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34-36 DVD gets listed on "best of 07" list

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stooged and confused

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As Dunrobin stated, we shouldn't have to keep hounding Sony for each additional volume. But, as we all know, current product like "Seinfeld" and "Spider Man" are a higher priority because they sell in much larger numbers.

stooged and confused

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I was surprised that they didn't even take out a print ad in Entertainment Weekly, Premiere or a related magazine. Hell, even People! The Stooges just don't seem to be at the top of Sony's priority list. It almost seems like they put them out to generate some extra gravy to use on other product marketing that is considered more lucrative by the new generation suits running the store.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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I was surprised that they didn't even take out a print ad in Entertainment Weekly, Premiere or a related magazine. Hell, even People! The Stooges just don't seem to be at the top of Sony's priority list. It almost seems like they put them out to generate some extra gravy to use on other product marketing that is considered more lucrative by the new generation suits running the store.
I don't understand why they don't lend the property out to a company that would be willing to give all of their work the treatment they deserve.

Considering the cash-cow the Stooges are for Sony, I don't see why they're so hesitant. You figure in all the years of marketing, TV distribution, footage in general borrowed for commercials, hell anything Stooges related has made them more money than a lot of their other properties. I'd go as far to say that they're probably the most-profitable entity that Sony owns. What gives? I'll never understand corporate big-wigs.

That, and copyright laws.. but that's for another time.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline jrvass

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Spiderman is as old as the stooges.


This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Spiderman is as old as the stooges.



Wow! If I were to say that, I would get shot, lol. Seinfeld is like one of the most popular TV shows today. I'm one of the very few people that doesn't watch that show. Almost everyone I know watches it. When people find out that I don't watch it, they get shocked to pieces. I find that show overrated. People say that it's the funniest show they've seen, but I disagree. While I've seen a few episodes and thought they were funny, it certainly isn't the funniest show I've seen.

And Spiderman is as old as the stooges, but not the movies. Spiderman 1, 2 and 3 were released respectively 2002, 2004, and 2007, which is pretty recent. "Spiderman 3" came out on DVD the same day as Volume 1. Personally, I think Spiderman is also overrated. Nobody beats Batman. ;D

Offline Dunrobin

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Spiderman is as old as the stooges.

Not even close, James.  Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee in 1962.  (Even Superman hasn't been around as long as the Stooges.)   ;)

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Not even close, James.  Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee in 1962.  (Even Superman hasn't been around as long as the Stooges.)   ;)
Yeah I was gonna say something but didn't want to seem too nerdy. ;D
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

stooged and confused

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James, I was refering to the contemporary "Spider Man" movies. The three installments have grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. That does NOT include another plus billion dollars for DVD sales (add in broadcast rights and foreign box office and DVD sales) and you can bet that Sony is putting in more effort on this franchise than they are for the Stooges. "Seinfeld" is another huge money maker for them, as well. Huge profits have been reaped by Sony on syndication broadcast rights (TBS paid a record sum to rerun the show) and DVD sales.

Now, I'm not a fan of the "Spider Man" movies, but Sony is a business, and, sadly, the product that will give them the biggest return will get the spotlight.


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Not even close, James.  Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee in 1962.  (Even Superman hasn't been around as long as the Stooges.)   ;)

Oh wow, I learn something new everyday. I thought it was. But then, I'm not really a big Spider-Man fan so it's not unusual that I was wrong. I haven't even seen Spider-Man 3. I wonder if it's better than the first 2 movies.

Offline falsealarms

Another honor for the set - 7th on PopMatters' top 10 DVDs of 2007:

"#7 - The Three Stooges Collection: Volume 1 - 1934 - 1936
Fulfilling the wishes of longtime fans, Columbia has finally wised up, dropped the three short per package DVD format, and delivered The Three Stooges in a logistically sound chronological breakdown. Covering the first three years the performers pitched their vaudeville shtick to motion pictures, the 19 mini-masterworks presented all contain the classic line-up that most devotees prefer: mean leader Moe, absent minded minion Larry, and unbelievably brilliant bundle of butter, Curly. There is no Shemp, no Joe Besser, and definitely no Curly Joe DeRita to muck things up. While there is nothing wrong with any of these later stage substitutes, nothing beats the magic of the original Stooges. Looking over the titles offered, there is not a bad apple in the bunch."


Offline jrvass

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Not even close, James.  Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee in 1962.  (Even Superman hasn't been around as long as the Stooges.)   ;)

Spiderman and the Stooges were BJ (before James). History didn't begin until I arrived!  ::)

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Spiderman and the Stooges were BJ (before James). History didn't begin until I arrived!  ::)


Same here!

Offline Hammond Eggar

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I'm happy to see that the Stooges made the list.  This DVD most certainly deserved it. 

Now Sony has to put out a volume 2 to keep the drive alive!!  ;D

I agree.  Sony needs to act fast, so as to capitalize on all the good press surrounding the first DVD set.  Volume two would still be in the Curly years, so it's a safe bet to be a big seller.  Here's hoping Sony gets to work on this ASAP.  Actually, I hope they are already working on it as we speak. ;)
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline IFleecem

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that reviewer sounded like a Curly fan to me. Nice review, but I'm glad he had nothing to do with the Stooges set itself.  He would have MUCKED IT UP!.
