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Banned shows????
Continuing the "Mammy" references, I remember the superstation in Chicago when they showed the short "Slaphappy Sleuths" they left in the line when Moe got his face blacked out when Emil Sitka started his jalopy and Larry said "Why don't you sing Mammy" and Moe responded with "Why don't you shut up" and I've seen the other where he just says the shut up line with it silenced. When you know the line is coming and then its not there you feel cheated. I'm not insenitive but history is history and times have changed so once all these are available in the full length, then it won't bother me so much. Hmm, popcorn out of a tailpipe lol.
--- Quote from: Curley91 on November 27, 2007, 05:05:48 PM ---Another 'mammy' joke that often gets scissored is Curly's routine in "All The World's A Stooge." I've never actually seen the edited print, but I've heard that it has showed up on a few TV stations. Was it ever on TBS?
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Yeah, but the mammy bit was there when I've seen it (TBS, anyway... and years ago!). Could've been censored later, though, and I missed it since I stopped watching them on that channel. Maybe they overlooked it for a while since there's no blackface to coincide?
Incidentally, I forgot to mention that, in the censoring of Three Pests in a Mess, the word "porter" was silenced, as well. That's when Moe, face blackened with ink, bumps into Larry in the hallway, and Larry barks, "What's the idea, porter?!"
--- Quote from: IFleecem on November 27, 2007, 06:23:45 PM ---Continuing the "Mammy" references, I remember the superstation in Chicago when they showed the short "Slaphappy Sleuths" they left in the line when Moe got his face blacked out when Emil Sitka started his jalopy and Larry said "Why don't you sing Mammy" and Moe responded with "Why don't you shut up" and I've seen the other where he just says the shut up line with it silenced. When you know the line is coming and then its not there you feel cheated.
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Oh, god! The copy I have from the Family Channel cuts all that entirely! No popcorn from the tailpipe, no soot, no overinflated tire! Emil starts to enjoy popcorn from his hat and, suddenly, the popping stops and Porcupine tells him, "Okay, Mister! Take it away!"
Edit: For anyone interested, here's a clip of Slaphappy Sleuths (a 16 minute clip of the whole, uncut thing, actually):
Slaphappy Sleuths 116 MB
Not to put too fine a point on it, but, censoring sucks!
The one shot I remember be editing out of Uncivil Warriors was the shot of the black baby!
When my family began taping The Stooges off Chicago Fox 32 in 1990, we noticed numerous editing techniques by the station. They would bleep out the occasional "Jap" line and even in HIGHER THAN A KITE, a "German" reference by Vernon Dent. During the Saturday mornings, they would show two full episodes, and to fill in the remaining 8-minute time slot, chop the hell out of a third short to complete the schedule. I actually taped several of these shorts and can't recall why I bothered! Some hacked episodes included THE YOKE'S ON ME, NO DOUGH, BOYS, THEY STOOGE TO CONGA, THREE MISSING LINKS, and SOME MORE OF SOMOA. The last two were for the black natives and the rest for the WW2 stereotypes. Other chopping included deleting the black maid from TERMITES OF 1938 and the "Mammy" scene from THREE PESTS IN A MESS. Episodes that were NEVER shown on Fox 32 included BACK TO THE WOODS, UNCIVIL WAR-BIRDS, THREE ARABIAN NUTS, YOU NATZY SPY, and I'LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN.
Then in 1992, they began showing the Stooges on WPWR 50, and they showed the FULL episodes! It was then that I went to re-recording these shorts to have them in their entirety. HOOOORRRRAAAAAYYYYY!
I know this is many years later but that is not true. Hitler actually loved both of those shorts. Moe actually got a letter from Hitler. If you can immagine that.
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