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Banned shows????
Hammond Eggar:
Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems that They Stooge to Conga was banned. If not banned, then certainly taken out of rotation by many stations over the use of excessive violence. The shoe spike-in-the-eye bit was pretty rough, even by Stooges standards. As for racial clips, it seems I've seen edited copies of Termites of 1938 aired due to the African-American maid who looks up the phone number for the ACME Escort service. [pie]
Moe Hailstone:
The only short that I have recorded that had any censoring to it was "Three Arabian Nuts". When Shemp would talk to the Genie, they would make the word he said silent. I never knew what it was until I read on this site that he's calling the Genie "Amos". Seems like a lame censor job to me.
Yes, They Stooge To Conga was rarely seen in the 90's I know. Think I saw it once on a crappy station with lousy reception (mostly audio as the video left much to be desired) but I remember the title screen. The editing on this short is what I think bans it sometimes. In the original script I heard that the spike (tv?) was supposed to gouge Moe's ear once but not go into his eye. I heard that it was supposed to be edited out of the final print.
I Fleecem
I actually mentioned this in a post way back but let me repeat. Growing up in the early 60's I'd watch the Stooges 3 every morning and loved 'em. Anyway my favorite was Uncivil Warriors and when Moe comes back with the baby you can tell that they cut something out, but it was done well. Can you imagine my shock when years later I'm watching this on some station and they show the little kid and what Moe says about having him down the beach all summer. I nearly fell off my chair and my sister, who watched them with me, still can't believe how it was edited back then.
In Movie Maniacs I grew up with the edited version ever since I can remember and never knew any different. When they show the stooges showing what they know about kissing with the girls and one of the girls gives Curley a long smooch, I couldn't believe they cut it out for years. Since I had only seen the edited version I'm surprise that version was still around. In the one with Slip and they're on a train when the lion goes after the guy shining shoes, that scene when he's screaming out the window was cut but only recently. I was surprised to see recently Some More of Somoa and Hi ya Amos Hi Ya Andy how's lightning.
Waldo Twitchell:
I taped the shorts off local TV in Las Vegas back in the early 80s. They showed all 190 films as I recall, but three prints had edits - Three Little Sew and Sews, Cookoo Cavaliers and I Can Hardly Wait. The former had a scene at the beginning with Curly drinking from a jug of gasoline and making a comment about Prohibition. Cavaliers was missing the scene of Curly's routine serving a drink behind the bar (just after the Stooges arrived in Cucaracha).
I Can Hardly Wait had a line cut when the Stooges arrive at the dentist to have Curly's tooth pulled.
I recall that TBS in Atlanta had these scenes intact in their prints from the mid-80s or so, at least for 3 Little Sew and Sews. These scenes were also uncut in the VHS releases which came out in the late 80s/early90s? There were 3 shorts per tape with a tagline of "Uncouth!" "Uncut!"
So, I had watched these shorts for several years with those missing scenes.
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