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Helpful Tips On Getting Your Fan Comment Posted

shemps#1 · 21 · 19748

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Offline shemps#1

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As you may or may not know, the Fan Comments section on the various episode pages are more strictly moderated than the message board is. The reason for this is simple: we want the episode pages to look as "clean" and professional as possible due to the fact that the episode pages are the most popular pages on the site. All of those members who don't post on the board are looking at these pages. Alot of time, effort, and care were put into those pages by Dunrobin and Team Stooge, and we feel that it isn't asking too much to put a little of the same into your comment.

All fan comments submitted must be approved by a site administrator (either Dunrobin, Pilsner Panther, or myself) before it goes through and is viewable by the general public. More often than not I find myself rejecting fan comments, so I thought I would give you guys some tips that may help get your comment approved.

1. Proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and structure is a must. If you think we are strict about this shit on the message board, we are absolute Nazis when it comes to the fan comments. A mistake or two is ok and I'll usually edit it and pass the comment through (any time you see "edited by shemps#1" it is because I corrected a mistake), but a comment littered with errors will get rejected. Starting your comment off by not capitalizing the first word I will not bother to read any further and reject it right away.

2. Swearing is NOT allowed on the episode pages. I personally have yet to come across cursing in the fan comments, but I feel it needs to be said just in case. Like I said, we want the episode pages to look professional.

3. Actually say something worth posting. As I previously stated, alot of time and care goes into the episode pages, and the fan comments should reflect that as well. If you are posting a comment you have an opinion and should be able to express said opinion intelligently. Stuff like "Great Short A+!" or just posting the score you gave the short will be rejected.

4. Try not to post quotes from the short. I find quotes in the fan comments to be both lazy and annoying. If I'm reading the comments I'm looking for people's thoughts on a short, not to see if they can quote lines. More often than not a quote filled comment will be rejected. If I feel that there is good comment amongst the quoting I will edit out the quotes and let the rest of comment pass, but this rare. It is even more rare for me to pass comments with quotes intact. In other words, best not to use quotes from the short/episode.

5. Do not get into a conversation on the episode pages. Conversations are what the message board is for. Do not respond to a previous comment or address another member on the episode pages. I tend to be more lax on this rule with older comments because at one point this site did not have message board and the fan comments were the only way to communicate to one another.

I realize there are older comments up which do not adhere to these rules. Rest assured the administrators do comb through the episode pages and weed these out when time permits. With a body of work as vast as that of The Three Stooges it will be awhile before we go through them all.

Below are some examples of what I will reject:

the scenes of the stooges in the national parks and he fishing sights were great.hen moe says
sayonara at the end did he realize that the stooges would be no more. even though curlyjoe
tried to carry on with mousie garner and frank mitchell as the new three stooges. moes wife
wanted him to stop performing.later he got emilsitka to ake over for larry but we all know that
larry passed on

This member, commenting on Kook's Tour, does not capitalize at all and only uses periods for punctuation. There are also a couple of sentence fragments. Normally I wouldn't have gotten that far because of the lack of capitalization, but I was looking for an example.

I've yet to see a better Shemp episode

This an example from the Baby-Sitter's Jitters page. If this person likes the short so much they could have at least explained why, gone into some detail on what makes it so good.

A TRUE FAVORITE from my childhood! My favorite line is Shemp's (when the boys are introduced to Christine's character.) LARRY asks "And what might your name be lass?" CHRISTINE:"Perhaps you've heard it, tis Lorna Doone!" SHEMP: "HI LORNA, HOW YA DOONE?!"(slap!) Again Shemp's delivery is perfect!! I also love the visual memories: 'the mask', 'the sliding bed' and the 'skeleton in the closet' at the end. Over all, a great, memorable short. Famous last words: "This little marble will come in handy

This is an example of quoting from the short (Hot Scots) itself. Just don't do it: it's annoying and sucks all of the humor out of the quote.

Below is an example of an excellent comment on Kook's Tour that I recently passed. It had a minor grammar/sentence structure error which I quickly corrected.

It seems the general opinion of this film is that it was poorly produced. One must remember that filming was cut short due to Larry's stroke, and that Moe was 73 years old. Like Jerks Of All Trades, the sound and picture are horrible because the film was buried and almost forgotten about. This is almost sad to watch, knowing it was their last filmed performance, but necessary for Stooges fans!

This comment was well written, and it's obvious thought was put into it. It's not very long, and it doesn't have to be. This person was direct and to the point. No quoting either, which is always a plus.

So there you have it. I hope this helps and hope to accept more fan comments in the future.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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I have been remiss in not posting a topic along these lines sooner; well done!

I do have a couple of explanatory comments about points 4 and 5.  As long-time members already know, this site has gone through several evolutionary changes over the years, as I have learned new skills and tried different things.  At one point a few years ago, I had merged the episode pages into the message board system we were using at the time, and the "Fan Comments" were actually replies posted to the episode topic on the message boards, which is why there is often a  conversational tone to a number of the comments.

After a site crash or two, I split things up again, organizing the site along the lines that we have now.  When I did that, I moved the replies to the old episode topics into a new table for Fan Comments.  In the process, a number of older comments were lost (my bad), and I weeded out a lot of comments roughly following the guidelines shemps#1 posted above.  That is why some comments seem to reference questions or comments made earlier, which aren't there anymore.

In regards to Point #4, restricting the use of quotes:  I know it is extremely tempting, and I've done it fairly often myself.  But we want the "Fan Comments" to be more of an overall review on the episode, and not just a collection of quotes.  Instead, tell us why you love (or hate) an episode, what you think are the good or bad points about it, etc.

That said, I think I will be adding another project to my "ToDo" list.  I'm going to add a section on the episode pages listing favorite quotes from the film or short, starting with the ones that we already have in the database.  I'll set it up to allow members to submit new quotes, subject to correction and approval by the Admins and Team Stooge members.  Frankly, I don't know why that hasn't occured to me before, but better late than never.

Offline Bangsmith

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I keep trying to post fan reviews, and to rate episodes, but that part of the site does not recognize me as a member. I've been logging on fine, and I have full access to the boards, but when I try to rate a short, the window tells me I must log in and be a member, and the link to create a fan review is missing altogether. Is it the site, or my browser? This just started today.
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline shemps#1

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I have no problem doing so. Try logging out and logging back in on the board then go to that section and try again.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Bangsmith

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Still a no-go. I even rebooted my computer. Everything else is fine, except the fan comments section. All the other websites I visit are 100% operational. I guess I'll try again tomorrow. I'd get Firefox if I could, but this is my work computer.
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Bangsmith

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Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I am now on a different computer, and I'm having the same problem.
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline shemps#1

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It looks like Dunrobin is going to have to look into it for you. He's the one who handles the technical aspects, while I handle more of the administrative duties.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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I keep trying to post fan reviews, and to rate episodes, but that part of the site does not recognize me as a member. I've been logging on fine, and I have full access to the boards, but when I try to rate a short, the window tells me I must log in and be a member, and the link to create a fan review is missing altogether. Is it the site, or my browser? This just started today.

Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I am now on a different computer, and I'm having the same problem.

If it was the web site itself, everyone would be having the same problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  (IS anyone else running into this?)  Having that same problem on 2 different computers has me a bit puzzled, unless they are configured the same.  It sounds like your browser's security level isn't accepting the site's cookies; you might want to check there.

Offline Bangsmith

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If it was the web site itself, everyone would be having the same problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  (IS anyone else running into this?)  Having that same problem on 2 different computers has me a bit puzzled, unless they are configured the same.  It sounds like your browser's security level isn't accepting the site's cookies; you might want to check there.
[pot] Thanks, you're a genius!! That was exactly the problem; everything's OK now. It's strange how it just started happening without my having changed the settings, but I fixed it and all is well! Thanks!! [pot]
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Dunrobin

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I'm glad that was all it was.  If your company is anything like the bunch I work for, the settings might have been changed remotely by your IS/IT department through an update. 

Tech types tend to assume (rightly!) that most users are idiots, so they like to keep things locked down to avoid problems from occuring or spreading throughout the network.  I can understand and appreciate that, but they rarely take into account that some of us know what we're doing, so they deploy lockdowns universally, without exempting the ones who are competent.

Offline Bangsmith

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I'm glad that was all it was.  If your company is anything like the bunch I work for, the settings might have been changed remotely by your IS/IT department through an update. 

Tech types tend to assume (rightly!) that most users are idiots, so they like to keep things locked down to avoid problems from occuring or spreading throughout the network.  I can understand and appreciate that, but they rarely take into account that some of us know what we're doing, so they deploy lockdowns universally, without exempting the ones who are competent. 
[violin] Yes, they are that way! I was told that that's what must have happened by a coworker. [banghead]
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!


  • Guest
I don't have the same exact problem as Bangsmith, but I am unable to post a comment. When I click on "Add Review," nothing happens. This happens on my home computer. When I try it at work, it works fine. For some reason, when I use my home computer, I can't post a fan comment. It's strange because this has never happened before the upgrade.

Offline Dunrobin

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That's odd - nothing actually changed for posting comments (just for moderating them afterwards.)  What browser do you use at home?  If it's IE, try downloading Firefox and see if that works better (which it certainly should.)


  • Guest
I just solved the problem. My Norton Internet Security was blocking the pop-up. I turned it off and now it works. The reason why this problem never happened before was because my Norton never used to have Anti-Spam. When I upgraded it, I bought one with Anti-Spam, which had a pop-up blocker. Thanks anyway for the help.

Offline Pat The Stooge

My problem is I basically keep trying to find the link I need to post fan comments on the episodes, but everytime I click the eyepoke the window refuses to open up.

Where do you go to post fan reviews?


  • Guest
Yeah, that's strange. There's supposed to be an "Add Review" link that you click on, but it's not there anymore.
[edit]It seems that the "Add Review" link only appears on certain computers. When I visited this site at work, it didn't show up, but now when I checked it out at home, it's there. Try using a different computer and see what happens. That's the only thing I can tell you.[/edit]

Offline michele

I love the 3 stooges thank you for this great on line experienc,e STOOGES forever :laugh:

Offline Moron4392

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I would like to direct my sort of stupid question to anyone out there.  I have read the instructions on how to post your comments (very self explanitory and reasonable) on the different Stooges episodes, but where do you go to make your comments when you want to?  If I have overlooked it please forgive me.

Diane Hoekstra


Offline Dunrobin

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...where do you go to make your comments when you want to?

Below the episode description is a row of tabs containing more information about the film or short, such as the cast and crew credits.  The last one on the right holds the Fan Reviews submitted for that episode (see Figure 1, below.)  Click on the tab to read the reviews and submit your own.

If you are logged in, you will see a link on the right that says "Add Review"  (see Figure 2, below.)  That link will open a pop-up window where you can write your review.  If you have already have a review on the episode, you also have the opportunity to modify it.

NOTE:  If you don't see the "Add Review" link (or "Modify" button on your review), it means that the code doesn't see you as being logged in.  For some reason the forum can show you as being logged in after you've been away from the site, but the rest of the pages don't always do so.  The solution is fairly simple, though; just log out of the forum and then log back in.  That will rewrite the site's cookie, and the rest of the site should be able to see it as well.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (Mr. Dunrobin):

Just would like to thank you for taking your time to answer my question of posting reviews it was very nice of you and I do appreciate it alot.

In closing may you and your family have a very Blessed Merry Christmas and may 2008 be a great year for all.

Thank You

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]


Offline Dunrobin

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Happy to help!   ;D

Actually, it is a little less obvious since I added the "tabbed" feature to the episode pages, which is why I took the time to make the screenshots.  I imagine others will have the same question.   ;)

In closing may you and your family have a very Blessed Merry Christmas and may 2008 be a great year for all.

Thank you very much, and I wish the same in return for you and yours!  [santa_grin]