsealarms

I believe that is inaccurate, falsealarms.  Blu-Ray has apparently triumphed over HD DVD (high definition), not standard DVD's.  Toshiba has announced that they have discontinued manufacturing HD DVD players and recorders, and I think it was Best Buy who said that they were only going to carry the Blu_Ray version of high definition DVDs from now on, instead of carrying both types.  Regular DVDs are still readily available.

Yes but

While the standard-def DVD reigns supreme now, the format war's end will allow the studios to start transitioning to Blu-ray. It will be awhile before new movie releases are only available in Blu-ray, but it may be sooner than you think. Don't be surprised if some new releases get Blu-only designations as early as 2009.


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Seriously, what is this deal with HD DVD and Blu-ray anyway? What made Blu-ray better? I was doing research and found out that the quality of both formats are pretty much the same.

As long as Blu-ray players are priced at $500, I'm not buying it. Besides, I don't even have an HDTV yet to go with it. It's so weird the way technology is moving so fast. Since when did they think I have the ability to crap money?

Offline Dunrobin

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Seriously, what is this deal with HD DVD and Blu-ray anyway? What made Blu-ray better? I was doing research and found out that the quality of both formats are pretty much the same.

As long as Blu-ray players are priced at $500, I'm not buying it. Besides, I don't even have an HDTV yet to go with it. It's so weird the way technology is moving so fast. Since when did they think I have the ability to crap money?

I have to question how wonderful this "high definition" technology really is, considering that they seem to be using the government to try to push people into adopting it.  I naturally tend to think that if you have to force people to use your product, it probably isn't very good.

As for Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD, I can't really say if one or the other is "better," since (like you) I can't afford to buy all this expensive fancy crap to replace perfectly good technology that I already own.  It doesn't really matter which one is "better" anyway, but rather which one does the better job of marketing its product.  Back in the day when video recorders first came out, a lot of experts swore that Beta was much better than VHS, but look at who won that contest.   ;)